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Social and Fiscal Conservative Registered Republican Strong believer in God and nothing will change that Specialist in the United States Army 21 years old The following showed their "tolerance" and "open mindedness" after they met me: ICH8TE Obama2012 America on Bush's Watch Amy Sweet Sarah Truth thomas_paine Jessica Newell(level 1 guy) PopABoner( troll) Bonified

  • PS3 detects networks but wont connect. help?

    Last night my ps3 what streaming Netflix and connecting to the Internet wirelessly with no problem. Today I come home from work wanting to go on Netflix and it says my internet cannot be connected to. my playstation can detect the networks it seems them when I run a scan and when I try to connect, but it says cannot connect to the access point.

    And here's the thing, I can connect with an Ethernet cable. I have contacted Sony but they don't know, my internet service provider doesn't know. I can see the networks, which to me eliminates the possibility that my network card could be going out. I am at a loss. Anyone else have similar problems or had similar problems and solved it?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • C# 2008 object instance problem. Please help?

    So I am having a bit of a problem here with a class assignment I'm doing. Yes we have to use visual studio 2008. It's a payroll system that stores the employees name, pay rate, start date, and end date into a database. Now everything executes fine until I start inputting the information. It says "NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code" with the following description: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

    Data layer code:

    // This function saves the personnel data

    public static bool SavePersonnel(string Database, string FirstName, string LastName,

    string PayRate, string StartDate, string EndDate)


    bool recordSaved;



    // Add your comments here

    OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

    "Data Source=" + Database);


    OleDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand();

    string strSQL;

    // Add your comments here

    strSQL = "Insert into tblPersonnel " +

    "(FirstName, LastName, PayRate, StartDate, EndDate) values ('" +

    FirstName + "', '" + LastName + "', " + PayRate + ", '" + StartDate +

    "', '" + EndDate + "')";

    // Add your comments here

    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

    command.CommandText = strSQL;

    // Add your comments here


    //closes connection


    recordSaved = true;


    catch (Exception ex)


    recordSaved = false;


    return recordSaved;


    Here is the frmPersonnelVerified verifying code

    // saving the personnel information

    if (clsDataLayer.SavePersonnel(Server.MapPath("PayrollSystem_DB.mdb"),







    txtVerifiedInfo.Text = txtVerifiedInfo.Text +

    "\nThe information was successfully saved!";




    txtVerifiedInfo.Text = txtVerifiedInfo.Text +

    "\nThe information was NOT saved.";


    Now when I click "continue" my webpage shows this line of code highlighted:

    if (clsDataLayer.SavePersonnel(Server.MapPath("PayrollSystem_DB.mdb"),

    Any tips? If you need more information I'll give more.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me this actors name?

    Okay okay...bear with me here. There is an actor who comes to mind, I can't recall the movie he's been in but I do know he's been in some advertising commercials. He's overweight, got a round face, a widows peak, bright eyes(from what I can tell they're blue or greenish). For some reason I can only imagine delivery commercials that he may have been in from U.P.S. or Fed-Ex...these commercials would be rather dated...I'm certain he was middle-aged back then.

    I'm sorry I don't have much more's not Kevin James...I know that for sure.

    If anyone can provide a bit more insight would be helpful.

    2 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • Can anyone help me with my C#/HTML problem?

    So I'm taking a Web Application Programming class and our first assignment is building a form that calculates salary by multiplying the hourly rate and total hours worked. It's done in C#(Visual Studio 2008) with an HTML form. Now the code as it stands doesn't return a build error, however it won't 1) calculate the numbers I put in and 2) display the results via the submit button.

    Now before I was getting errors such as "'string' does not contain a definition for 'Text' and no extension method 'Text' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" because I was putting 'Text' at the end of a line "txtAnnualHours.Text".

    an earlier error was something like "'lblSalary' does not exist in the current context".

    Some of the code you see is because I've been searching for similar problems online and tried to adapt their solutions into my code so the problems don't occur...but I know I'm doing something wrong. The question is...what?

    Bear in mind I'm following an ilab's directions.

    below is the code I have.

    <script runat="server">

    protected void salary_onclick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    string txtAnnualHours = "";

    double number1 = 0.0;

    string txtRate = "";

    double number2 = 0.0;

    Label lblSalary = FindControl("lblSalary") as Label;

    string strlblSalary = lblSalary.Text;

    double number3 = number1 * number2;

    number1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtAnnualHours);

    number2 = Convert.ToDouble(txtRate);

    number3 = Convert.ToDouble(lblSalary);

    txtAnnualHours = number1.ToString();

    txtRate = number2.ToString();

    lblSalary.Text = number3.ToString();


    // ]]>




    <form = "annual" method="post" style=" height: 104px">

    <label for= "Annual Hours">Annual Hours:</label>

    <input type="text" name="Annual Hours" id="txtAnnualHours" maxlength="50" />

    <label for= "Rate">


    <input type="text" name="Rate" id="txtRate" maxlength="50" />

    <input type="button" id="salary" value="Calculate Salary" onclick="salary_onclick(object sender, EventArgs e)" />

    <label for="calculation" id="lblSalary">$</label></form>

    I'm sure it's tempting...but please resist the urge to be a jerk when responding.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Do any of you have advice for this moron?

    I asked this question earlier but got no replies. So here it goes. A couple of months ago, I started going out with this girl. We had a couple of dates and I really started to like her and she really started to like me. I thought things were great until she said she's moving out of state at that point I thought "okay". After I asked her about it she said that we were going to stop dating but that maybe sometime in the future things might pick up again. So stupid me decided to keep in touch with her. It finally got to the point where I resolved to getting rid of the pictures and a stupid little sweater I bought. She texts me and I say I'm getting some stuff and she asks if I'm getting rid of the pictures and sweater...I ask her why and she says she's still holding on to them. Now keep in mind, this is a month after she said we aren't dating anymore. She then says that while we may not have anything between us now, she said we most likely will in the future. "A glimmer of hope" I thought and decided to hold onto them just a tad I find out she wants to get back with her ex(I assume he dumped her) and she says she still wants to be friends. I told her how I felt about all that(maybe I shouldn't have done it) and now I just feel lost...relieved but still lost.

    I know I'll get over it, that this is temporary, and I'll move on, but it just sucks......

    What do you all think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why can't I just win?

    Didn't have a very easy way of wording this. So here it goes. A couple of months ago, I started going out with this girl. We had a couple of dates and I really started to like her and she really started to like me. I thought things were great until she said she's moving out of state at that point I thought "okay". After I asked her about it she said that we were going to stop dating but that maybe sometime in the future things might pick up again. So stupid me decided to keep in touch with her. It finally got to the point where I resolved to getting rid of the pictures and a stupid little sweater I bought. She texts me and I say I'm getting some stuff and she asks if I'm getting rid of the pictures and sweater...I ask her why and she says she's still holding on to them. Now keep in mind, this is a month after she said we aren't dating anymore. She then says that while we may not have anything between us now, she said we most likely will in the future. "A glimmer of hope" I thought and decided to hold onto them just a tad I find out she wants to get back with her ex and she says she still wants to be friends. I told her how I felt about all that and now I feel a little lost.

    I know I'll get over it and that this is temporary, but it just sucks......

    What do you all think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do leftists get off on politcizing the deaths of innocents?

    They seem herald this as some sort of "victory" for gun rights advocates when there is equal amount hatred on all sides of the spectrum towards this monster. It makes me sick to my stomach that they can parade this around and say it's the NRA's fault when this happened in one of the gun restrictive states(ranked third) in the country. I know not all leftists do this, some are actually civil, but definitely the uncivilized ones on here seem to be smiling with glee about this tragedy when we should be praying for the families. Is this equal to porn to some of the mentally deficient leftists on here?

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why won't my Xbox360 detect my hdmi?

    Okay, I apologize if there are more threads out there like this one but bear with me here. I connected my xbox to my monitor screen using a DVI to HDMI converter cable(the monitor accepted the DVI plug) and it displayed a picture perfectly just without sound. Now, being someone who is a little ambitious and likes to push the envelope a little, I decided that I wanted sound hooked my Xbox up to the tv using the regular AV connectors. No picture, even flipped the switch from hdtv to tv and still nothing. So I thought those cables were no good and I hooked my Xbox back up to the monitor, now I'm not getting any picture.

    I even hooked it up to my TV using an actual HDMI cable and still nothing. But here's the thing, I tried the AV cables again with the switch on the HDTV setting and the green lights flashed.

    What gives?

    1 AnswerXbox9 years ago
  • What's the name of that one book?

    Now it's going to be a little vague because I read the book a couple of years ago. I just can't remember the name and it's driving me crazy.

    The story is told through first person. It's about a boy who's inlove with a classmate but he can never really get close to her about 3/4ths of the way to the end. One night she and the main character end up making out and he obviously enjoys it, she ends it with "to be continued" and leaves for a bit to answer her phone, she then comes back freaking out and leaves again. The next day or so the the kid and his friend wonder what happened to her and they get an announcement from the principle that the girl had died in a car accident the night she had left.

    Later on in the end, he finds out the reason why she freaked out because it was the anniversary of her mother's death and she had forgotten to pick a flower to put on her grave. She died getting to the cemetary.

    I know I can't be any more discrete, if I could remember any of the character names I'd have the book figured out. Anyways, I think the authors name was Tom Green or something, I can't remember.

    Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why won't my psp work?

    My psp was working just fine. While I was playing Star Ocean it just shut off without warning. The batter is fully charged so I turned it back on and found that it stopped reading the game. Thinking someone was wrong with the disc I popped in another one, but it won't read any of the games I put in.

    I don't understand why it's doing this.

    Need more details? I will be happy to provide.

    3 AnswersPlayStation9 years ago
  • Do you think she's interested?

    Okay okay. I generally don't ask for advice online but I thought "what the hey" and decided to do it. Now there is girl who I work with and like all the guys I work with flirt with her and trying to you know, get with her. Now she and I joke a lot and we talk even though she's fairly new, I saw her a lot when she was a customer(I work at a Target). Now she works with me and after a few days of talking to her I started to like her. A couple days a go I decided I was going to ask her out. The following day I summoned up the courage to ask her out to get some coffee, and she wasn't really looking at me but she said yes and we exchanged phone numbers. I haven't set a date yet because well, we both have schedules and I'm trying to work something out so that we can get together.

    I was just I may sound a little dense or oblivious but it's a rare occasion for me to actually ask a girl out. In fact she is one of the first girls I've ever actually gone up to and asked out on a date. Just wondering if maybe she accepted because she didn't want to hurt my feelings or if it was because she was genuinely interested.

    SIDE NOTE: Just to let you know, I have tried to contact her, and she hasn't responded to my texts but then I recalled she was getting a new phone. I sent a text but because one of the digits on the number she gave me looked weird, I couldn't tell if it was an "8" or a "0" so I by changing that one digit, I sent a "hi" message to both and didn't get a response. Maybe she hadn't got her new phone yet, I'll find out though.

    And I know this wasn't very detailed, but there wasn't really a lot to tell so I wanted to keep my story simple and to the point.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What's up with Jerry Brown?

    Now I'm a Conservative Republican and I didn't vote for this guy because quite frankly, I think 2 terms was enough for him. But whatever, he's our governor again and I will respect that. Jerry Brown has set himself apart from other liberal politicians in the sense that this man recognized California has a spending problem. That however, didn't stop him from trying to raise or extend my states already outrageously high taxes. He got the budget cuts he wanted and on the side California got an income tax, a sales tax and a vehicle tax cut(albeit a small one but still) because the GOP legislators wouldn't go along with his tax proposals.

    However, he has gone in a direction I never thought possible, pension reform. This man wants to raise California's retirement age from 55 to 67 and make public employees at every level of government in the state(both local and state) pay more for their benefits.

    Now I'm not a Jerry Brown supporter, and I never will, but I'm not gonna lie, this man has impressed me and I believe Obama can learn a thing or two from the budget and pension battles that are going down here in the Golden State. Even some key GOP law makers in the state are supporting Brown on this.

    Yeah I know, more of a "my two cents" story than a question but I wanna know; what do the rest of you think?

    3 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • How State Marriage Laws Differ?

    Now this isn't a political question. I am just curious, so please no throwing around your political banter and whatnot.

    How do the laws governing marriage in each state work? I mean if I get married in let's say, California-my home state-and I move to another state like Texas with my wife, my understanding is that I am not legally married to my wife in that state. So in other words, in order for my marriage to be declared valid in the state of Texas, I'd have to get re-married. Do I have this right?

    So I am curious, are the states under any obligation to recognize marriages that are performed outside their respective state?

    And if you can, please provide sources so that I may better research this. I've tried looking this stuff up but came out empty.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Care to share a few words?

    Well I'm not really one to ask questions online, mostly because I'm trying to end my online social life. I'm usually active in the political forum but this time I have been bothered by something and wanted to hear people's take on this. I'm in the military have been for the past 2 and a half years and I'm 19 years old. Roughly 6 months ago while I was at AIT, a girl that I have been seeing ditched me for another guy. Here's the thing we were on and off before hand and she had been with this guy before and that's kinda what really got to me. I remember begging her to take me back and somehow I blamed myself for it ending. I cried like such a baby that I felt like a small child. Crying is a big thing for me, I never cry really. I was away for 3 months but I think she picked the worst time to end it because I was in a 24 hour military environment that was already stressful and there was also the issue with her being very flirty with other people especially this one guy I detested. I did all the wrong things, I called her asked her to take me back, told her to give me another chance asking her if it was something I did. I demanded some sort of explanation because out of nowhere she dumps this on me and she refused to answer.

    We haven't talked really since. I've called her a couple times but any attempt to contact her as ceased. She called me about a week or so ago and asked if there were girls chasing me and I said "no" and she said "go-I mean aw". So that kinda told me she was interested. Once she even said she wasn't entirely over me. But I know she's just screwing with me....lord I hate that.

    I'm still not entirely over her despite what she did to me. Recently, curiosity got the best of me and I looked her up and saw she has a new good mood died right there and I felt depression swelling within me. There's a whole lot of resentment and part of me still yearns for closure...but I don't think that's going to happen.

    I'm moving on, yeah I still got some work to do. I don't want her anymore, yet the pain still lingers from time to time. I can't go this far and not go further right? What say the rest of you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Ps3 has trouble reading some CD's?

    My Ps3 is is almost 2 years old(it's a slim, got it back in September of 09), and since then it has worked with no issue. It wasn't untill a couple days ago that I noticed that I was having problems.

    1) I tried putting in my Final Fantasy 13 and I noticed the playstation wouldn't read it right away and it would make a weird click noise as if I had just inserted the disc. I've never had this trouble, it would play right away, until a few days ago. So after a couple tries I can get the console to play the game. That's issue number one.

    Issue number 2 is that when I tried to play certain movies it makes the same noise(like the disc is being inserted) and just won't read them at all. The only two that it won't read are Battle L.A. and Lord of the Rings The Two Towers. I got Battle L.A. to read a couple times but now it just won't play.

    I don't know if it's an issue with the update or maybe my console is dieing prematurely. I clean it of dust and make sure it's not overheating. Is anyone having this issue? If someone has had it and fixed it, could you let me know what you did or give me some advice? I'd hate to go out and buy a new console or spend money to get it fixed if it's a hardware problem.

    1 AnswerPlayStation10 years ago
  • How to view mobile phone videos on the computer?

    I have some footage of myself playing a video game on my phone. On the phone itself, the video plays flawlessly with no lag or frame skips. However, when I upload them onto my computer and then play the videos, they lag, some times distorted and freeze up while skipping several frames. Is there a program that can fix this?

    And if this question has been asked before, please direct me to it.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How do I configure php.ini?

    I am trying to view phpmyadmin and I go to my computer teacher about this and he told me to download apache, php and phpmyadmin. so I did everything he said and I was able to get a server running. My problem is that the index.html keeps saying "it works!"

    so I go to him again and he tells me to configure the php.ini my question is, how do I do this?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • My motherboard says it, but I'm not sure. Can it support Am3?

    I got a motherboard from tiger direct almost a year ago a little while before the am3 chips came out. My model is a Gigabyte GA-ma770-ud3 and it says "AM3 Ready" on the box.

    does that mean if I purchase an Am3 chip, it will run no problem?

    4 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Why won't my picture messages send?

    I recently got a new phone today from T-Mobile. and I was trying to send a picture message to a friend. now we both own 2 completely different phones and are able to receive text messages with no problem. but when it comes to sending a picture it just stays in the outbox.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago