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When will my milk come in?

Hi everyone. I just had my little boy on the 27th. He is baby number 3 for me. With my other two I leaked a lot while pregnant and started producing milk by the time I was home from the hospital. With this pregnancy I did not leak at all and he is 3 days old and my milk has still not come in. I am producing colostrom but not very much. My breasts are a little bit bigger and softer so I think something is happening, but still no milk. I have read online it can take a few day for your milk to come but I guess I'm just used to it coming in right away with my others.

Has anyone else had this happen with their later pregnancies? Is there anything I should be doing? Can I still pump anyway even if nothing comes out? I'm starting to think it will never ce in :0( not really sure what to do....


No c/s but I was induced a week early. My other 2 were also induced however they were both 2 weeks past due date. I wonder if it's because this one came early...

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    just go to the store and pick some up. jk ok um idk i have no experience best of luck

    Source(s): well, i have a mom myself
  • 9 years ago

    My baby was a week and a half early and the doctor told me to pump every 2 hours even if no milk comes out, because the pump will help to stimulate your breast into making milk. And after 3 days of pumping my milk came in

  • 9 years ago

    My second birth was a scheduled c-section. It took a full 6 days for me to produce any colostrum and my milk came in on the 7th day after the birth. With my first it took a little while as well, but I had colostrum right away and milk in about 4 days.

  • 9 years ago

    It takes about 2-5 days for milk to come in. Also because you are breastfeeding your supply is already being established meaning your breasts will not be as engorged. Keep feeding your baby that's your best bet.

    (I know bf nazis will say something here)

    If you are scared you're not making enough you can suppliment formula until your milk comes in. BE WARNED THOUGH!!! Using bottles this early can cause your baby to prefer the bottle over the breast because it comes out faster and easier use bottles at your own risk.

  • MomSuz
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Sorry about you having this problem now and not before...I am sure it threw you for a loop. Also, it can take a few days..make sure you are drinking lots of water and continue taking your pre-natal vitamins...and eat right too of course :) don't worry..just keep offer breast to baby that will help and also skin to skin contact will be great too! AND you can try to pump, that will help stimulate things a bit too :)

    blessings and well wishes!

  • 9 years ago

    It's totally normal. Every baby and pregnancy is different. It can take up to 5-7 days. Just stick with breastfeeding on demand. Lots of skin to skin and enjoy that new baby! Your milk will be in in no time. Congrats!!

    Source(s): Breastfeeding mama. Still breastfeeding my 19 month old.
  • 9 years ago

    Just out if curiosity... Did you happen to have a c-section with this baby? I ask because I had the same issue. I read that it can take longer for milk to come in after a c-section.

  • 9 years ago

    it took me 5 weeks for my milk to flow like crazy and for me to have anything when i pumped, however the lactation consultant assured me that she was getting milk and that i should keep offering her the breast and stop pumping since she was gaining weight. So my best advice to you is stop pumping for now and breastfeed her on demand and voila you will see it overflowing.Gudluck

    Source(s): breastfeeding mom
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    If you don't know what the heck is going on by now, then you dum dum.

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