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How do you know that God exists?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your failure to prove that He doesn't proves that He does. (I'm smart that kind of way... Knowing that God is real and His love for me is greater than any other, makes me smile when I'm awake and sleep with the greatest of ease.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Let me make this Clear:

    The christian, muslim, jewish, buddhist god doesn't exists they are all interpretations/imaginations of the One True Creator.

    All these versions of god are used by the establishment for their agenda, even if it they meant good it's still a diminished shadow of the real creator.

    I know god exists because I feel and see it in every moment.


    It's like a painter's canvas, where god is the canvas, and everything that exists is the colors on the painting, while the shapes and colors are as they diverse as they are, they all share one thing; that they are connected to the canvas and without the canvas they will not exists.

    God is not a bearded old timer, playing Innie Minnie Minie Moe with our souls. He is the ever expanding canvas that supports the colors as they paint their own destinies.

    That's the best I can do at the moment.

    Source(s): Life. Contemplation.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I do not know that God exists. I think if God did exist, he would figure out a way to make it known to all people, not just those credulous ones who believe ancient myths are real.

  • 9 years ago

    I know he exists because I can feel his prescence all around me. He's been so merciful to me throughout my entire life. One Story- When I was twelve years old my doctors discovered that I had seizure activity going on in my brain. One April night I was sleeping (by the grace of God my parents let my sister sleep with me that night, they never let us sleep in the same bed on school nights because we always stayed up so late talking.) In the middle of the night my sister woke up to the sight of me foaming at the mouth and shaking uncontrollably. The only reason she woke up is because the bed was shaking so much. She immediatly ran to my parents room and they called the ambulance, they found out I had a gran-mal seizure(which could have killed me if I hadnt gotten medical attention so quickly). Now imagine if my parents didnt let my sis sleep with me that night. No one would have heard me, and I could have died. I see that only as Gods grace being with me and my family, and its been there all my life. I KNOW for a fact that he exists.

    Source(s): Christian
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  • 9 years ago

    no one knows it, they simply believe that God exists. it certainly is a lot more hopeful to believe in a god though, and studies have shown that religious people are happier than atheists.

  • 9 years ago

    God does exist. Do you want to see him? WIth what? With your eyes? I think your would say "Yes. With my eyes". Eyes is just organ to see and help mind to understand/decide/judge things you are seeing. Open your mind....Know the power of your mind. Mind is so powerful and it has connection to see the world which is internal with in you. Know thyself. Know your soul. Why the whole bunch of people/gurus go for meditation in the east? Know what your can achieve with meditation...check this link....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No evidence means no certainty; religious people just hope their god exists and they hope they are not wasting their lives with delusion.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No one knows and if they claim to they are selling something (probably Jesus). They don't know they believe, they believe despite the incredible lack of any evidence whatsoever. and why? because they are afraid of what they do not understand and it is more comforting to force yourself to believe that sky daddy is watching out for you because it would just be too scary to be accountable for your own actions (or lack there of).

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i don't know that God exists

    no body can know, you can believe he exist or not believe

    your choice

    their is no certainty in life

  • even though just moments before my salvation I was literally cursing the very idea of God..... when I needed Him, He was there for me..... and I now have His promise of my salvation........ When you know The Truth... you know The Truth

    Source(s): God's promise to me in the instant of my salvation
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