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Should healthcare be like public schools. ?

Again let me add my disclaimer.

I am a conservative. I'm just a bit torn on the issue of healthcare.

I just don't see how it is the tax payers responsibility to provide education to every child in America yet not provide basic healthcare for the masses.

I'm a firm believer in free market capitalisim, but I honestly am not sure it can work in healthcare industry. I read a article today addressing the issue that outlined much of what ive been thinking.

Healthcare is not optional in many cases.

It's almost impossible to tell the doc to hold up before performing open heart surgery while I call around and get quotes on the procedure.

I know if the federal government was involved with health care it would be much like the schools. The quality would be inferior. But just like the education system there would be private institutions who offer a refined experience and the more cutting edge procedures for those willing to pay for such services.

Before blasting me with the "liberal in disguise" comments, please check my post.

I'm just sitting in my deer stand bored as hell pondering why I was given free education when my parents could easily have afforded it. At the same time there are millions of Americans losing everything they own due to unexpected illness.

I'm not saying I'm 100% in favor of social medicine. I'm not even 100% in favor of public education. It just seems this hybrid socialist system we currently live in is failing to provide either cost savings or quality.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see the argument for this, and I live in a nation where the state funds national healthcare (you can use private healthcare as well in the UK).

    But to be honest, I think that for the USA, the Affordable Healthcare Act should be allowed to take effect to help the people of America.

    FACT - Insurance companies in the USA before the reforms pushed up prices, did not pay out claims when they should and bought or blackmailed politicians [1]

    FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2]

    FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3]

    FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4]

    FACT - Obama was elected to bring in change [5]

    FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6]

    FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7]

    Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.

  • 9 years ago

    "I'm just sitting in my deer stand bored as hell"

    I'm surprised by two things:

    You get 3 or 4G in the woods.

    You were able to type all this in on a phone (unless you have a tablet - In which case I'm surprised you brought a tablet on a deer hunt).

    My main concern with socialized medicine in the US is that there is no way the quality of treatment (time, testing , procedures, etc) can be maintained if everyone has carte blanche to go get whatever they want.

    Don't think I have some stellar plan. I make slightly over six figures a year working for a large financial institution and our plan for 2012 requires me paying the first $2500 out of pocket (except for preventative care).

    Do you think I'm going to run to the doctor for every sniffle? Hell no. Neither will anyone else.

    Under a national health plan, everyone will scream for exhaustive testing for the smallest ailment and the system will grind to a halt.

    As for public education, politicians are still under the delusion that many in generational poverty place some value on education (or would if we could only find that magic key). There * is * no magic key and no amount of money will instill any sort of initiative in people. Initiative must come from within.

  • 9 years ago

    There are only a few reasons public education is inferior:

    #1 people that go to private school usually have well-to-do parents that one is the bread winner while the other raises the children allowing the child to have more help studying than kids in families where both parents work.

    #2 Public education budget is always on a pendulum swinging between having enough money to meet their needs when Democrats are in power and not having enough to meet their budget when Republicans start cutting state and federal budgets to give the rich their tax cuts.

    #3 People that send their children to private schools tend to allow the institutions to have more authority over discipline of their child instead of blaming the teacher every time their child does wrong because those parents recklessly put more trust in religious institutions and corporations than their own government that they actually have a say in.

    This creates a situation where it becomes more of the child's responsibility to learn rather than the teacher's responsibility for the kid not being responsible enough to study.

    My public education was far superior to the private eduction that my friends received, for the simple fact that I viewed it as my own responsibility to learn the material, not the teacher's responsibility to hold my hand and force me to learn it. And because of this, I am making better $$ than any of my private school educated friends.

    Source(s): <<<Do you think I'm going to run to the doctor for every sniffle? Hell no. Neither will anyone else. Under a national health plan, everyone will scream for exhaustive testing for the smallest ailment and the system will grind to a halt.>>> So your main concern is based on something that isn't going to happen? Because there is no public option that gives free health care except medicare which is suppose to be replaced by health insurance thanks to the latest health care bill?
  • 9 years ago

    You want a kid educated in OUR Public School System giving YOU a proctology exam?

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Some of us are just fortunate enough to live in Countries like Canada.

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