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Lv 624,360 points

Shannon Maye

Favorite Answers50%
  • Bit Experts... What is this?

    I got this bit as part of a lot that I bought. I've never seen one quite like this one before. I can understand how it works. But has anyone ever had something quite like this? What would you call that link in the middle? (It's not a french link or a bean...) What would you call the whole bit, really?

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Looking for the impossible... a low cost and high quality saddle?

    Oliver has his own saddle and pad. There's just one small problem with them, for me. It's a barrel saddle. I don't have anything against western (that's all I did for a long time), but I've been riding english a lot more lately.

    I've been using one of the lesson saddles, but it doesn't fit him right. He has dry spots on his back when I'm done riding. (Although I'm not sure if that's just from me not working him enough to get a whole sweat going...) Either way, I'm looking to get a saddle of my own for him (and possibly another horse).

    Does anybody have a recommendation on a good saddle? I was leaning towards a wintec AP saddle, but I'm not sure. I'm possibly going to a show or two (just little local things), so should I look for something more "traditional"?

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What would you be willing to pay?

    Project Polo is starting. The fleece is on the way.

    I'm trying to determine prices, though. It will cost me roughly $10 per pair to make them. That being said, I was going to make my original price $12 or $13 for the pair. Not too much of a mark up, but enough to keep me going.

    I'm thinking about donating to a horse-related nonprofit (currently still unknown, maybe along the lines if United Pegasus or CANTER). Would $20 a pair be a ridiculous amount if $5 per pair was going to the nonprofit? Or would it be better to do $15 with only $2 per pair going to the nonprofit?

    My basic question... should I donate to a nonprofit with this project of mine? If so, what price would you be willing to pay? And, what organizations would you like to see on the list?

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Polo Wraps... what do you like?

    I'm thinking about starting to make polo wraps at home as a little "side job" to sell at tack swaps (or on ebay...). That being said, I'm obviously going to have to make some practice wraps before I start actually trying to make a few cents off of them. Any ideas for colors/patterns (I'm leaning more towards patterns since you can buy plain colored polos anywhere)?

    I know I'm not going to make much (if anything) off of them. And I know they can't be as easy to make as they seem. But, I figure it will keep me occupied. So, what colors/patterns would make you consider buying?

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • Would it be worth it?

    I'm looking to haul Oliver to a show this summer. Just a local schooling show. He's made a lot of progress and I want to show him off a little. I think he'd do really well in pleasure/equitation classes. The only downfall right now is that he doesn't have a lope down (yet). He has a great walk and a great jog, but the lope... is more like a barrel horse.

    Here's where my problem lies. The show I'm thinking of going to is the end of July, so I have time to work on the lope more. They have walk/jog 13 and over classes for equitation and pleasure. So, basically, at this point, I'd be having him hauled about a half hour away for two classes. If we get the lope down, I could probably enter 5 classes (which would be worth it). There's no cross-entering allowed (of course). I can settle him into a nicely paced english canter (which would mean he could do open english pleasure/equitation, but not western).

    Basically, at this point, should I even talk to his owners about hauling to a show this summer? I'd like to give them plenty of time to think about the idea (even though they would probably be all for it). But, since I'm not sure if we'll be prepared, I don't know if I should bother bringing it up yet.

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Barn staff and boarders?

    If you board, what do you expect the staff to do for you? I know it depends on what type of boarding you are doing, but as a general thought.

    If you're staff, what do you do for your boarders? Is there a line between being helpful and being used?

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Best way to stretch field boots?

    I finally bought a pair of tall boots. I figured the zip-ups would be easier (and they were clearanced). Of course, ordering online, it was iffy about getting them to fit right. Needless to say, they're a bit too tight. They aren't tight enough to warrant me getting the next bigger size, since they should stretch as I wear them. They just need to be a hair wider so I can get them on comfortably to break them in. What's everyone's favorite way to stretch them? I've been told a few different methods, and just want some more opinions.

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What is your bit of choice?

    The HS seems slow today. So, I've been thinking about bits.

    What bit do you use with your horse?

    What made you try that bit?

    Why do you think it works for your horse?

    How long did it take you to find the "right" bit for your horse?

    Do you have a special noseband, too? If you do, why?

    Do you use a different bit for shows than you do at home?

    Tons of questions, I know. But, curiosity has gotten the best of me.

    19 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Just what everyone wants to see... another bit question?

    I'm looking to try out a different bit on Oliver. Right now he has a jointed kimberwick, but I feel like it's too much for him. He's not the most... willing to move... to put it nicely. I feel like this bit has way too much "woah" for him. I want to get him in some sort of snaffle to see if it would have any effect on his willingness to move forward, especially on contact. But, I'm indecisive as to what kind of snaffle to try.

    ^ the current bit

    ^ a couple of my options... I'm so indecisive.

    Should I go with a single joint or a french link? I know he's used to the single joint, but I know french links are supposed to be "easier" on the mouth. Dee ring? Eggbutt? Full cheek?

    I like to think I'm pretty well educated on shank bits, but the different types of snaffles aren't my forte. I know enough to get by, but I'd like some other input on what bits work with what horses and why you think they do.

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • If you had the perfect mare...?

    So, hypothetical breeding time.

    You have your ideal mare. Perfect for you in every way. Bloodlines to die for, built like a dream, attitude of a saint, and always cleans up the ribbons.

    You have all the proper knowledge, money, and time to breed her. What stallion would you choose? Why would you pick him?

    Really, I just want to know everyone's favorite stallions (because I know we all have one on the inside).

    14 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • You know that stallion who shouldn't be a stallion?

    This is more of a rant than a question. I know I'm no conformational guru. But, I'm making an attempt to learn. And, even I know some of these horses should not have the ability to reproduce.

    How is that winning ribbons? Another question, is how does a horse possibly look like that while being HYPP N/N?

    What stallions just irk you? The ones that you know are conformational wrecks, but somehow their owners market them so that people still want them to cover mares.

    15 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Paddock boots... Field boots... Help?

    I bought a pair of paddock boots about a year ago. They're falling apart already (since I bought a pretty low quality pair). Now I'm on the hunt for boots... again. I'm debating between paddock boots or field boots. I do plan on starting to show IHSA huntseat, so tall boots will be required. But, I really don't have the money for them right now. I'm torn between buying a cheap pair of paddock boots now and just using my half chaps (even though I can't show in them) or just waiting and buying a pair of field boots.

    What boots do you have / have you had? What do you recommend? Should I go for another pair of paddock boots (better quality than the last ones, of course)? Or wait and try to find some tall boots?

    I've been using my paddock boots for all of my riding lately, since my ropers just went after 2 years of me beating on them. I'd love to get the field boots, but I don't know how well they would hold up to all of my riding as well as the few shows I make it to a year. Also, has anyone ever worn tall boots riding western? I know it's a silly question, but I've never heard of it being done, and am curious how comfortable it would be until I could get another pair of ropers (if I go with tall boots).

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What would you be most interested in?

    I know a lot of you guys are either on a college equestrian team, have been, or want to be. So, most of you know how important fund raising is. We're trying to come up with some new ideas instead of the same old, not horse related, stuff.

    We've done all the candy sales and that sort of thing. All the stuff that's directed towards non-horsepeople. But, since we are an equestrian team, we figured a horse related fund raiser would get two birds with one stone; raise some money and get horse people in the area to realize that we exist.

    What kind of things would you buy or attend if you knew the proceeds were going to an equestrian team? Painted horseshoes? Homemade treats? Tack swaps? What would catch your eye?

    9 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Black Mouth equals Pedigree Cat?

    My step-grandparents came over for Thanksgiving dinner today. One of our cats was actually being social enough for her to see him. She asked if he was pedigreed. We all just kind of laughed and told her that he wasn't. We took this cat (and his sister) in from outside two winters ago.

    She went on saying how the roof of his mouth has some black in it (the gums/roof are partially black), so he had to be at least partially "pedigree" cat. I don't see how this is even remotely accurate.

    I'm assuming it's old folklore that "pedigree cats have black mouths and 'non-pedigree' cats have pink mouths", true? Or is there some truth to this idea? Curiosity has gotten the best of me.

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Picking up the wrong lead... on the lunge?

    The horse I've been with recently has been giving me some trouble when I ask for the lope (read as bucking). He's never really been good at picking up his leads, which I just chalked up to being unbalanced. He's been a trail horse most of his life, so the whole idea of arena work is kind of foreign to him.

    Originally, he was doing fine. He was having trouble with counter bending his turns which caused him to pick up the wrong lead sometimes. He never gave me trouble about picking it up; he just got a bit confused. The past couple rides, though, he has started bucking when I ask him to pick up either lead.

    Today, I lunged him to see if he was struggling without me. As I was lunging him to the right, he picked up the left lead. I was a little concerned by this. He didn't buck or act like it hurt whenever he went either direction, but picking up the wrong lead has me a little worried. Should I be? Or should I just chalk it up to a fluke?

    I did rule out lameness. He's sound at all three gaits. No swelling or heat in the legs or hooves. No tack changes. I'm thinking about having an equine massage therapist or equine chiropractor out as a Christmas gift for his owners (having him/her work on both of their horses). Would that be a good idea for this horse's sake?

    Could it be a conformational issue? (I know none of these pictures are good conformation pictures, but they are all I have.)

    8 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Cribbing. How do you feel about it?

    I started thinking about this at work today. We have a serious cribber (in the matter of time it took me to fill his water buckets, he cribbed on his stall guard 7 times). I got to thinking about what kind of issues cribbing can cause and different ways to stop cribbers.

    How do you feel about cribbers? Would you buy one if you knew about it? If you have one, do you make any attempt to deter your horse? What do you think the best cribbing deterrent is? Basically, tell me your thoughts and opinions on it.

    13 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • How to handle a staffing issue?

    I'm second in command at a local haunted attraction. Every year, staffing is one of my major issues. It never fails that someone always calls off last minute.

    This time, I was given advanced notice that one of our main actors would not be there tonight. I found a replacement who seemed very excited about the idea, but his only answer was maybe. Now, I can't get in touch with him. He hasn't answered any of my text messages or phone calls.

    Would it be fair to replace him since I can't contact him? I don't want to replace him in case he shows up on his own. But, at the same time, what if he doesn't show and I have no replacement? He knows when and where to be, but I just don't know if he's going to be there. I'm worried that he will come on his own and then I'll be the "jerk" when he's replaced and has no pay because I couldn't get in touch to make sure he would be there.

    So, my question is... Should I replace my replacement since I can't contact him?

    1 AnswerSmall Business10 years ago
  • What are your favorite places to get show clothes?

    I'm in the process of buying new clothes to show in for school this fall. Right now, I'm more concerned about western show clothes than huntseat clothes since I'm surely going to be showing western and huntseat is on the back burner for the time being.

    As of right now, I have my chaps. I managed to find a really good deal on ebay. But, where do you guys typically go to find your show clothes? I still need a rail jacket and hat. I've been searching ebay, and have a bid on one right now (but I always manage to lose since I'm never home when the bidding ends).

    6 AnswersHorses10 years ago