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Why would an atheist suggest that religion has a place in our lives?

Hi. I'm an atheist. I didn't become one by choice, I was a christian from birth. But after several years, I came to the realization that I didn't believe a bit of it. I then became somewhat of a radical atheist, and threw my knowledge of the scriptures in every christian's face to show them how stupid they were. But....some years have passed since those radical days. Now, I see a place for religions of any sort. I see where they give their people some kind of hope, some kind of an anchor for them to hold on to. I've seen at AA, where the simple belief in a higher power has allowed formerly wretched people regain a sense of honour and pride in themselves. I know that when loved ones pass away, it is always a nice thing to think that they are in a better place. I even understand the social aspect of religion, where groups of like minded people can enjoy passing time with each other and developing life long relationships based on trust and good will.I don't have to be a believer in some religion to see that there is a positive impact on a great many folks.

What I don't care for is the ponzi scheme part of religion, where some sect here or there starts promising silly things, and does indeed impose their beliefs upon all those around them. Kinda why I love running off the Jehovahs witnesses any chance I get. I don't understand politicians who would use a religious work such as the bible to try to create laws in a secular society. After all, their book clearly states to be no part of this world. Give Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God. I suppose they believe that their God can't take care of things for Himself, and has to rely upon some mere mortals to accomplish tasks that an all powerful being should be able to take care of himself.

Yeah, I'm an atheist who supports religious beliefs. I just wish that those with religious beliefs would find comfort in their religion, and many blessings that follow feeling comforted and use those to their personal well being and advancement. I don't want to join you. I don't want to be ruled by you. I don't want to pray to a god I don't believe in. I certainly don't wish to be told about how I will go to Hell for all eternity if I don't accept this god or that. It's just much too creepy for me, thank you very much.

I have seen the good of religion, and I think the whole world can see the downside of ....overzealous religion. The bible states that a truly holy man would hide himself in his closet to pray, not go beating on their neighbours door to try to convert them, or joining some political party to try to change laws more in line with their religious beliefs. I hope that the good part of religion can overcome the silly, dangerous part of religion.

I know that some of you believe the bible to be the infalliable word of God. That may be. I suggest that you read it. Others will state that the q'uran is the infalliable word of God. And I guess there are a bunch of other books that will lay the same claim. If you wish to believe those books, this atheist will defend your right to believe what you choose. I've seen what some would call miracles come out of a believer's faith. I know that faith in some things can reap great rewards. So, I wish you the best.

I also would ask that you religious folks keep that religious stuff to yourselves. It will make your time with God much more personal. Because the fellow next to you, who may also believe in some God other than yours may be offended to hear you tell him he'll burn in hell for all eternity if he doesn't accept your God. That's how wars get started.

So concentrate on the good aspects, and leave everyone else alone. That is the solution.

What do you think?


Sean, an example of having a religion from birth would be the Catholic practice of "christening" a baptism into the church just a few days after birth.

32 Answers

  • xYz
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are an atheist that deserves my respect. I was amazed at how you talk about religions with an open mind without having biases. I agree with you, people can definately take religion and use it in ridiculous ways. I am a theist, and the reason I am is because I like how religion brings people together. In school we learn science and math and some other stuff too, but in religion, they always remind of us morals. When I go to these lectures given by my religious organization, their goal is to keep on reminding me about morals and ethical issues. I believe humans need two kinds of schools, one for science, math, etc, and another to teach us morals and ethics.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Atheism and anti theism picked up after 9/11. As a Christian, I have always been a little panicked about the antagonism that exists between denominations within Christianity, and toward other belief systems.

    While I do not take a literal approach to the scriptures, I do take a sincere approach to God.

    When I found Yahoo Q and A , this section was my first experience with the new anti theists. My best friend was atheist and one of the best people on the planet. We simply loved each other. When he went in for quadruple by pass , I said why not pretend you believe so I can be comforted in the event of your death? He just laughed and said he couldn't do the last ditch mind switch , even for me. I loved his integrity.

    My family is mixed . There was no mandatory church attendance and much open discussion about everything. We were raised sort of Christians.I never knew annoying Christians until my aunt had a conversion and proceeded to harass us all unmercifully about smoking, cutting our hair and wearing slacks. If this was God, why on Earth would he care about hair cuts and if I wore jeans?

    I became a Christian in my mid twenties. I don't attend a church but God is of great importance to me.

    I read the Bible but was told to ignore the Old testament because it was whacked. Don't shoot the messenger. This is what I was told.

    I married a man from an Amish Mennonite backiground. He became a practicing witch.

    There is a lot to be learned from each other. We can't simply close our ears and say this is all bad or this is all good.

    Atheism is bringing an integrity to the church that has been lacking . We can't make excuses for our behavior and pretend we have all the answers. We don't. I laugh at the questions and remember thinking the same way or having the same questions. We need to learn to love each other for our differences .

    It is refreshing to hear from reasonable atheist.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm an atheist (well, agnostic leaning atheist) and I have had a very similar experience. I was raised Catholic and didn't start to question those beliefs until I was about fourteen, when I stopped believing (and, as you said, it is not a "choice"). Anyway, I think it's pretty natural to want to argue with religious people at first just because you are trying to learn the most you can and want to express your new-found beliefs. And even though I think religious people are ignorant (as in, "not knowing") and are misled, I don't always think it's a bad thing. At times I wish I was still ignorant (it is bliss) because I think religion helps people cope. I kinda wish I still had religion to go to as a coping strategy; the thought of death is quite depressing and frightening to me.

    I've come to realize that some people just need that in their lives. They need a set of guidelines given to them, such as morals. Some people need God to protect them and reassure them of their lives, of their deaths. So I do agree that religion has a place in peoples' lives (especially in the metaphorical sense).

    However, I will always hate religion when groups say their way is the only right way and must be followed. It's awful when religion interferes with peoples' lives in a negative way (wars, discrimination, etc). But I won't judge an individual person for believing in a god if they don't do these things.

  • 9 years ago

    Interesting read.

    If I were to use the *burn in hell* tactic (which I don't) I would use it to try and get you to realize

    what the direction you are headed. I am a Christian and I would love to see everyone in heaven :)

    I see what you are saying . . . *To each his own* I understand that and sometimes I say that.

    I cannot convert you or anyone else. Only God can do that.

    This is a religious section and I have been offended many times by atheists . . Muslims and other

    Christians as well.

    You are right . . everyone should be respectful. I agree. Ty for a nice read.



    Source(s): <><
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  • 9 years ago

    You make some great points. Religion does begin at birth for many. True Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, etc... start raising their children the way their religions are... baptisms, Sunday school, christenings, Catechism, etc..

    The parents make the choices and the children are expected to just follow along.

    I only know.. that any religion, belief, even non-belief should be what works to make you a better person. If what you follow makes you say and do things that are nothing to be proud of, it's not really good for you, is it?

    I would really like to see all religions and non religious people learn to get along... show some care, compassion and kindness to each other.. isn't that what should be at the top of the list for all of us?

    I probably didn't answer this very well, but just gave a few of my thoughts.

    (((Fractal))) it's my pleasure. It seems like an honest and decent post with a lot to think about. :)

  • susan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I like your post.

    I have heard before that religion is how wars get started, but I don't think so. I think wars are about land and wealth, but once a leader has determined to go to war, religion is often used to manipulate the religious minded population to accept it. If religion wouldn't work, then some other means of selling the war to the public would be used. But the same wars would still happen.

    Also, I don't understand your comment about Ponzi schemes. Maybe you could explain that a little more?

  • 9 years ago

    I don't follow any religion now. But basically I am from a Christian family.

    An individual understands about God and religion from his surroundings. Each of us has full freedom to analyze our experience and follow our own form of faith or belief. If our studies are to start from base, it has to go back to human origin or origin of species. How come there a base of faith in different tribes, castes, creed of people around the world? Although we know all people around the world today, century back each of them may not even have any knowledge of other tribes, castes or creeds. Still they had this faith or belief in common. How they worshiped this super power may be different. Because the form of worship must have gone through years and shaped different forms from the varying culture of the followers. Atheists are of modern world, who seeks a scientific base for every thing. But science has its limits and it is just a study of the things and there are many corrections taking place in scientific studies each day.

    Instead of going behind religions, seek the wisdom behind our origin. I cannot accept that it is without a reason. If it is with a reason, it has a wisdom behind it.

    Suppose a person happens to reach a place where he believes there was no humans lived so far. But during his journey around he happens to see few equally shaped stones, one above the other. Will it not ignite his anxiety to know how it happened? We should start our search from here. Who did it. Can it happen without a wisdom or power? And so on....

    We don't need Bible or Q'uran for this study. Just we need is unbiased way of thinking. A pure heart to view things as it was.

    This is what leads me in my relationship with a Creator (my Creator).

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I liked what you wrote there, and it shows that life changes you the more you watch other people and the more compassion you develop for them.

    There has always been two levels of spirituality, the religions full of dogma for the beginners and the deeper thought and meditation for those who have progressed more.

    You don't need to believe in a Personal God; Buddhists withhold their opinion on His existence, and work just on the human being, teaching morals and meditation and awareness, the very things that will help a soul onward in the journey of Life.

    Forgive those simple Christian folks who, rather than indulging in actual revenge, instead pray that God will take revenge for them, sending people to Hell. They are one baby step up the path.

    Next time maybe they will develop an understanding heart, maybe in this lifetime, maybe in the next.

  • 9 years ago

    Atheism is a religion

    Many of the leaders of the atheist movement, such as the evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins, argue for atheism with a religious fervor.

    Religion scholar Ninian Smartt identified seven dimensions which make up religion: narrative, experiential, social, ethical, doctrinal, ritual and material. It is not necessary in Smartt's model for every one of these to be present in order for something to be a religion.[18]. However, it can be argued that all seven are present in the case of atheism.[19][20] Please see: Atheism: A religion and Atheism and Atheism is a religion.

    Atheism is a religion and its legal implications relative to the teaching of evolution

    Atheism is a religion and naturalistic notions of origins are religious which has legal implications relative to evolution being taught in public schools.[21][22][23]

    John Calvert, a lawyer and intelligent design proponent declared:

    “ The Seventh Judicial Circuit of the Court of Appeals of the United States held that atheism is a religion. Therefore, it cannot be promoted by a public school. Currently, public schools are often unwittingly promoting atheism through a dogmatic and uncritical teaching of materialistic theories of origins.[24]

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My dear friend (((((8TM))))): Far be it for me to question your compassionate heart and good intentions, but I believe you are being naive. ... Sadly (and I really mean, sadly), that's NOT how all this works in "real life"; despite Our best of intentions.

    I assure you, no atheist worth his/her salt would have anything against the faithful maintaining a "personal relationship" with their "God" etc. If they enjoy the taste of intellectual/spiritual poison in the privacy of their hearts & homes, so be it. ... The problem arises when the faithful (especially the fanatic hoards) start proselytizing and politically ostracizing/tormenting others.

    I, for one, could care less if someone worshiped the flying spaghetti monster, or some omnipotent figure from a 2000 year old book, for that matter; as long as they refrained from politically shoving their faith down everyone else's throat, AND kept their sanctimonious expressions of self-righteousness & their fanatical attempts at proselytizing to themselves. ... Who knows, perhaps that might happen in a COLD day in you know where.

    And while you're so concerned about us "nasty atheists" respecting the rights of the faithful, keep in mind that we are still a minority in this country; a growing minority who can't legally run for President, or even an elected office in some States!

    Who knows, Maybe Someday .... let's hope so.


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