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what are the positves of beein a single teen mother?

is it having your own apartment, making your own money being independent and deciding how you want to raise and educate your child on your own? FREEDOM! Going to school if you want to, when you want to, NO adults telling you what to do.Being able .finding childcare, so you can date on weekends, And having a sweet smiley baby to play with when you want.

It has to be so much fun!


I know girls who are planning to get pregnant to get out on their own, they tell me that they will qualify for government housing and lots of free stuff and the father of the baby does not have to support the baby.and basically what I wrote is how they believe life will be. They are pretty young, 14 and 15 and they both hate living at home and having rules and curfews. I guess from what I read here they are pretty dumb. I will try to talk to them and tell them that teens here said it was not all that much fun to be a single teen mom. Thanks EVERYONE gets best answers!

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    To everyone saying how horrible being a teen mom is, you either aren't a teen mom at all or you just need help ! I have had my baby sister Lyric everyday from 2:30 to 12:00 since she was born 10 months ago. I've also had my 2 and 3 year old brothers Noah and Kayden & i'm pregnant, it's not that bad, Lyric doesn't cry all the time, she is actually very happy as long as she is taken care of or unless she is sick and in 4 months when my little man gets here, i'm going to be the proudest teen mother and i'm going to be the best i can be for my little man <3 You don't ruin your life or the baby's as long as you play your cards right, i love my life and i'm going to love it 10 times more when little man arrives on April 8 2012 <3 <3 <3

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No freedom, I got pregnant at 15 and I'm now 17. STILL I barely have any parental rights over my daughter. Either way freedom doesn't matter when you have a child, you can't go out on "dates" whenever, you have a kid to work for. And yes, daycare to pay for.

    Why wouldn't you want to stay in school? If you drop out, it'll just recommend a shitty minimum wage job the rest of your life.

    That sweet smiley baby also cries at three in the morning. Will you be smiling then?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Being on your own isn't as much fun as you think it is. I always could never wait to move out on my own. And then I actually did. It's so different than you think it will be.

    You clearly don't have enough self discipline to live on your own either (Example: Going to school if you want to. You can't just not go to school if you don't want to. Unless you want to fail your classes and be in school longer than you need to be. Especially in college. )

    And having a child actually takes away from your freedom.

    And yes, even though you're living on your own, you still have adults telling you what to do.

    Having a sweet baby to play with when you want? It's not something you can just choose to have when you want it and choose not to have it when you don't want to get up every 2hrs, when you're sick at the same time your baby is sick and constantly crying, when you want to go out with friends but you can't because you have kids, when your child is teething, when the terrible 2's roll around, etc.

    Childcare isn't free nor is it always available. Not to mention all the other bills that there are to pay. Juggling work, school, and a child will leave you wanting to do nothing but sleep when you have free time. And you can barely do that. The house is a mess, dinner hasn't been cooked, you have to go pay bills, etc.

    EDIT:'re making fun of teen mothers. Teen moms are capable of being good moms just as adult moms are capable of being bad moms. Getting pregnant as a teenager is never a GOOD thing, but it DOES happen. It always has and probably always will. I think teen mothers are strong, mature, independent women who love their children just as much as someone who has kids in their 20's. It takes a lot of hard work for them to do what they do.

    Source(s): Moved out at 15
  • This can't be serious. There is not 1 good thing that comes from being a teen mom.

    Going on welfare,the boyfriend leaving you, your family hates you, society hates you, how can any of this be positive

    What teen moms forget is that a baby is a human. Not a dollbaby you put up in the closet when your done playing with it

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  • kaykay
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    OMG you can't be serious! Making your own money means working a minimum-wage job for your entire life, barely able to pay your bills, freedom to do what: worrying 24 hours a day about having enough money to feed your child and yourself. Having to go to work 7 days a week, and leave your precious, helpless, newborn baby in the care of strangers (daycare) who have no education either. Having to go sit for hours in the WICC office, in order to get formula for your baby. You need a BIG reality check.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    UM. NO. HE** NO. IT'S NOT FUN.

    I'm 20 and i'm married to my baby's father. He has a job and so that's how we get the money for an apartment and other things we need. And he just finished college while i sit at home ALL DAY NOT being able to go anywhere taking online college classes. Dating on weekends ? FORGET ABOUT IT ! And you're not going to have any money to take it to daycare and your parents aren't going to want to take care of it !

    "And having a sweet smiley baby to play with when you want. "

    BABIES AREN'T ALWAYS HAPPY. THEY CRY BTW. They poop, and cry, and need to be fed, and cry, and everything. Playing with them when you want ?!? WTHECK ?! UM. NO. That's not the case. You don't take care of a baby when you want. You're not on your time. You're on the baby's time !

    Having a baby isn't easy at all. PLEASE DO NOT do this to yourself because your going to f*** up your life AND the baby's !!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Can't help noticing that all the things you mentioned, with the exception of actually having a child, have absolutely nothing to do with being a mother. Also, we are curious to know whether or not you are hot. Your last stirred up some doubt. Please advise. - Joel

    Source(s): Wikipedia
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The only positive I see is that a young body that is fully grown (older teen) is healthy (generally) and the person will have more energy than an older person.

    Everything else, maturity, income a WAY bigger negative.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think highly of teen mothers. I think your lucky to have a baby because some "adults" want to wait untill they get married & older & then wonder why they cant have a baby anymore. Back in the day people use to have kids at 14 & it was normal!

    Source(s): When you are a teen, its easy to get pregnant (even though u may have not wanted to but some adults try years to get pregnant & when they finally do.. Only to miscarriage.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I cannot tell wether this is sincere or just a back-hand comment..

    Either way, I will answer. It's watching you child, the beautiful human you created, grow up. Watching them learn and enjoy, and know that you are responsible for the life. It's hard, very hard, but looking at my daughters face makes it worth while..


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