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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationVideo & Online Games · 9 years ago

A few questions about skyrim?

1) Are spell tomes only used once (like scrolls in oblivion)

2) Is there any place in skyrim where it's not always frozen, because it seems like wherever I go there's only blizzards

3) what is the best way to improve your magic

4) how can I make good money?

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1.Spell tomes are books. When you read the book you keep the spell. For example you pick up "Spell Tome: Flames," you read that book and you just learned the spell flames and may use it anytime for as long as you want. (there are still scrolls in skyrim, they are the same in oblvion.)

    2. Around Solitude, Morthaal, Whiterun, Rorikstead, there are large areas you can explore that are green and not frozen.

    3. THe best way to improve your magic is to simply use it. Put it in one hand with a sword in the other, before you know it youre destruction..etc... will pretty high for steady use. Although you can go to the college of winterhold and get direct magic training in certain areas such as destruction, alteration...etc...

    4. There are so many coin purses scattered through skyrim almost every where you go there are coin purses just keep picking them up. The thieves guild (in riften) offer a few quests with rewards in gold.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Skyrim Spell Tomes

  • 9 years ago

    1. Yes. Once you learn a spell the tome disappears.

    2. Whiterun and the area and farms nearby it are probably the greenest looking areas in the game.

    3. Use it. :) If it's destruction, just go out and kill enemies, if it's conjuration, keep conjuring atronachs or raising zombies or whatever or cast soul trap, etc.

    4. A few different ways. Smithing jewelry can bring in good money, or like others have mentioned hunting animals and turning their hides into leather then making hide and leather armor is good too. You can also chop wood and sell it to some people like the lady who runs the tavern in Whiterun, then of course there's dungeon raiding. If you don't mind going the "bad" route, join the thieves' guild or the dark brotherhood and you can make lots of money.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    OK, so...

    1) No, spell tomes can only be used once.

    2) No, not everything is always frozen, although it is the far Northern country of Tamriel.

    3) The easiest way to improve your magic is to either

    --A) Electrocute some wolves. It may sound sadistic, but you go out into the wilderness, with 2 spells equipped, and kill all creatures not human or giant in sight. Don't kill humans because everyone will want to arrest you, and don't kill giants because you can't. One hit will break every bone in your body.

    --B) Go to the Winterhold College. They have teachers and professors there that, if you grease their palms sufficiently, they will train you in magic. Your magic will go up one level in the chosen field, depending on which teacher you go to.

    4) The easiest way to earn money is a long process, but you go out into the wild and kill as many animals as you can find, take their hides, and bring them to a forge or tanning center. Then you tan the hides into leather and leather strips, and you forge it into armor and sell the result. It is a long process, but extremely profitable.

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  • 9 years ago

    1) spell tomes are used once and teach that spell to you so you can use it.

    2) yes the middle of the map is fairly green.

    3) depends on what type of magic. for illusion muffle and invisibility works good. alteration you could get the transmute spell. there is a siphon spell that is good for restoration when combined with healing. for destruction anything really works but mush be in combat. soul trap is good for conjuration.

    4) money isn't that hard to make, just only pick up the expensive items that weigh only a little bit(potions are usually good for this).

    Source(s): played the game a ton
  • Mekkah
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    1. Yes there are, and they are called Scrolls just like oblivion.

    2. Yes, in the south there is woods and it isnt snowy.

    3. Just keep using it and it will level up. Skyrim has a very good system where whenever you use something that is what is leveled up.

    4. Loot, loot, and then loot again. Loot, and then sell.

    If you join the dark brotherhood/thieves guild however, you can do missions for them and then really make a lot of money fast and is how I have a maxed out house in Windhelm/EastMarch and still have like like 40,000 gold in my pocket.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes they are one time use, but they teach you the spell.

    There are places without snow although not a lot of them.

    By casting magic is the best way, only in combat siutations execpt for muffle an illusion spell that can raise your illusion magic skill out of combat.

    Making things/enchanting things can be great income, eventually you won't even need to try to make money.

    Source(s): Played the game.
  • 9 years ago

    1) No, spell tomes last forever

    2)Yes, lots of places don't snow, just check your map

    3)Illusion- Wherever you go, continuously cast Muffle, to keep leveling up

    Restoration-Let something, not too powerful, attack you repeatedly, and keep healing

    Destruction- go to a troll/ mammoth camp, make them attack you, and get on a big rock, so they cant reach you. And blast away with spells

    4) Either do Dark brotherhood contracts, or go to whiterun, make lots of iron daggers, get lots of soul gems, and enchant them. Than sell. In less than hour, I made 70 absorb health daggers and sold each for 400-700 gold

    Source(s): Lvl 45 Nord :)
  • 9 years ago

    - yes but you learn the spells you read from the tomes

    -around riverwood is beautiful but thats about it for the most part

    - depends on magic. conjurated bound weapons near unreachable enemies helps with conjuration. destruction is combat related, i dont use illusion so i dont know, resoration is combat based (start a brawl in a bar, get his health real low and wait for him to get yours down low then go for the KO then heal, or BARELY survive death and heal)

    -improving speech helps with prices and making enchanted Legendary armors gets you a hefty profit

  • 9 years ago

    Spell Tones are only used once just like scrolls

    Yes there are some spots [ i think alot ]

    Kill enemies

    My friend has a wife that gives him alot of gold :P get a higher level do smithing and sell your items is another way too

    Source(s): Watch videos on youtube about it. Played it.
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