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Salizler asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

I feel lost on how to handle my dog, and now I feel like an unfit owner?

My dog has always been very hyper, pulls very strong (he's broken every single leash he's owned- even metal ones), and very hard to give commands to. He would never hurt a flea, and is wonderful with our toddler. I always though we took good care of him, and in every situation he is a wonderful playful dog.

Except with walking, and generally being on a leash, he goes a million miles an hour, in all different directions. I have tried training since he was a puppy, we've taken eight different courses to try and correct this, but absolutely no progress. Can dogs have ADD?

I take him on two walks, morning and evening. The one with my daughter in a stroller, in the evenings, is the frustrating one. I have to take my dog, because he's been in the house all day. And I can't leave my daughter alone... so we all gear up and go. Because he's so crazy, he's knocked the stroller over, he kicks and scurries dirt up at us (I guess to mark territory?), and I have to yank his leash over and over to get his attention, or get him to focus. I do feel bad though, because it's not a light tug, it's forceful, but enough to snap him out of it. It actually pulls him around a few inches each time. He has never even come close to chocking or acting like it hurt him, so I assumed I found something that worked for us.

Anyway today after he finished pooping, I went in behind him to bag up his poop, and he started flinging dirt everywhere. So with poop and stroller in one hand, looking away from flying dirt, I yanked the leash a few times with the other to get him to quit it. I didn't get to see how hard I had pulled him, but as usual he finally stopped. He didn't whine or whimper, and didn't act like it bothered him. So we all walked a little further when a guy pulled up in a car beside me. He lives somewhere in our neighborhood, but I'd never seen him before.

He said he was disgusted the way I had yanked my dog, and there was no excuse for it.


I tried explaining, and I felt insulted, because he was calling me a bad owner. He said if he ever saw me do it again, he'd report me. I think he would have gotten out if there wasn't a car driving up behind him.

I have never had anyone say anything so mean, about this. I feel devastated, and hopeless because I can't help but walk my dog in the same neighborhood as his, and I feel like I can't walk my dog anymore because I don't want another confrontation, and I wouldnt want the man to snatch my dog from me.

I don't know, I feel like I've failed my dog, and embarrassed myself.

Any advice?

Update 2:

There are fines for leaving poop in people's yards

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ignore the butthole in the car. I get rude comments from tike to time as well. I got one the other week for not putting sweaters on my small dogs. Hey, I was running them, and my dogs are used to the cold. We live in ND. It's winter.

    Some dogs are stubborn. If obedience training doesb't work, get a no pull harness. Or those things where you leash the dog on the front forelegs. Something like that.

  • 9 years ago

    Buy a prong collar. After you get it, size it down (the links are removable) and put it on your upper arm, give it a tug. Now you know what a prong correction feels like and you can say what you mean to say. Dogs communication dominance and displeasure with a scruff grab and now so can you - if he starts to pull, he will correct himself. When he starts to fling dirt (a totally normal, instinctive response) then tell him "no, let's go" and give him a correction. He will soon learn that that is NOT acceptable behavior.

    As to the jerk who stopped - he is in the wrong. Unless you are actually choking your dog, tugging on a leash is NOT abusive. If you see him again and he makes a scene, pull out your cell phone and calmly explain that what he is doing is harassment and that you are calling the police. They will be on your side. This individual will probably have a heart attack if he sees your dog in a prong collar, but, trust me, that is also perfectly legal and humane.

    Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Isn't it amazing how complete strangers feel like they have the right to judge you? And say mean, hurtful things? (I was walking two of my dogs once and a neighbor said O, where's your other dog, is it dead? I mean, honestly.)

    So that guy can go shove it. And gosh, your poor dog. You don't have a yard or anything he can play in and work off some energy? What about playing in the house, do you have a good place where he could play tug of war or fetch? He sounds very high energy and thus needs lots of exercise. You don't say what kind of dog he is or how old he is, but what about hiring someone to walk him for you or taking him to a dog park? At this point I'm not sure leash training will work but the poor guy needs serious exercise. Like 2 hours a day. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    I'm sorry to read about your neighbor; personally I don't feel he had the right to address you the way he did, at least from what you've written here.

    In regards to the struggles with your pup, you might want to try the simpleLEASH.

    Should he pull too hard, he'll receive a brief, safe stimulus that lets him know the behavior is NOT acceptable. Dogs quickly learn what's expected of them during walks.

    In your case, the leash could be particularly helpful given that you walk your pup with your daughter in her stroller. It will help make walks with your dog safer.

    I had a friend with a very similair issue and the simpleLEASH worked well for her.

    Best of luck!

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  • 9 years ago

    I would have told the guy to mind his own business, and you will mind yours.

    You obviously have a dog that has a high pain tolerance, and a lot of energy.

    I would probably take him for a walk without the stroller, and maybe make it a run if possible.

    A properly fitted prong collar would lessen the amount of pressure required, but you should learn the proper technique before using it.

    Information on fitting and using prong collars here:

  • Jesse
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Apparently you have a medium to large breed/mix dog? If you do, I am going to provide you with a website to help with leash training. Though this website is geared for the American Pit Bull Terrier, the training techniques can be used on ANY dog.

    If you cannot accomplish this yourself then I suggest looking for a good trainer who is experienced with powerful dogs.

    If you say this is a breed/mix under 20 pounds, you can still use the same training methods. It is all about YOU taking control.

    And just to make another point? It sounds like your dog needs much more exercise than walks.

    This problem does not make you an unfit owner. It simply means you have not yet learned how to properly exercise, train your dog. That's all. And this is one of the reasons we are here. To help.

  • 9 years ago

    I no it can be frustrating but i believe the best way to deal with it is stay calm. Don't let your frustration get the best of you and your dog. Here's a link on basic dog training

    I no you said you already take the dog to training, but maybe having him be check out by a credible vet can help and address any problems.

    Here's another link were you can leave a question for actual expert to answer you questions with the best knowledge.

    Good Luck

  • donald
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You mean that 8 different people giving obedience lessons have given up on your dog as hopeless? Also, given your problems with this dog you still insist on walking him while pushing a stroller? Also, you don't know that "burying" the scat is a normal instinct? You may be well meaning but , yeah. you may be an unfit owner. Ok maybe unfit is a little harsh but if you are going to own a dog maybe you should take some lessons.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Find a good trainer that knows how to use a prong collar and learn how to use one and use it on your dog .

    As for the man that pulled up ignore him but your dog does need training desperately no dog should pull an owner like that...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It may be the food you are feeding your dog. many high street big brand named dog foods are full of crap and can make dogs have allergies, behavoiral problems and other issues. research this on google. i feed my dog burns dog food this is an holistic dog food with no additives or presevatives. Have u had him neurtured, this may also help. you could also ask your vet for advice. good look

    Source(s): Pet owner - staffordshire bull terrier
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