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Bill asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

How important is NDAA, SOPA, patriot act, and killing Americans without a trial to American voters?

Ron Paul stands against these things. The other candidates like them. How important is their unconstitutional nature to voters.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they should be VERY important. has Very good info about Ron Paul and his beliefs. and the best part is Ron Paul DOESN'T Change his political views like Romney, Gingrich, Santorum. Ron Paul is The only TRUE American running for President. Ron Paul believes in Equality and Freedom for every American, He is a Strict Constitutionalist which means he will Protect your rights and liberties, which is what he has been doing from congress for over 20 years.

    Patriot act (Allows wire tapping and search and seizure without a warrant or just cause)

    NDAA (Allows the military to detain U.S Citizens indefinitely without Charge or trial)

    SOPA (allows the government to censor the internet)

    Ron Paul will Repeal all of the above legislation, he is the only one who believes you should have Rights. ALL Of the other candidates support the Bills listed above.

    State Requirements for voting republican www.bluerepublican .org/welcome-to-blue-republican­

    Ron Paul Videos His foreign policy Warning to America Equality

    Mitt Romney Is virtually a white Obama, he will maintain the Status Quo and do nothing worth while, if you want our economy to continue to decline and eventual Bankrupt then vote Romney.

    here's a few videos where he displays how he has no REAL views..

    Santorum does NOT believe in equality, depending on your sexual preference is how he will judge you. Rick Santorum is also listed as #3 from a watchdog political corruption group

  • 9 years ago

    Why does Ron Paul caucus with the fascist republikkans?

    These issues unfortunately are not very important to voters because thanks to the republikkans we have become a nation of cowards who are afraid of everything.

    The Udall Amenedment was introduced into the senate (by two democrats) that would strip out the troubling sections in NDAA. It was defeated 37-61. Rand Paul was only 1 of 2 republikkans who voted with democrats to support the Udall amendment which would have taken the indefinite detention provisions out of the bill.

    Nearly ever republikkan (and way too many democrats) supported leaving the bill untouched.

    Who crafted the Patriot Act? Republikkans.

    Who crafted the Military Commissions Act? Republikkans.

    Who introduced SOPA? Republikkans. (Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX))

    They have no respect for the constitution and have taken away more rights by the irrational application of fear than any party ever. Period.

    Who will be the ones who take away Americas guns? Republikkans.

    You know I'm right.

  • 9 years ago

    Let's all hope that whoever says they are against these things now, stays that way more than three months after they're elected. If Ron Paul can convince me he'll do that, he's got my vote. It's going to take someone with a lot of courage, a lot of honesty, and a lot of fight to restore the constitution at this point.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    both parties of the MSM are heavily reliant on emotion. (the voters are a jury that has proven to be incapable of making logical decisions) please consider this;

    i look up bills on I can also see the bill sponsors and voting record of senate and congress.

    At least w/ SOPA King B Hussein Obama will not need to sit and wait w/ his internet kill switch. It will be done automatically. In addition please consider this;

    FEMA camps and NDAA are the real thing. (just like an Orwellian Utopia) You'll be gettin' the eff out of dodge to avoid some kind of urban uprising because of a disaster or emergency and about 30 or 40 miles out of town traffic will stop. military stormtroopers will walk through stopped traffic and warn people to stay in their cars. when you get to the roadblock ahead you will be told to get out of your car (leave all of your belongings and your keys in the car and DO NOT bring any weapons) and wait in a holding area. You will then board a bus and go to one of their internment facilities where you will be in-processed. Hopefully you will not get to play any of their games (waterboarding, solitary confinement, etc)

    As for the NDAA (just signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama) that will be used to authorize the whole thing, did you read the book or see the movie "1984"? that's what it is. It allows any federal agency to declare an emergency and use the military forces to impose martial law. What they are doing in the mid east (door to door searches without warrants or any due process whatsoever) is only a rehearsal of what they have in store for us here. This is an article I wrote for another section.

    Do the police need a warrant to search me or my property? Under aspects of the US Constitution, all persons are protected from unwarranted searches and any other form of arbitrary harassment. Unfortunately modern courts have misinterpreted the intentions of the founding fathers who authored the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to give the police the power at their discretion to use "probable cause." Police should not be allowed to lawfully act on suspicions or whims, and any action against any person should be deemed unconstitutional. This also includes any electronic surveillance such as wiretaps, directional mics, etc. Of course under aspects of the "Patriot Act" they will claim that it is to protect us from terrorists. They also claim that states need to implement a REAL ID program so that sheeple can be digitally mapped for easy identification to once again... protect us from terrorists. Meanwhile, the southern border is wide open to basically let in whoever wants to come for whatever reason.

    The fact is this; the enforcement of drug and firearm prohibition has allowed the government to turn this country into a pig powered police state and everyday it is becoming more and more like the USSR. You might like all of this "protection" but personally I prefer to protect myself. If you are the kind of person that wants to give up your liberty for security then please go somewhere else like China or N Korea

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  • Pat M
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    i hope people find it important enough. many people dont even know what the NDAA or SOPA is. this should definitely tell you what kind of candidate Ron Paul is and what kind of candidates the others are. oh and what kind of president Obama is for saying he wouldnt sign the NDAA (or renew the Patriot Act) and he went ahead and signed them anyway.

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