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Atheists: Why do you waste your time in this section?

Hear me out, I'm not a theist (not an atheist either), but I mean, why is disproving God's existence SO important?

A Christian's evidence is faith.

An atheist's is science (which can be disregarded as the Devil's work).

That's why I don't understand this argument at all. Both sides are wasting their time, thinking too much about what the other side thinks. One's trying to teach a bird to swim and the other a fish to fly. Y'all just have to stop and stick to your fields.

So, atheists, butt out of this section. There's a Science section, you know. Just for you "geniuses".


"Why do you waste your time here? You already know what you believe; your mind is more closed than mine."

Actually, I have no idea what I believe. ...I guess that's my belief, I guess, lol. I believe I know nothing. I'm open to everything without actually accepting it. Nothing. I know nothing. I think everyone knows nothing, but I guess I don't know that either.

Freedom of speech: I don't have a problem with you all saying what you wanna say; I just don't understand. I've got the right to express my own opinion, as well. Mine is that you guys are wasting your time, like talking to a wall. I just think you'd all be better off and more helpful in other sections.

Stereotyping: Sorry. I guess the science-driven atheists are all I see. And the FFR guys, which I find pretty silly. I don't think it's the true problem.

Why am I here? Well, I come to this section every now and again for answers about other religions. It's hard not to notice

Update 2:

...the war between Christians and atheists. Plus, I used to be purely atheist, and I like checking on the section every now and again.

"Quit tryng to be a goddamn hero. Why are you wasting your time asking us what is clearly our buisness and none of yours?"

It's called Yahoo!Answers. I just want some answers. No need to be so harsh.

Little to none of you have answered the WHY. Y'all got defensive and hostile instead. Probably means you've asked yourselves the same question?

Update 3:

"Sounds like you panic at not being able to answer the questions put to your religion, We hope that at least one religious individual will think, 'Yeah maybe religion is a bit stupid, and go easy on the fairy book worship and the killing of eachother over a bulshit story about our origins', Well i can only hope thats why atheist come here"

I don't follow a religion; please read more carefully.

I find it arrogant that you think it's your place to "correct" theists. I mean, I'm annoyed when a Christian tries to shove his beliefs down my throat, but when an atheist does the same with his lack of beliefs, it's just as bad.

Otherwise, I see your point. I just think you should rethink your place if you find extreme theists upsetting. I'm probably being rather arrogant by saying all this; but, I'm just trying to meet y'all half way.

Update 4:

And, damn, on top of that: Theists, this question isn't for you. Stop being smug smart asses. Kthx.

Update 5:

"You can't tell us what questions we can and cannot answer, if you post it then it is for everybody, otherwise it is considered chatting smart azz."

Anyone can answer, but stuff like "Atheists have nobody to love them. So they use science to try to prove a negative. Which is impossible." isn't ANSWERING. It's, like I said, being a smug smartass. It could also be called chatting.

Update 6:

"First point ever heard of the 1st Amendment? Well part of the 1st Amendment grants people the right to Free Speech... Which by the tone of your voice sounds like you are against.

Second point, throughout history people have used religion or the word of God to convince people to commit acts of atrocities.

Third point it is all of you not y'all.

Forth point, it sounds like you are a ultra-Conservative Christian who would just love to have atheists sent to concentration camps"

First: I've addressed freedom of speech.

Second: You're stupid if you think the problem is religion. Religion is a concept. It's a tool. It's HUMANS, people, who are behind atrocities. Without religion, people would find something else to cause wars. Just saiyan.

Third: This isn't the English section. Y'all need to stop worrying about grammar; it makes you ignore the actual point. God knows that if I worried about the slaughter of the English language, I wouldn't be ab

Update 7:

..le to get online.

Fourth: Don't you read? Yes, though, I was raised Christian. I turned atheist in my early teens. Then by my mid teens I realized both labels were to narrow minded and set-in-stone for me. Now I dunno what I am.

"Yeah, no. When asked "Do you believe in any gods?" the theist says "Yes", the atheist says anything other than "Yes". That's literally what the words mean."

No the atheist says no. Theists believe in gods; atheists believe in no gods. There are even atheistic religions. The agnostic, for example, will say "I don know." I guess with that being said, I could be considered agnostic.

27 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why does ANYONE come to this section? To share their beliefs right? Right...

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 9 years ago

    "why is disproving God's existence SO important?" I don't try to disprove God's existence. Why would I give myself a burden of proof that isn't necessary? What I do is expose the "evidence" for the existence of gods as fallacious. It is a logical thinking exercise, nothing more and nothing less.

    "A Christian's evidence is faith." Faith is the antithesis of evidence. Faith is belief without evidence. To call faith evidence is to not know what faith is.

    "An atheist's is science (which can be disregarded as the Devil's work)." Can be, yes, but not from any form of logical stand point (nor without being hypocritical considering how even being able to read this post would also be dependent upon "the Devil's work").

    "So, atheists, butt out of this section." Are you unfamiliar with the concept of a Public Forum? Who are you to say which sections I should or should not visit? Who are you to dictate which topics I find interesting and which I do not?

  • 5 years ago

    i'm not dropping my time, i'm doing my small area to offer up the countless tide of lies instructed by utilising believers. i grew to become into shocked as quickly as I first began interpreting this area at how shamelessly believers lied approximately atheists, approximately technology, and approximately those from different non secular communities. I actually have a private marketing campaign going for the reason for reality here. people who for ever and ever lie could the two have quite a few doubt or could understand deep down that they are incorrect. you do not waste time attempting to coach that there is not any the teeth fairy as a results of fact no person over the age of 10 believes in a the teeth fairy. If another faith grew to become into attempting to impose its regulations on you i'm confident you would be screaming your head off interior minutes. Why is it a "waste of time" whilst somebody products on your faith being imposed on people who do not share it?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Sounds like you panic at not being able to answer the questions put to your religion, We hope that at least one religious individual will think, 'Yeah maybe religion is a bit stupid, and go easy on the fairy book worship and the killing of eachother over a bulshit story about our origins', Well i can only hope thats why atheist come here

  • 9 years ago

    Wasting time is something I enjoy. It's also not about disproving god's existence. I mostly answer questions directed at me or make jokes. I don't exactly care that much about science either.

  • Kes
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It's important for us to pull our brethren out of the darkness and into the light of a progressive humanity. We don't want you all to suffer back in the Middle Ages no matter how you cling to your delusions. And because you all have a right to vote, you make ignorant mistakes and things like Prop 8 happen. When you guys stop affecting the real world, we'll stop invading your fantasy world.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    So people saying the Earth is 4000 years old and that evolution is a conspiratorial lie should go unanswered. Remember sometimes that impressionable and confused young people visit this site.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Watching people jump through hoops for their beliefs is entertaining.

    "I'm not a theist (not an atheist either)"

    Yeah, no. When asked "Do you believe in any gods?" the theist says "Yes", the atheist says anything other than "Yes". That's literally what the words mean.

    "A Christian's evidence is faith."

    Faith is belief in the absence of, or disregard to contradictory evidence.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is in my job description as a Saviour that I am to help save people from their religious indoctrinations, and you seem to need saving. You say you know nothing, but believing religious indoctrinations is worse than knowing nothing, because with religious indoctrinations you only "know" and believe what is wrong, unsubstantiated, and unverifiable. I m simply here to show the theists the error of their ways.

  • Sam
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Right, science is 'wasting time.'

    It's not about teaching birds to swim, its about teaching humans the misunderstandings of science and atheism. Who else would answer questions regarding an Atheist's opinion?

    Why don't you butt out sense you're not a theist...or atheist... Nobody likes people that are stuck on the fence anyway. ;)

  • Sarah
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The point of R&S isn't to debate theism vs. atheism, it's to ask questions about religion and religious beliefs and receive answers.

    Anyone can have questions about any faith, whether it be in one, many, or no gods.

    If we all just "stop and stick to [our] fields," we will never be able to have intelligent conversation. (Not that I claim that Y!A is intelligent, but I think you understand my point.) We will take sides and go "RAWR U SUCK LOOOOZERS" at the other guys instead of learning about each other's viewpoints and trying to understand, even if we don't agree with, other people's beliefs.

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