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Does MSM know the economy is in the tank? Gay marriage & contraception questions?

Are they THAT out of touch with reality? About 3% of the population cares about these things.

Are they not talking economy because they know Republicans will destroy Obama?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All of you IDIOTS that said Republicans run on "VALUES" only are just that. It is true that we have strong opinions on these Social issues, but the fact remains that these questions are engineered for them as to give Obama a way out in later debates. Obama cannot run on his record, this would be political suicide and the press knows this, otherwise why would these questions be asked if they were TRULY deciding factors to most Americans? Aside from Billy Boy Clinton who could sell Ice to Eskimos, MOST DEMOCRATS CANNOT RUN ON ISSUES, AND ON RUN ON THE BLAME GAME. It has been proven time and time again, when Republicans run on STRICTLY issue based Campaigns they win BIG TIME, especially when the Economy and the Foreign affairs of the Nation are at stake.

    This is another attempt by history rewriting DEMOCRAT DEMAGOGUES, to call & say things about Conservative Republicans that are from the Liberal playbook in order to ruin their reputations in front of their Television screens.. It has been proven ever since the first televised debate between Robert F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon, that elections are mostly decided from the comfort of our living rooms. Nixon looked horrible and very nervous, and he was sweating profusely which suggested he was being deceitful.( we know now this was probably true). Ever since Nixon's Presidency we have been been living a lie that has been manufactured by the Liberal Media because of 1 man, how many DemoRATS did we have to endure? Why can't your own people be honest about the scum they allow to run the Country?

    Do I dare say again Liberals, "CAN YOU SAY DISINGENUOUS"?

  • 9 years ago

    ...this is a joke, right?

    You *do* know that conservative voters are "values voters", right? That a lot of conservative voters care only about the values of the people they cast votes for? That's why Rick Santorum had only to take a bold stand for the hatred of gays and science to nearly clean Romney's clock in Iowa. These candidates are trying to appeal to an electorate that thinks everything will fall into place as long as God isn't mad at this country. Economy in the tank? Sure, that's important. But it's a problem that will be solved once we take a firm stand against fags and the grand climate change conspiracy and make God happy again (or so much of the conservative voting bloc believe).

  • 4 years ago

    Homosexuality is only as human as strolling upright...and the folk who're petrified of gay marriage as a damaging tension can relax for right here reasons. a million) the international is OVER populated and we choose extra gay human beings. 2) as much as i might like a greater pool of studly adult men to %. a husband from...the unhappy reality is that only approximately 10% of the inhabitants is gay. 3) there have been gay adult men and ladies on the grounds that human beings found out the thank you to precise themselves and in no way a conflict of gay against right this moment....different than to get carry of equivalent therapy as human beings.

  • 9 years ago

    It's dust in the eyes. If they can throw something at people to take their eyes off the real issues, the battle is half won. The only thing missing is an idiot monkey acting as executor of their maneuvers. It's a match made in hell! So, yeah, for the untrained eye, they're godsend bread for humanity, for the keen eye, though, danger all the way. It takes practically no effort to be gullible.

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  • 9 years ago

    You seem to have missed the point. The Republicans are fixated on social issues such as gay marriage, gays in the military, and abortion far more than the general public as a whole. Consequently, these issues arise.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i actually heard an info-babe on CNN last night claim that Greece's bad economic situation(being broke) was due to people not paying their swimming pool tax...and that Pakistan was a terrorist state because no one pays their taxes there either...with insight like this from these people,who needs to be lied to? i am convinced that if you only watch the lib media,you are un0informed,and mis-informed daily...

  • pdooma
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The candidates should have turned EVERY question into an economy question.

  • 9 years ago

    oh my gosh. It's the liberal moderators asking the questions. Get on their @sses for asking these moot questions.

    They just got on the economy.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Even they know Obama is to blame for that.

    So they try to divert onto other subjects.

    The standard liberal tactic.

  • meg
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    They don't talk about issues that show up just how terrible obozo is.

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