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  • What sexuality would this be?

    So gender is kind of a non-issue to me when it comes to who I'm attracted to. I acknowledge when a girl is beautiful just as much as I acknowledge when a boy is beautiful. I think both body types are beautiful in their own ways, but I don't think I'm bisexual because even though I like both genders aesthetically, I don't really care about them sexually. If I find that my personality meshes well with someone else in a romantic way, I really don't care if they're male, female, trans or whatever, I just care about general compatibility.

    So would this be bisexual after all? I'm not sure what to call it, if there's anything to call it.

  • When do I turn in the FAFSA for college?

    Do I turn it in with the rest of my college application, or do I have to wait until I get into the college? Thanks.

    5 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • What phrasing do you like better?

    . . . they ceased to matter.

    . . . they ceased to carry any meaning.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Do you get calluses from doing origami?

    Pretty self explanatory. Do you?

    3 AnswersSculpture9 years ago
  • Religious people and college?

    Not trying to get people all riled up, I'm just curious as to what your opinions are, both religious and nonreligious people. So, Mitt Romney has expressed a belief that college is something that liberals are using to indoctrinate good Christian kids into the secular, liberal fold and that's horrible.

    Personally, I don't care whether or not you remain religious while going to college or not, and there are plenty of religiously affiliated collages at that. That being said, I think people become less religious upon going to college just because they get more educated and aren't under the thumb of religious parents.

    What do you think about the whole "evil godless college" idea?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Fell off my bike- Is my knee twisted?

    I fell off a bike a day ago while going downhill. When I fell, my right leg was straight, like I was standing up, and I landed hard on my foot, kind of like stomping. It was my knee that was hurt, however. I was able to walk on it back to my car after sitting down and massaging it for a few minutes, but it just felt very tight. It still feels very tight, but there's no swelling or bruising that I can see, and it hurts to bend it more than 90 degrees (like to sit indian-style). It isn't terribly painful, but still noticeable. What's wrong with it?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • Do you think book fads are good or bad?

    Pretty self-explanatory. Could be specified as "Do you think young people reading SOMETHING is better than not reading at all."

    I just noticed that a lot of teens read the super popular books (Twilight, and the Hunger Games currently ) then either a.) don't read anything else because they only read popular things, or b.) only read books like the popular ones afterward without ever branching out.

    What do you think?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What name is your favorite?

    She was born in the 1800s, which is why some of them are oldish:










    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Twisted my ankle today--how long until I can stand?

    I twisted my ankle today. I'm keeping it iced and elevated and whatnot like you're supposed to. In twelve days though, I have to go somewhere. Will my ankle be well enough to at least put pressure on? I won't be walking around that much, but I'd have to stand. . . .

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • What name do you like best?

    Male character for a short story:






    Thanks =)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Does this make me weird?

    Okay, that begs a little rephrasing. To elaborate: I'm a seventeen year old girl, and I have yet to have sex, do drugs, or drink alcohol. It's not that I'm a prude or anything, and I'm fine with other people my age doing those things as long as they don't go overboard. I do realize that it's rare for girls my age to not do those things, but other people my age pretty much think I'm a prude. Trying to explain to them why I don't do any of those things just made it worse.

    It's not that I don't want to drink or experiment with pot or lose my virginity and the like, it's just that I want those times in my life to actually mean something.

    I don't want to be deflowered by some random high school boyfriend who I'm probably never going to talk to again once high school lets out- I just think that I should genuinely love someone before I have sex with them instead of just indulging in meaningless hook up after hook up. I'm not abstinent and waiting until marriage or anything, I just want my first time to actual be special. Same goes for drinking- I want to take my first actual drink during something memorable, not at some random keg party.

    Does wanting to save those kind of experiences for a time that's actually worth remembering really as weird a thing to do as some people make it out to be?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Does Berry College in Georgia have . . .?

    I live in Tennessee, but Berry College is considered an in-state school because it's so close. I really love the college, but I was wondering if I can get some opinions about it's psychology program? Is it worth the money of a private school? Do they help you get your PhD, or do they just leave it at a Masters?

  • Was anyone else annoyed by Katniss?

    From the Hunger Games of course. I was having this discussion with one of my friends.

    She was pretty okay in the first book, but by the middle of Catching Fire, she was getting on my nerves. She leads on both Gale and Peeta and the decision she made that ended the love triangle was pretty much just a really rushed cop out (How is it Gale's fault that someone used a tactic that he thought up?), she's mean to lots of people and it's hand waved as being okay even when people who've had it just as bad as her were nicer, she keeps having breakdowns . . .

    What'd you think?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Is anyone else really annoyed by Katniss?

    From the Hunger Games of course. I was talking to my friends about this, and I was wondering about other people's opinions on the matter.

    Katniss was fine in the first book, but after that she just started to get on my nerves. She leads Gale and Peeta on without ever making an actual decision about who she wants to be with (the whole being mad at Gale because someone else employing a tactic he thought up was a total cop out to end the pointless love triangle), she's mean to almost everyone and it's apparently okay because she's had a hard life even though almost everyone else she meets has had it just as bad as her, she keeps having breakdowns . . .

    She's probably my least favorite character out of the entire series. What'd you think about her character?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why do some religious people object to gay marriage?

    Why do some (I repeat SOME) religious people object to gay marriage as something that goes against what God wants when they don't seem to be against divorce or remarriage, which are equally condemned in scripture?

    The only other argument I've heard against gay marriage besides "God doesn't like it therefore it is unnatural," is "Gays can't have children, and that's what marriage is for." If that's the case, why don't they protest the marriages of older couples who are too old to have children, or sterile people who can't have children, or just people who don't want kids?

    Thanks for answering.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What name do you like best?

    Looking for the best sounding last name for a character in my short story. What one do you think is best? The worst? Her first name is Lydia.







    6 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Rate These Potential Titles?

    Hey, I'm writing a short story that deals with evil and corruption and the like. I decided to take the title from different quotes about evil and weave the title into the story. Could you rate these from best to worst? Please and thank you.

    We Are All Devils

    Bidding Darkness

    All Things Truly Wicked

    The Last Card

    People Aren’t Evil, And People Aren’t Good

    One May Smile

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • How's my writing (short snippet)?

    I've been writing papers and essays for so long that I decided to brush up on my creative writing before NaNoWriMo starts up. I don't know if this is going to be part of a prologue or simply the first chapter, but any opinions on it are much welcome. =)

    The bar was called the Hastings, and its cognac was well aged and expensive. Zared had never been one for alcohol, but he was feeling absolutely miserable and found that a nice drink every now and then did him some good. He was sitting alone at the counter, the bartender shining glasses a few feet away from him, and he stared blankly at the cold marble counter top and sipped his drink, wondering absentmindedly if he should sleep in a motel for the night. He didn’t think going home was a very wise decision. It would make him sick, seeing that place cleaned up and tidy, knowing what a horrible thing he’d done there and seeing the rest of them act like it had never happened.

    That’s how it usually was, and he hadn’t considered until now that viewing murder as such a common and unremarkable thing wasn’t the most moral of mindsets. Especially when it was a murder he’d taken part in. It was a lie, somewhat, for he had considered it in the beginning, before he’d gotten himself roped into the mess. That was so long ago now, though, and he couldn’t for the life of him remember when his thoughts had changed so drastically on the matter. And that was probably a dismal sign as well . . .

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Detailed books on American history?

    Hey. I've been wanting to learn up on American history. Not for any specific class. I was wondering if any of you know of any really good, detailed books on American history- preferably college level with more than just the basic information. It doesn't have to be a text book; in fact, I'd prefer a book that wasn't.


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Is my character a Mary-Sue?

    Hey there, people. I was just wondering if, based on this characterization, you think one of my characters is a Mary-Sue.

    Name: Ceridwen (Cer) Trescott

    Appearance: Looks more like her mom than her dad. She's very short and petite, pretty much the textbook appearance of someone who is "cute"--blonde hair with gray-blue eyes and freckles, kind of like a Porcelain doll. Everyone thinks she's much younger than she is because of her height and childish features.

    Personality: She has an abrasive and loud personality for the most part, which stems from insecurity. Long story short, her mom's dead which causes her to have major daddy issues because she feels like her father is constantly comparing her to her mother and that she's not living up to his expectations. She tries to excel in everything she does to impress him and is particularly overconfident in many of her abilities. This overconfidence leads her biting off more than she can chew a lot of the time. Because of her delicate appearance, many people feel the need to treat her like a helpless child who needs protecting, and she strives to prove her independence, her pride being hurt whenever someone assumes that she needs to be protected. Despite her quest for independence, she is still rather emotionally dependent on her loved ones and rather selfishly gets them into situations she knows to be dangerous so that she won't have to go through them alone. While she can be rude or inconsiderate some of the times, she still cares very much about others even though she has trouble expressing her more vulnerable emotions and deeply sympathizes with one of the other characters who shares her same insecurity.

    That's the basic characterization of her. There's more, but I think that covers most of the bases.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago