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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 9 years ago

I think my boyfriends cheating and not sure how to handle this ?

My boyfriend came over my house today and I caught him looking at his online dating profile on his cellphone. I caught him a few weeks ago texting another girl that he says their just friends. I'm getting really pissed now because everytime we talk about it. He claims he's only texting and talking to other women as friends and not cheating in anyway. I have a feeling he is but I still have feelings for him but I about had it with him going behind my back like this again and again especially when I was really sick and he comes over and looking on his online dating profile at other women and trying to hide it from me. I told him to stop but he kept doing it.

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    sounds like he is. if you told him to stop, and he continues to do it, dump him. you deserve so much better. if you break up with him now, it will save the heartache in the futher. i know it will be hard at first, but time heals wounds. listen to your gut hun because usually it's right.

  • 9 years ago

    well give him cudos for being honest in saying he has an online dating site still.the alley cat.. i mean come on hes with you??? he should drop the dam dating site out of respect to give u 2 a chance so theres your answer doll.

    he is playing the field

    and if he hasnt he will be apparently he isnt happy unless she is wanted.. BIG TIME>. all the time. i mean come on its in your face. i say either take him as he is part time lover an let him do what he thinks he needs to do to get it all out of his system to see if hes really loves u and wants u or lose him.

    personally im fed up with guys saying they have to go home a certain time as they need to get myspace fix or facebook or plentyoffish,com chiks to hit them up ego trips. i am better then 2nd rate are you?? are u ready to settle for a louse typing to ladies while in the company of you are u not hearing what u just wrote??? give him up he can have all the girls on the site i mean thas plain rude and no respect ok no respect for u at least he should have the decency to be more private. he sounds like a homeboy on the go go u know? or some body not for you as your upset. an u dont deserve this. ok i would not call text type look at another guy if im happy with a guy in my presence on a date or chilling period. its called class. and knowing the company i keep is a- ok im happy but apparently he aint. so drop his sorry butt how would he like it if u had some one texting u during a kiss with him or um have a gf call u pretend shes a he an see how he likes it an then uh oh u have to go sorry an go...... see how he likes it to much drama in dating on texting dating sites etc .. time is precious.. seriously

    you could be evil an remember his dating site name. open up an account and say u would like to meet him see if he shows up then when he does.. u get a girl , that he dont know to go and wait for him there. and then he walks over to her smiles hey baby hows u blah blah then come out from behind hiding an say f off jerk..u got him bam snagged he cheated in his heart same thing.. time is time- i did that to mine he was so stupid fell for it his ego big.. so give that a try if all else fails and u cant decide what to do ..

    Source(s): been there
  • 9 years ago

    Your the sap that is allowing this to continue and he knows it. You told him to stop because you don't like it but if he really cared about you and wasn't just seeing you as a notch on his belt he wouldn't be doing it in the first place. I know you say you care about him but unless you want to change your name to Matt and get walked all over and possibly some STD because he is screwing around with others, then you need to toss this loser to the curb and find a real man that will love you and not just himself.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Why the heck has he a dating profile when he has a relashionship with you???

    At first tell him to delete his dating profile or he will really need it in a while because you will break up with him....

    second ask him if he would like it when you would text with other boys all the time....!

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  • 9 years ago

    Even if you love him, obviously he doesn't. If he does, you alone would be an enough reason not to look at others. It might hurt your feelings but why stay in a relationship where you're cheated. Just effing leave him. He don't deserve you, I'm sure you'll get over him.

  • 9 years ago

    this sounds physco and crazy but.. make a fake online profile page (the website that he uses) and find a BEAUTIFUL pic of a women and claim to be that women on the website and see how far he goes talking to this made up women?

  • 9 years ago

    If he doesn't make you happy, leave him. Don't mess around with people that mistreat you're heart and don't mistreat someone elses heart. Just do what you love. He obviously doesn't care about you enough to respect and listen to your opinion, and if he did he would stop. If he loved you, he wouldn't be talking to all these girls, an lying. If he cheats on you, he's not worthy of you.

  • 9 years ago

    um you should always go with the voice that's in your head. and if he love you he wouldn't be doing that he would be by your side instead of talking to other female he does love you i feel you should leave him your better then that i know you have feelings for him but you just don't deserve that at all

  • 9 years ago

    Sweetheart you're worth more than this definitely cheating boyfriend. Have been there, done that, wasted so much time on loser men. There are so many kind, thoughtful men out there. Go find yourself one, you're worth it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well he doesnt respect you at all hes not even trying to be sneaky about it just dump him stop wasting your time

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