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  • Why are women thought about so negatively?

    Research in psychology, for example, shows that people are more likely to match negative words with women and neutral, or even positive, ones with men.

    Why is it so hard for people in general to think neutrally about each gender and focus only on the individual? Not all men are one way and not all women are another.

    5 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • I want to design video games. What colleges would be best for me?

    I'm a junior in high school and I love my games. I've considered other jobs, such as psychology and writing--especially writing--but at the risk of sounding like a creep in her mom's basement, I have a passion for video games, lol. So I think I'm set on what I want to do with my life.

    My question now is, what colleges are best for this career? DeVry and the Art Institute has come up top on Google and the like, but I want some real answers from real people.

    Please and thank you for your help in advance!

  • In regards to unequal wages between men and women...?

    Do you think men get paid more because they're the providers?

    Or do you think they're the providers because they get paid more?

    I'm asking because it usually seems that it's because they're the providers. But, if women were payed the same, wouldn't they be happy providing for themselves? I mean, single mothers, for example, have families to provide for, so where is their equal pay?

    I don't know where I stand hear because I'm still thinking about it myself, but I'm curious as to what others think.

    Also, I don't want to hear "men work harder" because I've yet to any statistics to prove this so. The most that I've seen in regard to work differences is that men prefer to work in more competitive environments whereas women prefer being able to communicate with others.

    4 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Men: Do you prefer a housewife or a working wife?

    I've asked this once before:;_ylt=AjHLY...

    Though, I'm asking again because I want to add detail and see if I get different answers.

    Do you prefer a housewife the whole time, a housewife before children and a working wife after, or a working wife the whole time? So the only real change in the question is whether or not having children would affect your opinion.

    9 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Men: Would you prefer a housewife or a working wife?

    I'm curious, because I think some men like being the sole providers, but others seem to think it's unfair for a woman to be unemployed while the man works his butt off for the money. Heck, do you think you might prefer to be the housewife and have a woman who works to provide for you?


    7 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Women: Do you lump men together?

    I asked the question for men, as shown above, but now I want to know what other women do.

    Do you look at the individual or the sex? For example, if a woman cannot cook very well, it's generally because of the individual. If a man can't cook, it's because he's a man.

    If a woman thinks about sex, it's because it's a part of who she is. If a man does, it's because he's a man.

    Do you notice that you do this? If so, why? Or do you just not do it, keeping in mind that many stereotypes have been proven false over the years.

    5 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Men: Do you lump women together?

    I'm not trying to be offensive. In fact, I'm going to ask the same question but directed at women when I return home. I'm just curious as to how you think. All you need is a what and why to be eligible to BA (badass or best answer, which ever.)

    Anyway, for example, when a man does badly in math, it's because of himself. It's not because he's a male, it's because the individual is bad at math. One would tell him "You suck at math." On the other hand, if a girl does badly, the phrase becomes "Girls suck at math."

    If a man gets in a car accident, it's because he sucks at driving. if a woman does the same, it's because women suck at driving.

    I've heard plenty of people say things like that, but do you notice that you do? Do you even do it? What are your thoughts about it, keeping in mind that many stereotypes about both genders are far from accurate as proven through various studies.

    8 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • What exactly is wrong with sleeping around?

    Sex in general is taboo. Well, for men, society doesn't seem to have much of a problem with it. But, with women, it's taboo and called being a slut. I mean, sex has been proven to feel good and be good for you (giving you a natural flush, reducing stress, etc.).

    So, why is it so bad to be "slut"? (Assuming a man or woman uses condoms/birth control.) What is so negative about this word?

    Please don't give me the "lock and key" comparison. I find it really funny, but it's not what I'm looking for. Granted, if you haven't heard it, ask and I'll post it, lol.

    12 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Why do people think women are bad drivers?

    I don't know if this is what everyone thinks, but it seems to be the stereotype that I hear all the time.

    I'm asking because statistics say men get in more accidents then women; car insurance is even lower for women, the safer drivers.

    And, personally, the worst drivers I've been in a car with have been men. My uncle went off the road just dialing a number, my cousin can't keep a constant speed... Granted, my aunt is a very fast driver, but she hasn't ever been in an accident. I actually feel safest with her.

    I'm not trying to prove or anything, but I'm just confused as to where this stereotype comes from.

    7 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Atheists: Why do you waste your time in this section?

    Hear me out, I'm not a theist (not an atheist either), but I mean, why is disproving God's existence SO important?

    A Christian's evidence is faith.

    An atheist's is science (which can be disregarded as the Devil's work).

    That's why I don't understand this argument at all. Both sides are wasting their time, thinking too much about what the other side thinks. One's trying to teach a bird to swim and the other a fish to fly. Y'all just have to stop and stick to your fields.

    So, atheists, butt out of this section. There's a Science section, you know. Just for you "geniuses".

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What was your gateway game? Your first game?

    Which game made you want to play more video games?

    For me, it was Spyro on the first PlayStation, lol. I must've been only six or seven at the time.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is Game Booster worth the download?

    I got a new laptop (for Christmas, yay!) and I love playing games. The only thing is that I'm very iffy about downloading games onto an average laptop because I have the worst luck with computers. But, a couple of my friends use and have recommended Game Booster.

    Is it really worth the download? Does it make your computer more compatible with games without messing with the rest of the performance?

    I don't plan on downloading a game, much less GB, until I at least get a real mouse, so no rush. Please and thank you. :)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Does Scorpio argue contrary to her own opinion?

    I don't know how else to word the question, so I'll try to explain it with an example:

    If Scorpio was on a debate team, would she argue with her own side?

    I'm asking because I'm a Scorpio and I find myself arguing more with people who agree with me than with people who disagree. As if I want to challenge what I think I know so then I can better my argument (or even just understanding) against the opposing side.

    So, is this a Scorpio Sun thing or is there another placement that would cause this?

    2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Scorpios and Leos: Do you consider yourselves complete opposites or are you really alike?

    I'm just curious because other than Scorpio's sensitive, introverted Water traits and Leo's honest, extroverted Fire traits, I think these two signs are a lot of like. Granted, they're both Fixed signs, but I think they're more alike than Aquarius and Taurus are to them or each other.

    What are your thoughts? You don't have to be a Scorpio/Leo to answer.

    4 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Do you think your sign matches...?

    Do you think your sign matches the pokemon?

    Granted, I think the given personalities were taken straight from the western zodiac and twisted to make it sound pokemon-ish, lol. So, if you know Pokemon: do you think the Pokemon fits the sign?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Do you wear jewelry / have tattoos representing your zodiac sign?

    Do you wear bracelets or necklaces or anything representing you as your zodiac sign? Do you have any tattoos?

    12 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Hey, astrology skeptics...? Since there are so many of you geniuses here, can I ask...?

    You all seem like smart and educated people (lol). So, I'm wondering how you missed the fact that astrology is in the "entertainment" section.

    So, my question for the skeptics: can you name some synonyms of "entertainment"? And some antonyms? Only one synonym comes to mind to me, and that's "fun". And one antonym: not to be taken seriously. Granted, that's not one word, but...

    Also, include your zodiac, even if you don't believe. I assume you're all Air or Earth signs, but again, this is all for fun. The BS in astrology doesn't exactly need to be pointed out, but I'm sure you all realize that (lol).

    I'm a Scorpio. :)

    4 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • How do you feel about labels? Your signs?

    Whether they're the typical high school cliques (like prep, goth, emo, skater, burnout) or something like defining your sexuality, how do you feel about them? Do they matter to you? Do you think they're true? Needed? Do you label yourself as anything in particular?

    Give your Sun, Moon, and anything else you feel is important to the question. :)

    10 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Aries guy is sending me mixed messages...?

    We've been best friends for the longest time and we both admitted to liking each as something more. Understand that I'm a Scorpio and it took about a year and a half for that to happen and now he's the only person I could ever dream of opening up to. But, recently, he's been confusing me and talking to some other girl all the time. I thought we cleared the air, but I'm getting funny feelings...

    I know if it's TL;DR, no one will answer, but if you're interested in the full story:;_ylt=AsK0D...

    I thought I had him figured out, but I'm just feeling stupid and betrayed. I hope it's just paranoia Could someone tell me whether or not I've already lost him?

    And, no. I don't know her sign. I don't want to know her sign.

    And, yes. I'm asking astrologically because I didn't like the answer when I asked without it. Yes, I realize I'm being pathetic, but I'm desperate and I've never felt like this before.

    4 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • I feel like I'm losing a friend who I really don't want to lose...?

    Before I even get into it: NO. I'm not going to just let him go. I've told people to do that, but now that I feel like I'm losing my best friend, I can't believe I did. So, don't even answer with that. Still, I still need some objective, third party advice...

    Anyway, first you have to understand that we met over the internet when we were thirteen, lol. But now, he's sixteen and I'm turning seventeen. My parental unit knows about him and she'll even let us meet, assuming he tells his too. We've Skyped, we've talked on the phone, we're on FB, we've played MMOs together, whatever. If it's possible long distance, we've done it. Ironically, he's the only person I've ever felt close to and we consider one another best friends. Best friends, nothing more despite the feelings. I wouldn't be able to do a long distance love relationship. And, it's not like we're lifeless losers; I have my life and friends here in Ohio. He has his life and his friends and girlfriends where he lives.

    The problem, though, starts recently. He met some Australian chick online last month or something. He told me about her and I figured they wouldn't be talking much, because you don't usually stay in touch with people you meet online, lol. But theeen, he started talking about her more. Apparently she's hot and funny and nice and all that crap. Well, I got upset and jealous and stupid, but he was really quick to reassure me that I'm not losing him. Okay, problem solved...

    Not really. Well, now she's flirting with him on FB. And when he posts something like "today was a good day", I have NO idea what that means. But, apparently, she does and she likes it. It was after that that she told him how much she likes him and how funny and sweet he is, and while I'm thinking "I know" she's getting a like from him. She has a boyfriend, which makes this doubly annoying. He doesn't even talk to me on FB. Just AIM and over the phone (which apparently he does with her too).

    In between all of that, he chose to talk to HER over ME for three hours. Three hours over Skype. He didn't even want talk to me for a half hour after that.

    Overall, things have been feeling like they've been fuzzing out between us, but I don't want it to. I think he feels the same because he says so, and he did last night. And we talked all night, and it was nice, for once... But, it feels like we're giving up on three years of friendship. Of him telling me his problems and him dragging mine out of me. Making each other feel better, sharing LOLs... Him coming to me when his last girlfriend broke up with him or me crying to him when I'm missing my parents... I've never been so open with anyone and it feels like I'm being betrayed...

    I hope I'm just paranoid.. sorry for the TL;DR...

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago