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Why do some religious people object to gay marriage?

Why do some (I repeat SOME) religious people object to gay marriage as something that goes against what God wants when they don't seem to be against divorce or remarriage, which are equally condemned in scripture?

The only other argument I've heard against gay marriage besides "God doesn't like it therefore it is unnatural," is "Gays can't have children, and that's what marriage is for." If that's the case, why don't they protest the marriages of older couples who are too old to have children, or sterile people who can't have children, or just people who don't want kids?

Thanks for answering.


Committing adultery is a terrible thing on par with murder apparently, and considering how divorcing someone and then getting remarried is considered adultery (at least in the Bible) . . . well you get my point about divorce/remarriage being just as bad as being gay in religion.

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because in every society that has ever existed, Marriage is the sacred bond between a man and woman. Even in societies that very much accepted homosexuality (the Late Roman Empire, for example), their affection was never elevated to Marriage.

    It is the building block of civilization, we should not mess with it. Besides, according to the studies I have found, homosexuals are almost universally not monogamous and their relationships (even if they are promiscuous otherwise) are notoriously short.

    Older couples can have children, read the story of Racheal and Abraham, for instance. So can sterile people, my mother, for instance, had three healthy children, each time told it was a freak accident that could never have occured.

    Even if they don't have children, they are still naturally able to conceive, God could use them to bring life into the world if he chooses. It could not work that way with homosexuals, they are wholly incapable of bringing life into the world.

    EDIT: "Homosexuals are unable to create children, which is supposed to be everyone's reason for living."

    Absolutely not true. For Christ's sake, I am going to be a priest, I of all people should know.

    Source(s): I braced myself for the TDs already
  • 9 years ago

    God didn't like something before and made everyone pay for it. So when people do things that others think God will not like they also think that things will come down on them too. We have been fooled before. Eve was convinced she was doing right and did so without thinking it out. Thousands of years later here we are innocently into whatever it was she did and God doesn't like it and drowns most of us. How were we supposed to know? And now, a clear behavior that God has punished in general by blowing us all up with something like an atomic bomb back in Gomorrah, and now here we are again, faced with the same thing and the same dire consequences should God not like it. Why should non gays pay for what the gays do? Pretty stiff argument for those who are true hard corp believers and who still hold hard sway in congress.

  • cheir
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You don't know Scripture - divorce or remarriage are NOT equally condemned in scripture. Readings from the Bible about divorce are far from simple. Initially the Bible says that divorce was set up by Moses [Deuteronomy 24] because of ‘their hardness of heart’ [Matthew 19:8]. Although hated by God [Malachi 2:16] it’s allowed under certain circumstances.:

    1. Strife within family (Genesis 21:8-14)

    2. "Nakedness" (Deuteronomy 24:1)

    3. Hatred (Deuteronomy 24:3)

    4. Desertion (Judges 14:20; 1 Samuel 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:13-16)

    5. Marriage to a non-believer (Ezra 10;10-17)

    6. Adultery (Jeremiah 3:8)

    7. Sexual misconduct (Matthew 5:32;19:9)

    8. Unyielding attitudes (Matthew 19:8)

  • saggio
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You desire a pleasant snappy label you'll 'classify individuals' w. and an cause of the Brits who're virtually similarly break up on homosexual marriage within the identical approaches as Americans? Or might that be Italians/Latinos who might have all of them shot?! Maybe you're an remoted American child residing in Europe and Dad's w. the navy or whatever nevertheless it cannot have escaped you that there are higher variations among every European nation than there are among any and the entire New World international locations they usually pass so much deeper. Apartheid grew out of slavery and is approximately ruling races permitting beforehand owned races to be 'loose' however segregated and w/out civil rights. Homosexuals are the reverse of a race and feature in no way been enslaved or had to sit down behind any buses anyplace or use separate bathrooms! This side of your analogy is a non sequitur. The fact is that you're growing the phantasm of a notion of discrimination in which none exists. The cause of marriage is to formalize the legality of girl settling on the pleasant male(s) they may be able to get as an alternative than the ancient harem techniques of tremendous primates in which alfa men dominated. It is unknown as but if homosexuality has a normal cause within the normal international or in civilisation. Psychopathic developments were proposed as critical for profitable wars and we do nurture them in game and the navy however they are not watching for approaches and method to subvert cultural norms to justify themselves anymore than schizophrenics. There's your pleasant cause to supply: for those who subvert normality past a exact factor, something is going, even Fascism, any political severe would turn out to be 'usual.'

  • 9 years ago

    It is a situation isn't it that so many Christians have openly objected gay marriage and here I am a Christian trying to in few words draw a line of understanding between both Christians and gay's. The bible does object the gay life style, because it is sin. Its sin because its not the way God created sex to be. Sex was created to be between one man and one woman. However, I do understand that this is a fallen world and everything in it, including our flesh(body, mind, and DNA) is full of sin and no where close to the perfection of the garden of Edon. This is where I think that the misunderstanding takes place among most Christians. They think of being gay as a choice of desire. Where I believe that you can actually be born with gay tenancies. With that being said. We are supposed to fight our fleshly desires. Just because I feel like having sex with someone doesn't mean I should. However if committing to one partner and one only keeps someone from sinning further its better, in my opinion only, to commit in an act of vows. Paul states this in 1 Corinthians-that if you burn with desire that you should get married. If you burn with desire for the same sex, should you not get married. I am a Christian and I am not against gay marriage.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because they are BAD christians that take one sin as an excuse to be intolerant, hate filled, bigoted, homophobic and persecuting towards god's children! Surely that many deliberate sins qualifies them for the very hell they threaten others with?!

    Anglican leaders from around the world reiterated their opposition to the "victimisation or diminishment" of gays and lesbians, saying demonising and persecuting them was "totally against Christian charity and basic principles of pastoral care".

    "We say that no one should have to live in fear because of the bigotry of others."

    The mormons poured millions into forcing through prop 8 in CA: to ban gay marriage. In August 2010 the court held that to be unconstitutional. On 15 June 2011 the San Francisco court upheld that decision because it violates the constitutional rights of citizens. It is now awaiting the Supreme Court verdict which is expected to uphold the early court decision.

    If that happens then gay marriage will become legal everywhere and that will be marriage and not civil partnership!

    The loving god works in mysterious ways.

    So who are these Bad Chrstians working for the devil or the antichrist because it sure ain't the loving god!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because some people think religion has a monopoly on marriage. Without realizing that the history of marriage (or marriage-like contracts) is about as old as humanity and predates one certain religion that seems to be the most known for objecting to gay marriage.

    Little do they realize that not only does "traditional" marriage between a man and a woman out-date their religion, so does marriage between those of the same gender.

  • 9 years ago

    According to the Christians, God created man in his image, and thus, created man to be perfect. The point of marriage is to find someone you love and create a child, and thus continue to create perfection, and fill the world with beauty.

    Homosexuals are unable to create children, which is supposed to be everyone's reason for living.

    Marriage is intended for a man and a woman, as is sex, but the homosexuals challenge that too.

    It's what they were told by their God and their messiah, so it's what they believe.

    Source(s): I'm gay. I know these things.
  • 9 years ago

    Simple. Fear. They are afraid that allowing gays to marry will somehow affect them and their lifestyle.

    It is a ridiculous fear.

    Gay marriage is a human rights issue not a religious one.

    By their arguments, my husband and I should not be allowed to be married.

    We are both atheists

    Neither of us was able to have children when we got married

    We did not have a church wedding, nor did we want to

    Our lifestyle is offensive to church doctrine.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because the subject has been politicized to a 'church' that left the Gospel a long time ago. I'm not talking about any particular denomination, I'm talking about mostly all of them. Since they lack the integrity and know-how to keep the Gospel message straight, it was easy for Satan to delude them with rhetoric to where the churches see it as their duty to Lord over the world they aren't supposed to belong to.

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