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Why is it that these days teenage kids have such a attitude problem?

One afternoon, I was walking home and I saw a gang of kids, aging between 12-15 years old, they were terrorizing this elderly man, who I guess to be in his 70's. I saw what had happen to start the fight. A girl was playing around with her friends and accidentally ran in to the elderly man. Instead of apologizing, she proceeding to shove him and yell at him. The words that came out of her mouth, she had a gutter mouth. Her friends joined in and started taunting him. I stepped in and pulled the man away. He quickly scrambled away. The next thing I know, this gang of kids cursed at me, used racial slur and took jabs at my face. This is a fine example of a mob mentality. I wish this was an isolated incident but it isn't. I was born and raised in New York City. With the exception of going off to college, I lived in NYC all my life. I noticed more and more of these wild teenagers. They gather together and form a gang. They terrorize people on the streets. They curse physically assault and sexually assault people on the streets, trains...just about anywhere. They have this attitude of entitlement that they can do whatever they want wherever they want. When I was a kid, this behavior was unheard of. BTW, I'm in my 40's. What happened? Why is there such a moral decline in teenagers these days. I'll admit that these teenagers mostly come from low income families and are ethnic minorities. But, money can't explain it all because I've seen rich kids do the same thing.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a 14 year old these type of teenagers disgust me. I really don't understand why they do it, it really gets bad in the city areas.

    I have an opinion about this, it is that these kids have a lot of pent up anger, that they never really figured out how to vent. It builds up and builds up until they don't care anymore and start going out and get into trouble for attention or because they believe the world owes them and they don't have to play by the rules.

    I really hope you don't generalize teenagers / kids because of this, but I can see why you would.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm 18 and i believe that there are alot of reasons:

    The media:

    children now see alot of the lluxuries they go without 24/7 and believe they have the rights to them luxuries to, (can cause things like stealing)

    Teenagers also idolize celebrities who use drugs, and see the fantastic lifestyle this celebrity has, TV shows now also show teenagers drinking and having a fantastic time taking drugs (could cause children to think this behavious is normal as they see is constantly)

    Social blurring:

    This is where the line between childhood and adul life is slowly disappearing and merging together, children/teenagers have an unlimited acess to the 'adult world' through the internet porn- could cause children to become more sexualised at an early age e.g- young girls wearing mini skirts and high heels etc.

    world wide news:

    teenagers now see war from all over the country so often in papers magazines on tv, learn about it in detail in school as young as the age of 6, children become neutralised to this violence and find it the 'norm'

    Gaming technology:

    the advanced graphics and violence on childrens games on the x-box and playstation again causing children and teenagers to class violence as a game, and violence becomes normal to them.

    I study sociology in college in the UK and these are thing we're taught can cause this behaviour, the reason it is mostly low income families and ethnic minorities is because people tend to live up to the stereotype theyve been given. If people say you'll be a druggy, it has been proven people follow that stereotype just because they believe they can follow it. Also a reason for ethnic minorities could also be that they dont have the same 'norms' and 'values for society' as we do, maybe thats down to different religious beliefs ect.

    I know that was really long but there are so many more explanations, i just thought id mention some that hadn't really been talked about

    Source(s): sociology student
  • 9 years ago

    You're so right about money not explaining all coz both rich & poor kids're that way.

    I blame distraction.

    Too many things're made these days to distract kids from the simplicity of life,like video games & so on if you get where am going with this.

    Yes youtube & the internet is available but there're lots of interesting/educative stuffs on both yet theses kids prefer the negatives/dangers in all these things sadly.

    My daughter just turned 19 & she's still a virgin = yes! am proud cuz i've worked as hard as my mom did with me.

    Not that i can't afford to buy her all the electro things kids loves & have now & days but i don't,don't want her to be distracted from her studies & future.

    Her pc is been blocked from harmful sites including youtube,she's my only kid & am not gonna let society ruin her future.

    By the way,am 35,had her doing the WAR in Africa,kept her safe up to date,didn't lose her in the WAR & not gonna loose her to no good kids like those ones,i'll die first before i see her treat the elderly or any human/animal that way.

    I love her for being such a good kid,she ain't perfect & nor am i but she is a very good kid & i love her/very proud that she's good & respect all species:)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Is it really worse? I am 60 + and think there have always been no go areas where gangs run riot but that teenagers overall are as okay as they ever were maybe with less rules than we had. I am not excusing this set of youth but it isnt the generation there were always pockets of troubled areas.

    the whole 'kids of today !' debate has been going on forever but we still overall are more humane than ever before.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm no longer incredible w/ the teen crowd lots these days so i'm able to in effortless terms pass with the aid of those i've got for my area met. they have all been very respectful w/ me. yet nonetheless, i'm many times assembly somebody's grandchild it relatively is a chum of mine & they seem to be a chum b/c we proportion like values. So the pattern team i'm assembly comes from very respectable human beings. i do no longer opt to decide the international with the aid of media representation. that's too biased. As for the strangers I bypass with the aid of on the line or contained for you to purchase, some appear like undesirable characters, yet that's in effortless terms a "e book with the aid of it relatively is conceal." If I take time to chat w/ them, I nevertheless locate maximum to be polite. something are only detached. I agree on the clothing difficulty. yet that's no longer young ones who initiate that. it relatively is designers & entrepreneurs. Then maximum adolescents nevertheless want father and mom to purchase what's marketed. Granted that would come from begging young ones, yet father and mom nevertheless have administration of purchases and/or possessions allowed interior the residing house.

  • 9 years ago

    In a nut shell ....hurt people hurt others .....these people are hurting ( they are suffering so you must to ) , a mix of poor parenting , emotional abuse, divorce ,drugs, poor self control and the like ...

    Psychologists will never be out of work .....never

    Source(s): My life
  • 9 years ago

    These kids are not getting as much discipline now a days they think they can do what ever they want.

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