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This is one of my biggest regrets....ugh :*(?

Alright, back story:

My bf bought me a plane ticket to South Korea to meet his parents (we've been dating for about a year).

I really really wanted to go, but my mom hates my bf and is afraid of something "bad" could happen to me in South Korea. Sooo my plane was supposed to leave on Dec 27th...And...I was about to walk out the door with everything, but she physically stops me (punches and pushes me) from leaving!

Soo now I feel terrible and my bf and his parents are really disappointed. And I have an un-used plane ticket that I have no clue what to do with.

The thing is, I have the option of going to South Korea January 2nd to the 19th, even though it will cost $800 extra to change my ticket. My bf's parents are willing to pay this and I really want to go.

Now, before I tried leaving THE FIRST time for South Korea, my mom told me if I don't go and stay here, then our relationship will get much better and she'll be nice (my relationship w/ my mom has honestly sucked for the past 2 years). So anyway, I stayed (reluctantly) in America when I was supposed to leave...Then THE VERY NEXT DAY my mother starts ranting and raving and going crazy (as usual, no lie) about how stupid i am and how she wants to "take a step back" from me. And she's now going to move out of our apartment, let me take over the rental-lease, and move somewhere that I won't be able to go cuz she willingly will not tell me where. She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. BUT WTF its like, she promised me to change if i stayed (and i did, even if i was FORCED to stay) but then she doesnt change??!?!?! What am I supposed to do?

Also, if I go to South Korea, my twin sister would be INSTANTLY kicked out of the house...But now im thinking "well that doesnt matter if me and my sister will have to take over this rental of hers".

(My sister and I have the option of staying at my bfs house for indefinitely with not having to pay rent.)

So. I have an un-used plane ticket that I need to change the date so I don't lose the money on it. Should I book it for Jan 2nd and do what I want, or still try to please my mom? PLEASE...PLEASE I could use the advice, no trolls, and I need some advice right now cuz this is a lot to deal with!!


Sorry for leaving out these details lol but I'm 21 and my mother originally set me and my bf up! Theyre both becoming massage therapists so they go to the same classes and etc.

Uhm well my father passed away about 15 years ago so theres no help there :*(

OK also, my bf lives in 10minutes from my house, so i've obviously met him in person for a whole year now and i've done extended stays at his house before (like 5 days at a time) so yeah lol its NOT an internet relationship at all, its totally been person to person

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only issue right now that ur having is with ur mom, the disagreements that u and ur mom are having are causing u guys to not being able to do stuff or not getting things done. What I mean by that is the disagreements are causing this little issues like the rental lease being taking away, the probability of ur sister being kicked out, and not being able 2 go to korea to see ur boyfriends parents. I think u should settle things with ur mom, talk things through with her. Talk about how u feel and your differences, but When u talk, make sure it doesn't turn into an arguement. Talk to her when she is in a good mood, but don't mention the south korea trip. But if u want to improve things with ur mom, and want to do what u want, I think u guys should take like a therapy session together.

    But what I also think is that, ur grown up already, and ur an adult. Your mom shouldn't treat u like a teenager, ur 21 and u have the right to make ur own Decisions and to look after yourself. What u want is to have ur independence and being able to do what u want, now since ur a young adult. I think u should stay and work on ur relationship with ur mom, while u do that I think u and ur sister should get a job, and save some money, so that u and ur sister could rent ur own house or apartment. Once u have your independence, then u could do whatever u like. Or u have the option, to go to korea, I myself see no problem into going to korea just to for a visit to meet ur boyfriends parents, I don't understand why u going to south korea just for a visit is a problem for ur mom. But if u go to korea, you'll have to be ready in when your mom takes the lease and moves out, and u have to be ready for the probability of ur sister getting kicked out. U have to plan things before, Make sure ur sister has a place to stay just in case she is kicked out, or if ur mom plans to move out, make sure u and ur sister have money to back u up for the rent.

    Well ur mom doesn't accept ur boyfriend, If ur mom has problems with the safety of south korea, then tell her Korea is safe place, and that You will be safe, the people are friendly and courteous and that the crime rate is dramatically low. but if Im wrong about what u mean, that in reality ur mom is worried about what could happend to you, when ur with ur boyfriend - then I don't know. Honestly I think u should spend or get to know ur boyfriend more, yeah you've been with him for a year, but I think u guys should get to know each other a little more, if ur actually serious about him.

    so u have

    option 1 Stay with ur mom, and improve ur relationship, talk ur differences, and get things calm. While ur at it get your sister and yourself a job and start saving money for ur independence. And if ur boyfriend's dissapointed, try talking things through, if he is ur boyfriend he should understand you. Tell ur boyfriend that once you get ur own house or apartment (if u plan on having one), then u can reschedule the trip to south korea or if he doen't know about ur mom hating him, ask him if he can rechedule the trip for a another time.

    option 2 go to korea, to meet ur boyfriends parents. your mom will be mad at u and she might not want to see u. You'll have to plan things before going to korea, like making sure ur sister has a place to go, just in case she gets kicked out. If u go to korea, I hope u enjoy yourself and I hope it doesn't turn out like something u didn't expect. once u return from korea, u and sister should stay at a place for a some time, and get yourself a job and save money, and get ur own place, or if u don't want a new house or apartment, u can wait until ur mom moves out of the house, and then move in back and have u and ur sister pay for the rent. The place that u stay in for sometime can be ur boyfriend's house, but u should stay just for sometime, until u get ur own place. What I also think is that once u get things settled, I think u should see ur mom, and improve ur relationship, even though it might be hard. I say this becuase ur mom will always be ur mom, u should be thankful to her, she gave u Love and life.

  • 9 years ago

    Go to korea

    while you and your sister try to save money

    so she can go with you or after you leave

    when your mom realise's she going to be alone she

    will realise and accept your decision with the man you love

    so dont worry about it to much because if she hates you or you

    hate her she will FOREVER be your mother and you will always be her

    daughter so experience with him meet his family

    by the way even if your mother wont want see you anymore if your bf family is nice

    im sure they will give you support! :)

    Source(s): I hope it helped sorry for grammar and spelling thats my weak point im only 15.
  • mari
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    This is one messed up relationship. You two need to get away from each. You're old enough to try life on your own. Don't keep jumping around in this misery and do make some decisions for yourself whether they turn out to be right or wrong. I don't know whether it's a good idea or not to go to Korea, but for heaven's sake, don't waste your money or anybody else's.

  • 9 years ago

    You are 21!! not 12 you have every right to do what you want to do. do not let your mom control you! stand up for you and your sister.

    and they guy who said things about korean thugs, That's just stupid. South Korea is a safe place as long as you don't go into any dark alleys. same as in every country.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Go. To. Korea. !!!!!!!

    Its really your choice. Yes you must go to Korea. Think about it, living with your twin sister and your boyfriend with his parents is much better than being treated by your Mom??

    Plus your Mom is leaving anyway, so you should just go to Korea. Don't disappoint your boyfriend's parents, and just let your Mom go. She promised she'll be nice but she never did. And there is no legal reason for her to let you stay. (Well, besides her being your Mom. But that doesn't matter since you're over 18 right? )

    So yeah, go to Korea and just get married there :L

  • 9 years ago

    Do what you want and go to Korea, your mom has obviously made it clear that she will make your life miserable no matter what you do.You're 21, you have complete control of your own life.

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