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My ten month old great dane ate a spoon full of rat poison.?

We bait our garage and my boyfriend stupidly turned his back on the puppy giving him enough time to get about a spoonful of rat/mouse poison, I called the emergency vet clinic along with poison control but they want 65 bucks just to give you advice! I was wondering if any great dane owners have experienced this, a small amount of rat poison being digested and the dog turning out to be fine. I tried to get him to throw up with peroxide but he just likes it! I ran to the 24 hour stores looking for vitamin K and couldn't find any. I plan on looking at tractor supply tomorrow and calling my vet during business hours but I just cant take him in till the end of the week and from what poison control said "it will kill him in 1 to 2 weeks." It just has me worried so I guess I'm asking for some advice from Great Dane owners.


The only emergency vet in my area is an hour away. My vet is right down the street and they open at eight...its four am now and I spoke with the ASPCA and they said that the next 36 hours is up in the air. My dog is ten months old and weighs 155lbs, the emergency vet and the ASPCA hotline both agreed that it would be fine to wait till the morning. I never saidI wasnt goingto take him I just said I have to wait till I get paid.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    VET NOW your dog will start to die within 24 hours it will take two weeks as he bleeds inside.. Call a vet take the poison with you to the vet as you have a Great Dane he may prescribe what is needed with out having you bring in the dog. The medicine is NOT EXPENSIVE but must be given for 2 to 3 weeks. The symptoms may not show up for two or three days then it is too late. Call somewhere else the SPCA animal control whatever. Clean out the garage if the dog eats a dead mouse he can be poisoned from the mouse.Use mouse traps or get a cat.

    Source(s): Have gone through this with my pets.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    LOL; nahh, don't worry. If it was just one serving to kill one mouse, the worst thing your Dane should have is a sick tummy! I'd just keep a close eye on her. If she starts to act really funny, anything at all, take her into the Emergency Vet as quickly as possible. If you're extremely concerned, take her to the Emergency Vet, and just sit in the parking lot in your car with her. That way if she shows symptoms you're 50 feet from professional help! Definitely don't induce vomiting. That should only be done in situations where it's absolutely needed and when they didn't swallow a solid object. (I.e. if your dog swallows a marble, screw, etc. you definitely don't want to induce vomiting!) The only time I've induce vomiting is when my guy's dog ate a whole bag of peanut M&Ms. (The dog is a Miniature Schnauzer, only 21lbs!) And not the little bags for $1, like, the big $5 bag! Oh yeah, multicolored chunks everywhere... Saved his life though. Oh, and in today's world, you have a very decent sized, if not large, Dane! My girl probably only got up to 130 lbs or so. The only "hefty" Danes left out there are from reputable German Dane breeders. Which stinks! Good luck! Keep a close eye out! EDIT; Um, you people are insane. You don't need to go to the vet to get Vitamin K or activated charcoal. You don't even need the charcoal at this point, it's too late now. Just give her some Vitamin K, don't have her running around a lot, give her lots of water, and keep a close eye on her. As a Dane owner, having Dane mentors, and being with reputable breeders, people who don't own Danes WORRY ABOUT DANES TOO MUCH. Yeah, Danes get into things they really shouldn't. But their size is usually 5x the normal house dog. Things are a whole different ball-park for them. My 30lb 3 month old Dane pup got stung by a scorpion on the eye, of course I freaked, and called up the vet. He laughed at me and said, "She's freakin' 30lbs, you're fine. Give her some Benadryl, a place to sleep, and just keep an eye on her." Yeah, she passed out, and the next day it was like nothing ever happened. Oh, so you think your 90lb Lab is competition? Her Dane has 60lbs on him. But that's just my two cents... Hope she's all good!

  • Lisa
    Lv 5
    9 years ago


    I'm not messing around here. Rodent poison works by causing internal bleeding, and you need to get your dog vet treatment.

    First - if it is less than 2 hrs since your dog ate the poison, induce vomiting. Washing crystals work well.

    Second, vit K. 5 mg per kg of body weight, 2 x daily for 3 weeks.

    If it was more than 2 hrs since the poison, activated charcoal will help reduce absorbtion, if you can get your dog to swallow it.

    Even a small amount of rat poison can cause internal haemorrhaging. Effects may not be immediate, and the longer you leave it the more expensive the treatment will be. Stump up the money and get to a vet.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you love your puppy, 65 bucks wouldnt have been an issue, just like making time to take him to an emergency vet wouldnt be an issue. Take the dog to a vet now. Also, you bait your garage, ever heard of closed bait traps? Sounds like the boyfriend isnt stupid for turning his back as you both are for having an open bait trap. Jesus, everyone wants to sit and watch the internet when their dog, cat, or kid eats poisen, but, swears they dont have time to go to the doc. Or they dont have money. If you dont have the money, dont get a pet.

    Source(s): Does it matter?
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  • 9 years ago

    Good grief. A spoonful of rat poison for a puppy that weighs 155lbs? I SERIOUSLY doubt that's even close enough to being problematic. Chill out. Warfarin, the main ingredient in most rat poisons, thins the blood and prevents clotting, but only if there's a therapeutic level. Just keep an eye on him and call your vet in the morning to see what they recommend. He may not even need treatment, but if he does, they'll only do Vitamin K. And by the way, warfarin is also used in human medicine (Coumadin) to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. This small amount in your very large dog probably isn't too much of a big deal.

    Source(s): I've worked at a Pet ER for several years; I've seen plenty of cases of animals eating rat poison, all of them turned out fine.
  • 9 years ago

    Do NOT wait! This dog needs treatment ASAP If he does't get treatment he could very possible die or incurr serious damage that would affect him for life. ******* I have personally seen many giant breed dogs who ingested small amounts of rat poision that have died or been seriously harmed because the owner waited to long before seeking treatment. Rat poision is nothing to fool around with. I hope the OP 's Dane pup fares well and receives treatment in time **********

    *******I too have seen many dogs that ate rat poision turn out fine as well because their owners sought appropriate treatment quickly***8888

    Source(s): vet tech for 39 years, own/shown/raised/trained Danes for 30 years
  • Minni
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I have read the posts that dog owners have given you. If you took your dog to the nearest vet or hospital in your area; wouldn't they treat if as an emergency and bill you later? I can't imagine that a vet would refuse to treat your dog under those circumstances.

  • Rat poison is very powerful and toxic. You need to bring your dog into the vet right away. Your dog will bleed internally and die within a week if you don't get him immediate veterinary care. If poison control told you that it will kill your dog in a week or two, then it will kill your dog in a week or two.

  • 9 years ago

    take your dog to the vet. you cant buy the prescription vit k your dog needs. it has to be administered by injection from a vet and followed up with tablets for a couple of weeks at least

    your puppy will bleed out internally within a week if you dont get vet treatment

  • 9 years ago

    Well if you don't love your puppy enough to pay $65 at the vet, give him to someone that will BEFORE HE DIES.

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