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Airsoft questions in the hunting gun section: why not, they're all real guns?

Okay, I just posted the question for flame bait 'cause it's slow at work today. The REAL question is, we've all seen kiddies who play too much COD and daydreaming they're somehow playing in the big leagues by posting questions about their airsoft toys in the hunting section. What is the best wiseguy response you've ever read or posted to one of these kiddie's questions?

It's probably the response you were going to instinctively post when you saw this question. Best answer goes to the best wise **** response!


To Phyxsion: That's true of course, and I'll never be one who knocks whatever our servicemen deem fit to use to wind down....but that said, I can't believe a warrior who can field strip an M4, or who can reach out and touch an insurgent with a Barrett a mile away, is going to be clueless enough to be posting questions about airsoft toys in a forum that discusses real weapons.

11 Answers

  • C T M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My personal favorite:

    Have mommy drive you to the nearest toy store, make sure to hold mommies hand in the parking lot, don't run off and get hit by a car.

    Once you get safely in the toy store, have mommy ask the nice sales lady about this toy you're asking about. The nice lady will know more about your toy than we do here in the HUNTING section.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have probably answered 1,500 airsoft questions,I do not remember the best one.

    I hate airsoft and everything about it,I have held one airsoft gun and im very ashamed of it,atleast I didn't shoot it.

    I cannot remember what my answer was and I spend so much time here I cannot find it but I recently came up with something along the lines of

    Step one:Put airsoft gun behind mommy's van before she leaves for work

    Step two:Throw pieces away

    Step three:Have mommy slap you as hard as possible,if done correctly this should trigger puberty

    Step Four:Get a real gun

    Step five:You get hair on your chest

    That isn't exactly what the answer was but it was along those lines,I like it.

    Source(s): My cousin is one of the "airsofters",he thinks he is a badass with his little 1911.
  • august
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    While I do sometimes answer with a rude answer, my general answer is something like:

    "Hi! Welcome to the Hunting section of Yahoo! Answers. Here we discuss hunting and real guns. Most of the people here do not know anything about airsoft guns, and don't particularly want to, either. You'd likely get a better answer by asking in the 'Other- Outdoor Recreation' section.

    Have a nice day!"

    And if someone decides to be an idiot and get mad because no one wants to answer his question, I generally release the full power of my sarcasm generator.

  • C_F_45
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This type question gets asked about once a week.

    The simple solution is to skip any question you're not interested in.

    I don't trip blind people, I don't kick three legged dogs and I don't see any good reason to flame anyone whose question, by accident or choice appears in YA "Hunting".

    I have answered questions in this category on shooting marbles, and I don't mean they were using marbles as targets. Though when I clicked on the question, that's what I assumed it was about.

    I don't see the advantage in insulting anyone**

    **unless they're a royal ****** and have it coming :))

    One of those little snots might be a Supreme Court Justice someday. And recall the time I made fun of his asking can I kill a buffalo with my airsoft sniper gun

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  • 9 years ago

    I hope you guys realize that a lot of veterans and active military personnel play airsoft. It's a great way to transition from war to civilian life. It's used for training, mil-sim, and just recreational purposes. If you're going to belittle airsofters, you're also belittling the great men and women who fight to protect this country.

    Granted, there are a bunch of idiot kids who airsoft and don't know crap about anything. But don't categorize them with the proud men and women of the military. I don't care that you hunt helpless game, don't be condescending. To each his own.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    My typical response is:

    This is the hunting section, no one here knows, or cares to learn, anything about airsoft guns.

    If you seek productive answers, I recommend the "Toy" section, or if you are too proud, the "Other-Outdoor Recreation" section.

  • ZERO76
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    i dont answer wise unless someone asks illegal questions

    there is no reason to belittle these guys for yahoo not having a proper section for them

    by that account we should pounce on all the persons asking about weapons not used for hunting like combat handguns and fully auto weapons. ( no self respecting hunter would hunt anything other than known man eater with full auto)

  • 9 years ago

    im more of an unrealistic purist. if i had my way, firearms questions would be in outdoor recreation too. as it is, you wade through about 15 "gun" questions to get to one question that actually pertains to hunting. the ratio fluctuates, but the overall theme of the category isnt hunting anymore. its guns.

  • 9 years ago

    I sometimes point out they should trade their toy in for a.............

    4 mega watt plasma pulse laser rifle with under slung 40mm tampon launcher.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    People here poke fun at air rifles too but you can actually use air rifles for pest control inside and outside.

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