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  • Restraining order against my dad? 17?

    I'm 17 and my parents are divorced. I live with my dad (for the past 8 years without my mom living there) and I'm moving in with my mom now but I dont think that's enough. He is legitly crazy. He comes home and FREAKS. he calls me the meanest names ever, he says I'm a wh0re, and that I'm gonna be stuck with a black ni88er, and the straight up terrible mean things. He is bi polar and everyone in my family hates him. I seriously get scared when I'm by him. Can I file for a restraining order? There might be records of his abuse from my mom before they got divorced. Please help :/ this is a daily struggle for me.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Any hot guys wanna text?

    Ages 16-19 :)

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can someone help me with anxiety?

    Hi I'm katie.

    I'm 17 and I'm in high-school. For the past 6 months or so IV changed. I use to be the smartest kid you could know. I was a normal teenage girl. I loved putting makeup on, doing my hair, and thought I was top ****. But now.. it's different. I spend my free time on my couch and I can't stand my family. Like I yell and cuss them out daily. This ISN'T like me. And I'm not being 100% faithful to my current bf. Usually, I fall in love with my bfs, you can call me 'clingy' with them and I'm not with him and I do love him a lot so I don't know why I'm not Cligy with him. And I'm always worried. I feel like I'm always doing something bad. Like my heart. Starts raising for no reason out of the blue. I'm always afraid I'm going to get sick. I wont sit next to someone really close cause I'm afraid I'll smell or throw up. I don't try on test anymore cause I know I'll fail them so why even try? I work but I always feel like I'm a annoyance to everyone cause no one talks to me.. I fall a lot cause I kinda feel numb all over. I think I'm stuck in depression/anxiety but I'm scared to get help... I work out and eat healthy. Anyone please help me? Please don't say stress cause I know its not.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What do i say when i host?

    Does this sound dumb?

    Welcome to red Lobster.

    Dining for ___? (Number of people I see)

    Then while walking to their table..

    Ask: how are you guys today?

    Then what?

    Today is my first day

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Ways to make my bf happy? ideas?

    Hi I'm almost 18 and I'm dating this boy almost 18 too. We've dating for a little more than a month but been BEST friends for 3 years. I am already super sweet to him but I want to make him feel super special in every way possible. Is there anything I can do while kissing? Like touching his hair or anything a Guy may like secretly? Or is there anything I can do around him (like cuddle or kiss a lot) that he might like a lot? Any ideas would help

    Sexual comments are okay, but please don't make then immature. Thank you :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do you think im dyslexic?

    Hi im 17 and in highschool. I am a smart kid. I am a B student and im usually loud and bubbly but for the past 6 months or so its been different. I think im dyslexic. Here are some reasons why I think this.

    1.) iv been so confused lately; like I sometimes forget what my next class is.

    2.) I mix up my words ALOT. like I might say "hey, Im tired so" instead of "im so tired" (its constant)

    3.)I CANNOT consintrate (spelling) in school. Like i space out . The teacher could call on me and I have no clue what was going on.

    4.) I have no enery anyone, cause I feel like when i do try things, I mess up cause I cant think straight anymore.

    5.) Im ALWAYS nervous.

    any comments will help. thank you

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How can I be more socialable?

    Hi I'm 17 and in high-school. I am a very bright, bubbly, sweet, cute girl. I am usually never mean and I will talk to anyone, I'm not a big person to judge. I laugh and respect people as best as I can. I don't blow people off, I am a good friend, and I'm in no drama at all. I have had 3 jobs, I volunteer at a day care, and I flirt with guys a lot (like any normal teenage girl ha). My problem is; no one wants to be my friend. I sit at home alone everyday, all day. I sometimes sit in the library at lunch cause I don't have people to sit by. Half of my friends live in towns 15-20 minutes away, and more guys talk to me than girls. Yes I want a boyfriend but I rather have a best friend that I do everything with. I have done sports, clubs, and even tried hanging/talking to new people. No one wants to talk to me. What should I do? I'm starting to get depressed about this. The only thing that I keep telling myself is that this is JUST high-school. But I do want to have fun when I'm young. Please any comments/suggestions will help. Thanks to everyone who comments.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How do i get rid of my two cats?

    They are 5 and 2-1/2. We love them so much but its beyond disgusting living with them. We don't want to kill them or just let them go in a cornfield because we do have a heart but if that's what we have to do, we will. The reasons why we wanna get rid of them is because

    1.) One sprays and one pees (ones fixed-the younger one) on EVERYTHING. Like we will be sitting there and he'll spray are leg. The other will pee on our counters daily. We clean their litter box every day and we even went to petsmart and bought this $100 plug In to make them stop peeing and spraying. Also we have to hide things we don't want to be ruined and we sleep with our doors close cause they'll pee and spray our mirrors and clothes. Its just a mess.

    2.) They fight and hiss a lot. Its so annoying.

    3.) They'll hide a lot

    4.) They'll eat WAY too much.

    5.)they scratch every single thing

    6.) They jump on everythjng, we even tried cleaning with vinegar to make them stop jumping on thinga.

    And its overall making this household crazy. Its making us all frustrated because they ruin all our stuff

    -this is the first time we owned cats so we here help.

    10 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Is it bad that i want a girl to flirt with?

    I'm about 18 and I'm a girl and I really just want a girl whos a friend who will send pics with me? Ha sounds lesbian I know but idk, I'm just weird like that. I'm honestly straight though.

  • What career path should I follow? im 17?

    hi so im 17 and im very unsure what I want to do after highschool. I am very interested in a few feilds.

    I love






    -and helping people

    So far, I'm thinking of becoming a preschool teacher but I want children of my own some day and I fear that I will get bored of dealing with children at home and at work. Then I though about becoming a vet assistant but I couldn't handle putting poor animals down. Then I thought about becoming a history teacher but I dont know enough about history, I just like learning about it. Then I though about a social worker/probabtion officer but I cant see myself being one of those. Finally, I love ghost and religion. I love the fact that there is 'another world' so I though about majoring in something with that but I'm not sure if that is a smart path to follow. Any comments would be helpfull, a little about is..

    -im super bubbly

    -im smart

    -im nice

    -im helpfull

    -im 'weird'

    -im open to anything

    -i understand people

    -i like adventures

    -i love organization

    so what path should I follow?

  • Can i work in a day care at 17?

    Hi I'm 17, and I'm a junior. I am in career center (a pre college school). I'm currently in child development class for it and by next year I'll have credit to run my own day care. Do you think I could apply for a job now for a day care position ? Thank you

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Im 17, ideas about dating a 20 year old gu?

    Hi I'm 17. My birthday is in may so I'm almost 18. IV had several relationships with guys of the ages 16-18 but none of them worked out. I truly believe its because they aren't mature. I want a boyfriend who is social, smart, works, and mature. I found this Guy and he is super sweet. He wears appropriate clothing, he took a semester of art classes in college, now he Is working everyday at Sears to make money to go back to college, he lives with his parents, and he drives his own truck. He is 20 though. My dad is strick but he expects me to act older than I am. IV had 3 Jobs (McDonald, Wendy's, and now I help my dad at a restaurant in the mall) I own my own car but do not have my license yet due to not having money for insurance yet. I get straight A's and I don't do drugs, drink, or party. I'm a good kid. I hear that I'm a sweetheart and that I'm super mature for my age. How do you guys feel about this situation? Thanks to all comments :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • why cant i get a boyfreind?

    Hi im 17 and I'm having the hardest time getting a boyfriend. Im not trying to sound conceited but I actually do find myself pretty. Im blounde and tall, and I present my self good. I am super bubbly and nice. I feel like I couldnt get any nicer to people. I actually want to become a preschool teacher ha! but I do have a fun flirty side also. I love to have fun and I know my limits. I am honest, funny, and talkative. I actually have to beg guys to talk to me. i always thought girls are suppose to act "hard to get" but really its the complete opposite for me cause no one will talk to me if I dont start a conversationw with a guy. Guys what is wrong with me? If you must see a pic of me, look me up on facebook,

    thanks guys

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • do you think I could become a model?!/katiekinz80/po...

    ^please copy and paste this link to the url bar

    -hopefullly it works lol

    im 5'8


    and "thin" lol

    I want to become like a makeup/commerical model

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Can I switch highschools?

    hi im a junior in highschool, and im 17, and I own my own car but dont have my license yet. I want to swtich to school B. Im currently in school A and I cant stand it for many different reasons. My brother lives in the town where town B is located in. I went to the the school where i want to go for eleven years then I moved to a town right next to it. Can I sign up for school B? (the school i want to go to?) and tell the school I moved in with my brother? Remember im 17 and I live in Illionois. I could drive to school everyday and both of my parents are okay with it. But im not really living with my brother, so how can I prove "I" live there? or do they even ask? thanks everyone!

  • Im 17 and i feel dead?

    Hi I'm 17, a junior in high-school. This may sound weird and funny.. but I feel dead. Like I'm ALWAYS out of it. I space out 24/7 and I get confused with everything. I mix up my words, I forget people's names, I forget what I was saying. You may think this is "ordinary" but seriously it's making me have a headache :( I want myself back. I'm usually bright and bubbly and very open but now I'm depressed, shy, and confused. How can I get myself back? I haven't even hung with people cause I'm embarrassed when I mix up my words. I went to the docter and she said "just take advil when your feeling dizzy". What should I do? :( I hate this.

    10 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Important ex situation. please help. ?

    Hi I'm 17 and my ex is about 17 too. We dated over the summer and it honestly was a Amazing relationship. We didn't cheat, we had so much fun, our families loved each other, I took his virginity, and he talked about me to all his friends (I heard about it all the time). So out of the blue, he dumped me. I was so sad. I sent him a 7 page letter through the mail and cried to him over the phone cause he lives in a different town. He didn't change his mind to date me. He said the reason was that he didn't want a girlfriend. A few weeks went by and he got a new girlfriend. I was mad but oh well. Their anniversary 'marriage' date on Facebook is a day before we ended. He blocked me for like 3 months till now. I'm dating a new kid. My ex knows my new boyfriend. They're kinda like friends but not close. My ex unblocked me on Facebook after I started dating my new boyfriend. I blocked him back though. So just today he messaged my boyfriend 'hey' but they never talk, and havent for a while. On his Facebook his new girlfriend is married to him, not 'in a relationship'. Is he missing me? I know he's being nosey. But obviously there's more to it since he messaged my boyfriend but my boyfriend didn't message back cause I want my ex wondering about my life. I'm not trying to sound rude but I know I'm pretty. I'm tall and blonde. So maybe he feels.guilty for screwing me over? What's your opinion?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Cat pee vs. smoking help?

    Hi, my dad and I just moved in to a new place with his girlfriend. We have two cats and they spray but we just got one fixed just for his new girlfriend. So now one pees, and the other still sprays. We clean it up everyday with bleach and other cleaning products. We also have all hardwood floors so its not soaking in the floor. His girlfriend now, smokes. The original rule was that she can't smoke inside at all cause I have asthma. But she says now since the cats pee and spray in the house she is going to smoke in the house. I can't stand smoke at all, its the most nastiest thing ever. She says cat urine will kill you faster than cigarettes can. I feel like cat urine is bad and nasty to breath but cigarettes are meant to be bad for you and so many people are known to die from them. What should I do about this? Which smell is worse for you? And we just spent $250 to get one cat fixed just for her.

    9 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My ex boyfriend has the nickname "doggy" how can I put that in a fb status?

    I miss him, and we are fb friends. Only him and I know his nick name is doggy, how can I put "doggy" (meaning him) in my fb status? with like I miss you something, without making it look dumb? I want it to look sweet, like only for "him" to understand

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • what should I do to get my boyfriend back?

    So my boyfriend and I broke up a week ago because he said he didnt want a gf. We had sex, we dated for more than 3 months, we never fought, we always were sweet together, he would stay at his aunts just to see me, he said if he lost me that he wouuld cry (before the break up), we were super faithfull, and we honestly made eachother so happy, I would see his fb and he use to tell girls that he has an amazing girlfriend (me), and he would tell his friends about me, he lost his virginity to me, he walked to the mall (3 miles) just to see me. So I begged him if we can work things out but he keeps saying no, We talked and he said we can only be friends. I was so sad, i sent him a 7 page letter to his house consisting of why I love him, why hes important to me, the best memories of him, saying we can work this out. I told him about the letter because the day after I sent it, he called and said we can only be friends, and hes getting the letter tomorrow (it took 3 days to send). What should I do? please dont say give up, because our relationship was rare to find, I know deep deep down, he loves me. He said he missed me during this week, but nothing more than friends. But like I said, our relationship was AMAZING; we were super goofy with eachother, we had the same type of family, he would hold me and give me a 'look' that I knew he loved me. what should I do? please help, im in love with him

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago