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Lv 5
C B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

All you Obama defenders can you tell me what his plan is for his second term?

Any link to a speech on how he is going to turn things around, any plan at all?

I figure there has to be one some where because so many people defending him and wanting him re-elected so we can look forward to what exactly, I would like to read it.

Anything at all would be fine?


perfect do more than Bush.

I assume you mean the guy who was President 3 years ago.

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you spend a day perusing each of the achievements outlined on and, you will be able to discern a strong focus by the Obama administration on reversing the severe damages inflicted upon this nation by the previous administration (deregulation, upside-down pyramid-scheme economics, failed foreign policies, war on the middle class, collusion with greedy gut corporate leaders, and other right-wing failures that nearly took us into permanent third-world status).

    A very strong foundation has been laid by President Obama for long-term growth and prosperity, and we have improved our international relations as well. According to the CBO, more than 2.6 MILLION private-sector jobs have been created since 2009, reversing the more than 800,000/month jobs lost in 2008 and January 2009. In the first months of 2010, the Democrats and President Obama PAID DOWN THE DEFICIT BY 8% (articles in Reuters and Bloomberg News, MSNBC News reports), and has repeatedly offered plans to cut much more (blocked inexplicably by do-nothing right-wingers in Congress). The trade agreements brokered by President Obama, to include the $21.7 BILLION contract offered by Indonesia to Boeing, is bringing our GOP-outsourced MANUFACTURING BASE back onto American soil.

    As one of your respondents has suggested, tune into C-SPAN for the President's State of the Union speech before Congress later this month, and you might get a preview at the aforementioned site.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, we know there is going to be an effort to resolve the impasse over immigration issues. That has to be resolved. And the reelection of Obama will allow the protection of the important Health Insurance Reform Act, elimination of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and other progressive acts. And we know there will be continued effort to improve the job market and get the wealthy to pay their fair share.

    But here is a list of what Obama has done that the Republicans would love to undo:

    Protecting that list of accomplishments will be time consuming.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    well, first off he's been working on it for 4 years so I would guess that they hope he will continue to do some of the same things...

    fight for more access to health care, fight to regulate wall street and not let the collapse happen again... the same things he's been saying...

    but from what I understand overall, his total plan will probably be released at his state of the union address...

    he's not really kicked his campaign into high gear yet... just a few swipes here and there at some cons...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm pretty sure he'll tell us in his State of the Union speech later this month and then on the campaign trail until November. Keep your ears open. Meanwhile, here's something to ponder:

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He will continue trying to help the American people like he has being doing. Hopefully there will not be over 300 filibusters by the GOP in Congress and the Senate next time.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    At least this time all those teatards will be thrown out of Congress on their flabby aszes, then He will have some people there who will earn their paychecks. I am so sick of those do nothings!

  • 9 years ago

    Barack Obama's theme song:

    Barack Obama gaffes, from the most intelligent human that the left wing could find to guide them to socialsim:

  • 9 years ago

    Here ya go. Enjoy.

  • 9 years ago

    TO DO MORE THAN BUSH DID IN HIS SECOND TERM. Did you complain during his second term.

  • 9 years ago

    No, and neither can he. Yet.


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