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Shannon Maye asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

You know that stallion who shouldn't be a stallion?

This is more of a rant than a question. I know I'm no conformational guru. But, I'm making an attempt to learn. And, even I know some of these horses should not have the ability to reproduce.

How is that winning ribbons? Another question, is how does a horse possibly look like that while being HYPP N/N?

What stallions just irk you? The ones that you know are conformational wrecks, but somehow their owners market them so that people still want them to cover mares.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's a halter-horse for ya. The sad thing is the damn thing probably IS winning ribbons because halter-horse breeders want their horses to look as bull-doggy as possible.

    I've seen a number of awful stallions, there is never a shortage of them. I've seen a roachbacked, half-positive for Lethal White Syndrome stud offered up for stud for the sole reason that he will "produce white babies." I've seen seen palomino studs excessively crooked legs, I've seen studs that are totally ridiculous crosses that no one would ever want to breed to anyhow and were drop dead UGLY.

    I also know studs who shouldn't be studs because of their attitude. My vet also runs a stud service and some of those monsters he gets in are downright vicious. There's one who's tried to take a chunk out of me more than once, another who no one is allowed to touch but my vet because he WILL throw you into walls as hard as he can. The only reason my vet deals with him is because he's monstrously large and muscular, the stallion can't do anything to him.

    And I know stallions that shouldn't be stallions because of how they're kept. I know one little arab stud, he's a sweet enough guy. Supposedly he's got lines to die for but the horse itself is completely unimpressive. He's not bad looking and there's nothing overtly wrong with him he's just so... average looking. And the few foals he's produced are also average looking and have mental problems. And he was never competed by his previous owners, never won any ribbons and.... well I think his new owners got taken to the cleaners because they think he's worth nearly 16k on his lines alone and I hate to tell them this but nothing is worth 16k on lines alone. Not even arabs.

    Anyhow, there's no paddocks set up so that the poor guy can go outside. Nope, he's stuck in a stall 24/7 and gets to spend maybe an hour running around the indoor arena a week. Yes. One hour of exercise A WEEK, and they wonder why he gets so excited when they take him out of the stall. -_- Poor horse should just be gelded and left out in the pasture where he belongs.

  • 9 years ago

    AQHA halter conformation is a travesty to the equine species. These horses are bred based on some senseless warped muscle-head aesthetic that has no practical application and predisposes a horse to unsoundness.

    And yes, as someone mentioned earlier, just one of many atrocities AQHA is responsible for... their puppy mill-style breeding record is another disgrace to the equine industry.

    So to answer your question, I'd say about 90% of AQHA stallions.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That's your typical halter QH, and imo they're all terrible, because for some reason that's what halter has turned into. ><

    He's not AAAHHHH!!!!, I mean, you'll find MUCH worse winning ribbons in AQHA. Trust me, he ain't the worst... AQHA halter is gross.

    But maaan those tiny legs. He's got like, no bone (and no wonder, he's so young). Putting that much work and muscle into a horse at that age, he'll be ruined before he could find work outside of the halter class. He'd have potential as a ranch horse but nooo, let's waste him as a pointless halter stud. Cut back that insane mass and he might be okay at a few things.

    All that bulk doesn't hide the fact his neck is teeny and he's quite camped under (which you can see really well in that very last picture). At least he's not downhill and is pretty square...

    Nnnn I hate how he's being called "sorrel" when he's obvs a liver chestnut. RRRR ppl.

  • 9 years ago

    To me they always look like they're bred for meat. Everything you can't eat (leg bones, feet...) is tiny tiny and everything you could eat (hams!!, loins!! etc.) is absolutely huge.

    And they're kept in stalls so they can't waste any calories doing anything but packing on the meat.

    AQHA has a lot to answer for. HYPP, HERDA, these halter horses, peanut rollers... For an organization dedicated to the betterment of the QH, they sure do a lousy job.

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  • Alice.
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    He has a pencil neck and looks like a bulldog everywhere else. What the heck are they feeding this horse, and how the heck are the exercising him??? Even with his conformation he could look better than that...maybe? People are funny. Have you looked up paint stallions?? They have no conformation, just colour. It gets under my skin how people go "look at my paint stud, he has such pretty patterns!!" and you look down and see a club foot and pigeon toe. I just want to jump up and down screaming "make it stop!!!!!!"

  • 9 years ago

    Heck, at least he has WON something.

    Yup, halter horses are nasty. They aren't ideal for working conformation, but that's what they're going to breed for because that is what is winning. At least this stallion is proven in the show ring for his discipline.

    Much better than the studs who are never shown, just bred because they're a son of some big name out of a weak mare line.

  • 9 years ago

    It is about time the American Quarter Horse Association drew the line at allowing approved judges at affiliated shows, to place horses like this.

    If this were to happen then breeding of these animals would halt within a couple of years.

  • 9 years ago

    Gag hes like a bulldog horse hybrid:P AQHA has nearly ruined horses.Western pleasure and halter pleasure horse=sniffin the dirt halter=stock conformational mess

    i wouldnt choose him as a stud!

    Fennec Fox-I searched him and god forbid he is ugly

    Source(s): AQHA has went down the shitter
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I've seen worse. But I can honestly say I despise AQHA halter. The over sized rumps with tiny itty bitty post legs that look like they could snap at any second... Not my style.

    He's well groomed though. Lol

    AQHA has gone down the shithole if you ask me.

  • 9 years ago

    Dont you just love a well bred Halter horse? :)

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