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I'm a girl... i have 21 piercings and counting... have 16 and a half large tattoos and 34 pairs of converses. I have a two year old rottweiler and he's the bestest. I'm 21 and rawr.

  • I don't know what I'm doing with my life...?

    I just turned 24 and I feel like I'm having an age crisis. I've been working as a bartender for the past three years, a nanny for nearly six years and have at part time job as a dog walker. I have a brand new car, live in an apartment with my boyfriend, and I guess I just thought I'd have accomplished more with my life by now.

    I have attempted to go to school (Vet School...but putting an animal down would just kill me and Physical Therapist but they only accepted 40 out of the 90 some that applied and after wasting 80 hours of required volunteer work for that class and not getting in I don't want to do it again and not get in)

    I know I cant be a nanny for the rest of my life, most families frown upon bringing your own children while watching their children and I hope to have a few of my own one day. I refuse to work in a child care facility as I make twice as much as a nanny. Bartending is great money most of the time, but most bars are owned my men who want to hire Barbie look a likes and I am far from Barbie material hahaha. I have tattoos, a lot of them, I like the freedom that both jobs give me (I like being able to go to the beach, the park or go for a run any time I want and I don't know if a nine to five job would allow me to do that) not only that but I honestly have no idea what I would like to do with the rest of my life...I've gone back and fourth with this whole career thing, I just want something that will make me happy for the long haul and I have no idea what that is. I've thought about going into the medical field but I don't want to clean up poop and puke (from a child is one thing but an adult is completely disgusting) I went to school to work on cars and love working in shops but I couldn't see myself doing that for more than a year.

    I don't know I just feel so lost...please tell me I'm not alone with this whole life, career and happiness thing...

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • My tattoo artist didnt show up to our appointment that we confirmed the day before.?

    I made an appointment for this weekend, told him to let me know what day and time he was available and he told me to meet him and Noon on Sunday. I showed up but he didn't, he owns his own shop and has done fifteen of my tattoos but this isn't the first time he's flaked. Should I just get a new artist?

    I really like his work but no phone call, no text and no facebook message saying oh **** I forgot or oh **** I'm sorry something came up? I mean if I'm running a bit late for an appointment I let him know, but I was ten minutes early, texted him at 11:55 then again at 12:10. I waited till 12:30 thinking maybe he was just running late or something....but he didn't show up and this is probably the seventh time he's either canceled an appointment or flaked.

    Am I wrong to want to go to a new artist?

    3 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • i recently rehomed my dog...?

    I'm moving in 14 days, got a job offer I just couldn't refuse and try as I might o couldn't find a place that would allow my great Dane. Apparently California considers them to be on the dangerous breed or something. So I found him a new home give hours away, they seem like great people and we met half way to make it easier. Two days later the new family emails me and says they found a lump on his neck, on the collar line. I never noticed the lump and feel horrible, I offered to pay for the vet bill to find out what it is even called a few vets in her area and got price ranges. But she wants me to pick him up take him to my vet and after the results drop him off again. I love my dog and I don't want his new owners to go through vet bills but is this crazy? Especially when it could all be for nothing? I really don't want to make three trips of five hours on top of working and getting ready for my move.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Emotional Support Animal?

    I'm looking into registering my Rottweiler as an Emotional Support Dog, but I have no idea what site to go through let alone which ones are honest. I have a doctors note, he actually suggested I look into a service dog, but I already own three dogs one of which is really well trained. I Just want to find out how to this correctly. Please help

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Why wont my tattoo artist respond to text messages?

    I've gone to the same artist for the last year now, we have a standing appointment for the first week of each month I just message or text him and see if he's available on certain days and he usually gets back to me within two or three days but this month he has yet to contact me even though he posts on facebook that he has openings. It's really bothering me...I want to finish the unfinished tattoo I have by him but if he doesn't respond soon I'll have to find someone else to do it which is hard to do especially where I live where all the artists suck or do too many drugs to do steady line work.

    2 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • So I need help with something sort of science related?

    When you think of matter, what image do you see?

    I am trying to design a tattoo for myself and need an image of matter. I've looked up things on google and cant find anything like a molecule image or compound image.

    I'm looking for something like H20 or the molecules that make up everything to describe matter.

    Anything would be helpful. Thanks!

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • What is your favorite Disney Movie and why?

    I love Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Tangled and Up. I cant choose which I like more but I can easily watch them all over and over again.

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • I need to translate english to american sign language please help?

    I want to get a sign language tattoo, I know the long version for these but I am looking for shorter versions.

    The first sentence is "I love you this much." the second is "That's not very much."

    I've gone to several web sites but none of them have what I'm looking for and I thought I'd have better luck here :D

    Please and thank you!

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • How do I wake up and workout each morning?

    I've been starting a beginners running program, fifteen minutes a day but starting tomorrow I'd like to start doing it twice a day but the morning is so hard for me. I dont drink coffee and energy drinks are far too expensive so if anyone has tips or hints on how to wake up early and workout I'd appriciate it immensley.

    I do go to bed quite early, around ten or so each night and I dont have to be at work till 9:30 and I usually dont wake up till nine and its hard enough to do that lol I like my sleep :D

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Which name sounds cuter?

    Keelie Marie Prescott

    Kennedy Bree Prescott

    Kelsey Marie Prescott

    Kadence Leigh Marie Prescott

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Best outfits for bartening job?

    I'm starting a new bartending job and need some ideas on what to wear. The bar is big, with indoor and outdoor bars, djs, pool tables, its classified as a sports bar but there is a lot going on there. There is no dress code and to be honest I dont have many options as far as clothes go. I'm not a girly girl.

    I also need a suggestion of how to wear my hair, its really long and semi curly.

    I was thinking of wearing a spaghetti strap shirt, a "zombie repellent" sweat shirt, jeans and this too shitty for my first day?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What do Russian people call their parents?

    I know English people call their parents mum and dad, Americans use many terms like Mom, mommy, mother and ma...I was just wondering if Russians use one of these...I'm not talking about the word in russian either, I wantan english form of th word. Please and thank you.

    5 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • My ten month old great dane ate a spoon full of rat poison.?

    We bait our garage and my boyfriend stupidly turned his back on the puppy giving him enough time to get about a spoonful of rat/mouse poison, I called the emergency vet clinic along with poison control but they want 65 bucks just to give you advice! I was wondering if any great dane owners have experienced this, a small amount of rat poison being digested and the dog turning out to be fine. I tried to get him to throw up with peroxide but he just likes it! I ran to the 24 hour stores looking for vitamin K and couldn't find any. I plan on looking at tractor supply tomorrow and calling my vet during business hours but I just cant take him in till the end of the week and from what poison control said "it will kill him in 1 to 2 weeks." It just has me worried so I guess I'm asking for some advice from Great Dane owners.

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Relantionship Advice.?

    I've been dating my boyfriend for going on seven years now, since I was fifteen and he was sixteen.

    He's recently gotten hard into smoking weed, the legal stuff that you can buy in smoke shops...but still its twenty bucks each time and he buys it four to five times a week. He lies about money, steals mine when he blows all his and I'm done with it. I've told him before that I cant deal with him smoking constantly. AND it is constantly. He'll sit in the garage (I wont let him smoke in my house) for hours, pass out from smoking too much and when he wakes up he'll smoke more. I cant talk to him when he's high, he just forgets what I say or falls asleep. Our seven year anniversary is coming up in february and the boy doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body, he's never offered to take me anywhere...its always me making plans and sometimes even paying. I feel like the last seven years has been a waste of time and wonder if I should kick him out or just suffer and hope he grows out of this pot smoking faze.

    Any advice would be helpful :D

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Taking a trip to vegas...?

    I'm taking a trip to Vegas five days, November 21st to November 25th ish. I only want to bring one bag, my carry on and I plan on taking the following.

    Cell Phone Charger

    2 pairs of pants

    4 pairs of socks

    five undergarnments


    4 tee shirts

    pajama pants and shirt

    a plastic bag with the basic toiletries; toothpaste, tooth brush, deoderant, perfume, lotion, hair gel, hairbrush, hair bands, body wash, eyeliner, mascara, shampoo, conditioner, hair clips.

    my hair strightener

    hair straigntener spray

    a book or magazine

    a purse; wallet, gum, cellphone and sunglasses.

    is this too much to take in a carryon

    I havent been on a plane in years, the last time I was probably 2000, and this will be my first trip alone so any advice would be great. Please and thank you.

    2 AnswersLas Vegas10 years ago
  • What guns are easy/simple to use?

    I'm writng a story, nearly 623 pages and going back editing thing and all that jazz. But I realized I never put what the guns being used were called, I described one as being a desert eagle, another is a double barreled shot gun and another is an m-16 along with an m4. Ive done some research on all the guns, actually went to a shooting range and shot each of them off but I want to know how easy they are for a first time user to use and if anyone has easy to use guns to suggest have at it.

    6 AnswersHunting10 years ago
  • While Camping/Hiking in alaska?

    What are some must have items for a camping/hiking trip to alaska.

    My uncle invited me on a six week hiking trip in Alaska, this will be my first time camping but I am an avid camper. What are some must haves for this trip?

    1 AnswerCamping10 years ago
  • What do you think of these names?

    I'm having boy girl twins in four months and were still arguing over names. All of my children have my last name as my boyfriend and I arent married but he's made that I havent named one after him, he's named after his father and wants this boy to be named after him (so not gonna happen) but every day I come up with a new name I like or someone suggests a new one.

    My first son who is five is named Nolan Keegan Cohall (last name here) and my daughter is named Reagan McKenna Taytum (last name here) and she's three.

    For the boy.

    Zakary Javin Alexander*****

    Zakary Jamison Alexander

    Zakary Jacoby Alexander

    Brazen Kesler Jamison

    Nixon Kesler Wren

    Abraham Risley Kai

    Grayson Zander Royce

    Micah Brennan Kesler *****

    Gage Jensen Jamison***

    Declan Maddy Pierce***

    For the girl.

    Phoenix Leslie Marie *****

    Phoenix Peyton Renne

    Axl McKenzi Rose *****

    Teagen Addison Taylor

    Kennedy Leigh Marie ****

    Delilah Axl Rozoline

    Brielle Emerson Grace

    Delilah Faye Renne ****

    9 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • What do you think of the name Reece for a girl?

    My aunt and uncle are adopting a little girl, she's three years old and yes they are changing her name and for a good reason the name her birth parents named her after a body part that isnt so pleasent. My aunt decided that I get to be her godmother and get to pick her first name. Her middle name is going to be Delaney which was her birth parents last name and eh its something my aunt and uncle want to do to keep her birth parents a part of her.

    I got to meet her for the first time friday, she's got so much spirit and has this way about her that makes you think 'oh no she's gonna raise hell when she's older.' she has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen, and me not being a fan of brown eyes that says a lot. She has blonde hair this smile that tells you she's up to no good.

    I have three names that I like for her Reece is at the top of that list with Tessa and Mallory on the back burner.

    9 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • How often do you clean your house?

    I was just wondering how other pet owners and parents keep their homes so clean. I have two children five and two, along with four pets, two dogs a rottweiler, a great dane and two indoor/outdoor cats. I just moved into my own home and I'm having a rough time of keeping it clean. We have carpet in two rooms and tile in the rest, a microfiber couch, two leather couches, glass top tables...basically a lot of glass, black and red furniture. I try to clean once a week but being pregnant with twins, working part time and running after both my pets and my kids it just doesnt seem like theres enough time to get all of this done so I figured if anyone could give me tips it be best to try here :D

    What do you find picks up dog hair best? we use a bagless vaccum three times a week on just the carpets, then I get on my hands and knees using the old scrub bucket and rag as we found the swiffer's dont work that well.

    How do you get dog fur off your dishes? we dont have a dish washer and we dry our dishes with a clean towel every time but it seems like theres always that stray hair on a dish or two even though none of the animals are allowed in the kitchen.

    How often do you dust? we have flat screen tvs, glass table tops, glass shelves and a ton of pictures hanging on the wall.

    How do you wash your dog beds, blankets or toys? How often? my dogs are not allowed on my furniture, they have their own beds (papasan chair cushions) and we cant very well toss the whole thing in the washer and they hate having sheets or covers on top of them. they also have a ton of plush toys that they take inside, outside, on car rides and even to the park. I wash the plush toys once a month, shave (yes shave) the tennis balls, and soak the bowls, hard plastic toys in diluted bleach water but i feel that even thats not enough.

    I am the only person in the house that cleans, my boyfriend claims to get headaches from cleaning products so I am the sole cleaner and spend fourty minutes every three three days vacumming, scrubbing and sweeping the house and nearly six hours every sunday dusting, vacumming, doing laundry, cleaning the fridge out (weekly), scrubbing, and wiping off furniture.

    Any suggestions would be helpful. We have a four bedroom, three and a half bath, basement playroom and a huge fenced in yard that is half cement half mud pit...its horrible were planning on cementing the whole thing next spring and turning half of the yard into that astro terf or soft cement for a play ground my grandpa is building for the kids that will take up one fourth of the yard with virtually everything a kid could hope for out of a jungle gym/tree house/ship/swing set.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry10 years ago