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According to liberals that I have spoken to -?

illegal immigrants are "victims" of American exceptionalism and deserve amnesty and all the "free entitlements" and sovereignty they demand as retribution. My question to liberal thus is this: What percentage of the American citizen's taxes should be taken and "redistributed" as payment? How much sovereign American property should be given?

Just looking for an average number.


Algebra fan and the other liberals responding can we start by taking your money and property first? Just asking you to live what you state you believe in.

Update 2:

Wow the libs on this forum are getting confused with the words I used in my question. This is a troll question? Really? I asked a simple question and I seem to be getting non nonsensical responses. The only answer I got thus far was $800,000 and we need to cede a large portion of America to Mexico. Come on libs you can do better than that!

Update 3:

Joe Cree: Your non response is typical of liberals. Attack and refuse to respond with a sensible answer.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is correct, it is Americans that hire them and motivate them to come here. Start jailing and dissolving companies and the majority will not come if Americans fear hiring them. They come here becasue they know Americans mainly over 45 will hire them. Attack the source not the user like another slow war on drugs.

  • 9 years ago

    I've never heard any liberals say that illegal immigrants are victims of American exceptionalism (which actually encourages immigrants); or say they deserve "free entitlements" (which by the way is a redundant phrase); or sovereignty for retribution (whatever that means).

    So your question cannot really be answered, since liberals don't have your so-called opinion on it. And of course, it's just a rhetorical troll question anyway.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    You give yourself away, little boy. no liberal would use the term "american exceptionalism", which is just the current label for the old aryan supremacy bullshit

    so sad how you guys have to make up lies. if you really believed your extreme right wing silliness, you would be honest in defending it. telling lies just makes it clear that even you do not think your views have merit

  • 9 years ago


    they deserve reperations because we took the brown man's land

    we should cede texas back to Mexico at least.

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  • 9 years ago

    none they arent citizens thus the government shouldn't be expected to give them anything

  • 9 years ago

    i don't understand what "exceptionalism" is. do you mean imperialism or capitalism?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "Liberals" you have spoken to?

    Would they include THIS guy?

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