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Jehovah's Witnesses: Is the governing body a type of "Vicar of Christ" in your movement?

You know "Vicar" like a go-between you and God? I'm hoping you can help me understand the circular reasoning I see in so many JW Q/A's:

* The Bible is our only authority.

* The Org. is the only authority that can give us spiritual food at the right time.

* The Bible is always in alignment with the teaching (or interpretation) with what the Org. says.

* If the Bible reads differently then what the Org. teaches...the Org. is correct.

* But the Bible is our only authority.

So, is the GB a type of Vicar for the JW movement, just as it is in the Catholic Church?

Don't JW's frown on the RCC for doing this exact same thing?

Thanks for helping me understand....


Shadow knight~ thanks for your post. NO. NO, my friend, not at all. You've stumbled into the "fact finding section." If truth is will, and can hold up to scrutiny. But you will need to be willing to think outside the box. All I'm asking is...THINK! The RCC are considered unfaithful if they question their Vicar. Is it the same in your movement? The Bible is the final authority...right?

Update 2:

@Shadow Knight~ Thanks again for sharing. Religious faith goes deep to the soul and we all believe we have it right. Try talking to a Muslim from Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Just as set in their beliefs as you are in yours. And I'll say this up long as you're content with what you have...NOTHING...not even a trip to heaven (like Paul and John got) will ever change your mind. That's not my intent. I own a copy of 'What does the Bible really teach' in my library. My problem is...I already had a good idea of what the Bible was saying before the Watchtower tried to tell me otherwise. Thus the difference between us...The WT got to you first.

Update 3:

Your assessment of Christian groups outside of not accurate. But the slave class would never lie about that...right? If my Christian fellowship read the bottom of your post..they'd have no idea of what you're talking about. But if you don't mind me asking...(since you said no one could change your mind using only the Bible) have you ever read, systematically and in context, through the entire the New Testament, without the use of WT materials and or publications? In a translation other than the NWT?

Update 4:

Thanks again S.K. Yes, I'm born-again, Spirt-filled, coming from the Assemblies of God / Full Gospel / Charismatic background. You can see that in my profile which is not private. I take a great risk in "being a book known and read of all men." A "dim view of Witnesses?" No, actually my gripe is with the Org. Thus, this Vicar Q. Having experienced "walking in the Spirit" personally, I take great issue with an Org. who denies the fruits of the Spirit to its' "sheep class." That not what Acts. 2:38,39 says. You will see more of this in the Bible belt states (southern states of US) than in So. Cal where I live. I do tell my JW In-law they most be born-again (John.3:3) to see the Kingdom; let alone enter it. But that's what the Org. taught them. You read those passages before the Org. told you we're "sheep class?" Interesting.

Update 5:

* Fornication is a sin in 1Cor. 6:18~ we believe this (WBT.)

* Homosexuality is a sin in Rom. 1:27; Jude v7 and in Leviticus. WBT..they must be repentant.

* Killing in war time is up to the individual. King David fought many wars, and God wouldn't let him build the temple because of it. I believe in self-defense. America is owned by private corporations and has not fought a constitutionally (legal) war since WW2. I don't believe in killing for hegemonic control of natural resources.

* I attend a non-denominational (believes in the Spirit-filled walk) Church in Big Bear, CA.

Hope this helps...Probably not what the Org. told you lumping all of "Christendom" together, was it?

Update 6:

Chuckle..Yes lumped..My In-law did exactly that when I talked to them of their new beliefs. And read it right out of the WT publications. This was in the 1990s. "The clergy of Christendom, is so evil, they are not worthy, nor will they receive a resurrection." light since then? to Mindy about that...she makes your movement look carnal. And we will disagree over what the face-value interpretation of the Bible says, over what the Org. says it says. I respect your right to believe what you want, and appreciate this chat...Thanks. But in my over 800 answers, many with JW askers..they are programmed questions from the Org. Nothing original about it. They are lead by the nose. Maybe not you...but them.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it would be more accurate to suggest they perceive the Faithful and Discrete Slave class as their go-between for those who are not “anointed” and God. They claim that the FDS are mediators, divinely appointed priests to reconcile people to God. The FDS are part of the 144,000, the only people since the time of Jesus who can be “anointed,” they say. That means over 7 million Jehovah’s Witnesses who have been excluded from the new covenant, and who are not “anointed” or born again Christians, must look to the FDS to put in a good word for them and mediate on their behalf.

    Watchtower 15 January 2012 A Royal Priesthood to Benefit all Mankind (pp27-30)

    “Para 8 – A divinely appointed priest works to reconcile people to God. Para 10 – Those who accepted the Christ were invited to become party to the new covenant and would actually become “a kingdom of priests…”

    Para 12 – From the time of his baptism in 29 C.E., Jesus as High Priest submitted to tests and training until the time of his actual death. After he was resurrected, he ascended to heaven and presented the value of his sacrifice to Jehovah himself. Thereafter, Jesus could plead with Jehovah on behalf of those exercising faith in his sacrifice and assist them to serve God with everlasting life in view (Hebrews 7:25).

    Para 13 – Those invited to be in the new covenant were also to be anointed with holy spirit (2 Corinthians 1:21). Faithful Jews and then Gentiles were included (Ephesians 3:5-6). They would receive true forgiveness of their sins… “a kingdom of priest.”

    Para 15 – What benefits will the 144,000 bring to those on earth? (the holy city, New Jerusalem)… Para 17 – By the end of 1,000 years of beneficial service, the royal priesthood will have elevated its earthly subjects to human perfection. As High Priest and King, Christ will then present the completely restored human family to Jehovah (1 Corinthians 15:22-26).”

    Since Jesus can only plead on behalf of those who are in the new covenant (which is true), then those who are outside of the new covenant must cling to the spiritual coat-tails of the “anointed” in the hope they will intercede for them on their behalf. They see the “anointed” as their go-between. But the Australian legal representatives of the organisation have declared in court that the FDS does not exist! It is merely a “theological arrangement.” How peculiar, given the FDS has been responsible for “dispensing spiritual food” to all Jehovah’s Witnesses for about 100 years.

    The GB represents the authority of the organisation. They say Jesus chose them as God’s only channel of communication in 1919. They deny any suggestion of responsibility or of being a go-between, and pass the buck to the FDS, whose existence is now in question.

    ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ means that body of Christians who recognise the spiritual authority of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses situated at 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn New York, United States.” – Defined under section 9.1 of the Articles of Association (30th October 2000), for the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain.

    EDIT: "We do not lump each and every individual religion, church, and individual worshiper together." Jehovah's Witnesses denounce all Catholic and Protestant denominations as part of 'Babylon the Great' - the Harlot of Revelation - soon to be destroyed at Armageddon. They say every single religion claiming to be Christian is part of 'false religion' and that they, and they alone, are the only true Christians. They also believe that only faithful and loyal Jehovah's Witnesses will survive Armageddon. They lump every religion except theirs together as part of 'false religion.'

  • 5 years ago

    It's so effortless to appreciate how Jehovah has consistently had an association. Why might folks consider he's any extraordinary now or from the commencing.It used to be Christ Jesus himself who mentioned there might be a "devoted and discreet slave". It might no longer be guy who made up this slave magnificence. It might be Jehovah himself. People on right here say "you do not ought to belong to any faith". Well. That's no longer what Jehovah mentioned. He might hire a slave magnificence. So. I ask the folks.If Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the appointed slave magnificence. Then who does? Because I certain have not visible anybody on right here persuade me that they do.....Mark

  • 9 years ago

    Point one - correct to some extent (Jesus is the Head of the Christian congregation)

    Point two should read: the "faithful and discreet slave" has been appointed by Christ to provide spiritual food to true Christians today.

    Point three should read: The teaching of the "faithful and discreet slave" is in alignment with the truth contained in the Scriptures

    Point four should read: If the Bible differs from the teaching of the faithful and discreet slave - then the teaching is corrected to be in alignment with the Scriptures

    With those corrections then the "circular reasoning" mentioned by the questioner disappears.

    EDIT: My mistake - apparently I have stumbled into a Witness - bashing section not a search for truth. Carefully edited quotes and incorrect assumptions do not add up to truth. But oh well.

    EDIT: I have been a dedicated baptized Witness of Jehovah for almost 21 years. In that time any questions I have had about the things I have been taught have been easily handled by a close examination of the scriptures. I have not found ONE thing that does not conform to the Bible. My head is Jesus Christ, and my source of guidance is the Holy Bible. However, the reason I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses is that they teach and LIVE God's Word. They hold to its moral standards, teachings, principles, etc. Any time someone has tried to cast doubt on the teachings or practices of Jehovah's Witnesses (using the Bible only0 has failed. I have no doubt I am being taught properly, and that Jesus is using the "faithful and discreet slave" to provide spiritual food "at the right time". The reason I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses is they ALONE adhere to the scriptures as the authority. Period.

    The Roman Catholic Church makes new doctrines on a semi - regular basis, does not adhere to the Bible as their authority, and they move with the tide of popular opinion. The same goes for the majority of religions today.

    EDIT: Yes, I was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses when I read the Bible. Several times in fact. I also investigated several religions including non - Christian ones. I read several different translations as well. My knowledge of the scriptures actually led me to Jehovah's Witnesses. They were the only religion that adhered to the scriptures in their entirety. And my ministry continues to expose me to countless questions and doctrines. Although I would never declare myself an expert, I am not a "babe in the woods". Looking over your various comments and questions it seems you have a dim view of Jehovah's Witnesses both their spiritual maturity and their knowledge of the scriptures- and that is regrettable.

    And when it comes to my "assessment" it is based on personal experience and is quite accurate.

    My grandmother was a Methodist and had to sit through several doctrinal changes, so she quit and became an Episcopalian, and same story, and both myself and my parents dealt with the same type issues, both with Baptist and "non - denominational" churches.

    Here is a question for your Christian fellowship- How do they view sex before marriage, homosexuality, and killing a fellow human 'in the service of the country'? And for the record - what is the name and location of your church?

    Your'e response is appreciated. I notice you did not fully answer my question. If you choose to answer then perhaps you also answer: Has your churches views changed on the moral standards outlined in the scriptures? Do you allow those who do not follow the Bible's moral standards to lead and teach?

    Chuckle. Thank you for your answers. Contrary to your personal belief - we do not lump each and every individual religion, church, and individual worshiper together. Each person is different, which is why we engage in a personal ministry. Nor do we silently and wait to be given our indoctrination speeches. The difference between you and I is personal - I personally believe that the Bible does not support the immortality of the soul, the Trinity doctrine, participation in politics, joining the Armed forces of my any country, the celebration of certain holidays, and so forth. You and I disagree on these issues. I realize that your choices are made by you, and although I disagree with them, I respect your right to choose.

    I hope that you are able to respect my individual decisions and to STOP acting as if all of my fellow Witnesses are a hyper - controlled band of thoughtless followers. It is quite obvious that you likely will never be convinced that what we believe is the truth, but at the very least I ask that you afford us the individual respect that we afford you.

    Source(s): the facts
  • 9 years ago

    That is essentially correct.

    Ask any Witness: "Can you have a relationship with Jehovah outside of the Governing Body"? The answer is no. You must accept what they teach, even if it is at odd with your on conscience.

    You must suppress your doubts and follow faithfully.

    When asked how to get into the kingdom of God, Jesus stated "You must love your God with your whole heart and you must love your neighbor as yourself."

    The Governing Body have inserted themselves into this by saying that you cannot love God unless you follow what we say. Much like the Pharisees of the time, they are more interested in people following their interpretation of the scriptures than let people find it themselves.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Vicar--Christ representative. JW'S are a cult.

    John 3:16


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