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I am 19. How do I have child support on my behalf sent to me?

I am 19. I am in college, so my dad still pays my mom child support for me. I live on my own, and I don't receive any of the money she is paid. She occasionally buys me a few groceries, but it doesn't help very much and I am still barely scraping by. A friend mentioned to me that I can sign a form and have my dad's child support forwarded directly to me (I live in Missouri, btw). How do I do this?


Shea, my dad doesn't do anything other than the bare minimum as far as paying money goes. I'd love it if he would help me financially with fixing my vehicle, or help me with groceries, but every time I ask he blows it off and says he's "broke" (even though he lives very comfortably).

Update 2:

I pay my own college tuition. My parents aren't contributing anything toward it.

Update 3:

I do not live with my mom, therefore she is no longer the "custodial parent". I moved out six months ago. I have an apartment.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because you are a college student and do not live with her you need to call whoever deals with your case and deal with it that way and if you need to go to the actual agency and talk to them about it and they'll let you know what to do.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well, you will need to talk to him. He needs to go to child support enforcement and make an official request to modify the order for the money to go to you. They are required to help either parent upon request, by federal law.

    As for anything else, not in this MANcession where he may not have a job next week. He needs to conserve all his finances.

    Source(s): For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors. ♂♀
  • You can't. Child Support is sent/owed to the custodial parent to reimburse her for any of her monies that she had to spend above what was her fair share in supporting the child....and to use for the child while the child lives with her. If he owes arrears, that belongs to the custodial parent to offset the money she should have received from him but didn't and had to make up the difference herself because she was receiving NO CS during a period of time.

    Now it also depends on child support laws...some states make age 18 the cut off....some states until the child moves out/ graduates from college/joins the armed forces/gets married. Some, like NY state until age 21, college or no college, as long as the child does not join the military, move out after age 18 or gets married.

    You need to find out `1) what Missouri law is...just google Child support laws/Missouri and 2) find out what your mother's child support decree states.

    If Mom is getting arrears owed, that's hers. If there are younger kids at home, that CS may be for them....and if you've moved out, you are emancipated and Mom & Dad owe you nada.....I'm guessing she getting arrears or monies for younger siblings and since you are now moved out and emancipated, you get nothing.

    You may be able to sue your Dad for help while you attend college-only through a consultation with a family court lawyer will you find out for sure what avenues are open to you.

  • Andy R
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Wow. Tell your Dad you're not really getting the money even though you live separately now!

  • Margot
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Who pays your tuition?

  • 9 years ago

    Usually when child support is involved there is a county agency also involved. Our county has a child support unit in the county building that has the welfare office, department of motor vehicles etc... You will need to go to the child support agency that your mother is receiving the child support from. Tell them your situation. Chances are that your mother has said you still live with her. Or the case has not been updated since you left home. If your mom is not going through the child support agency, you probably need to go to the support agency any way. If your area does not have a child support agency, then the old way of doing it was through the probation department. That is where the single parent would file for child support. There is usually court involved after trying to get the child support money. This should not be a big problem on your part and should resolve your situation.

    Good Luck with your issue.

  • You don't. Child support, if court-ordered, continues to go to the custodial parent.

  • Shea
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    To get child support, have a baby and leave the father and file for child support.

    Otherwise, instead of being so hard on your mother, call your father and ask him to help you out. Just because he is sending money so your mom can help you, doesn't mean you can't ask him for more. Don't allow him to get away with writing a check and wiping his hands of you, call him.

    Best of luck.

    Courtney, I am not trying to be mean. But I already know that and the reality is, if you added up everything your mother has done for you, you are probably in arrears. Most often what the custodial parents gets in child support, doesn't even compare to what has been spent on you. And most often kids are harder on the custodial parent than the absentee parent. You will argue tooth and nail with your mother and accept that your father won't help you. Instead of taking out any aggression on her, take it out on him. Call him and have the same argument with him that you would so freely have with your mother, the person who has been helping you..the person who continues to help you when she can.

  • 9 years ago

    Child support continues to go to your mom, she should have set up an account for you to use that money for college..

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