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Are somethings illegal because they're wrong or are somethings wrong because they're illegal?

I thought this was an interesting question. which idea is a Higher Law? legality or morality and why? what do you think? (please only respond if you care enough to say more than 'it depends') -thanks

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Are somethings illegal because they're wrong

    Yes. Murder, for example.

    2) or are somethings wrong because they're illegal?

    Yes. The Bible teaches us that we must obey those who rule over us - including, of course, civil law. Thus, for Christians, violating the law is itself an immoral act unless the law directly contradicts a commandment of God - in which unusual case the commandment of God must be obeyed and the law disobeyed (something specifically taught in the Bible).

    It is *extremely* unusual for a commandment of God to require breaking the civil law.

    - Jim,

  • Gerry
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Well some things are wrong but are legal thats life, take drugs for example, alcohol and nicotine are both drugs as are things like morphine, painkillers etc and these have opiate effects yet they are okay, why because someone can make money of them. It would be pretty immoral for a goverment that has spent billions on fighting illegal drugs then turn round and say actually its okay we were wrong and were gonna make money out of it and what is the harm of someone using drugs, that is there life choice and we in the west are supposed the be able to pursue whatever life we want. The crime element comes into it because it is illegal, users have no support, they are dealing with ruthless criminals and how much crime is commited by drunk individuals, fights, murders, domestic abuse, crashes some fatal caused by drunk drivers (and alcohol was illegal once in america yet now its okay). You question is spot on, we are only told what is right and wrong. Even the bible says " is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your family?" yet that would be no defence in court. I think you have to go on what you feel is morally right in your own heart and not what some sleazy politician told you when it probably benifited him or his friends in some way finacially.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Morality depends on one's point of view. Legality depends on the state. That which I find morally "okay" may be illegal. That which I find morally wrong may be legal. But I can't go up to your church and punch you in the mouth because I think your religion is immoral, because that would be against the law.

    The law should not attempt to protect the majority's morality. Any act that does not directly harm others or anything that's not blatantly unnecessary should not be made illegal. So, weed? Legalize it.

  • Rikard
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Sometimes things that are wrong are not illegal, such as the fraudulent swaps and derivatives used by Wall Street that caused our current recession. Sometimes thing that are not wrong are illegal, like the laws in some states that make it illegal for Atheists to run for public office.

    The political power to make some things illegal is sometimes used just to try to promote one set of prejudices and bigotry upon others, which is why slavery was legal for so many years in the USA.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    A bit like the "What comes first, the chicken or the egg?"

    The 'crime' committed and then designated as such and thereafter dealt with in line with the judgment of the accepted majority opinion. Ones morality therefore imposes punishment for repeated actions in like manner. Society invariably dictates guidelines so that we can live comfortably under the same roof, settlement, village, town and city. It is what we humans do. Impose standards with a myriad of possibilities of life. Higher is therefore morality from a human stand point.

  • 9 years ago


    Yet, laws necessarily stem from the value system of certain a society.

    For example, prostitution is morally wrong and is therefore reflected in our legal system as such.

    Some laws stem from a kind of paternalism.

    For example, j-walking isn't morally wrong, but is wrong because the law forbids against it.

  • 9 years ago

    Things are illegal because a society has implemented a system of laws in which punishment is meted out if the laws are violated. Things are wrong when the person perceiving the act, based on his or her values, intellect, and background, decides that they are wrong. Frequently, illegal acts are also perceived as wrong. However, some things that are wrong aren't necessarily illegal.

    Illegal: murder, theft, tax evasion, speeding

    Not illegal (but often considered "wrong"): Abortion, adultery, lying

  • 9 years ago

    Legal refers to whether it's allowed by the government or not. Moral means whether it's the right thing to do or not.

    Since the government is basically a monopoly on the use of force and not any kind of source of morality, the two are logically and causally independent of one another although they often correlate, especially in modern liberal democracies.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    illegal and immoral overlap but are not identical. It has been shown that outlawing immoral thoughts is a poor governing technique. Ruining the innocence of young adults is legal, but hardly moral.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Things are illegal due to a majority of law makers deeming the acts unjust.

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