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Did you know Abortion is the #1 cause of death in America ?

The number one cause of death in america is abortion!

The AMA and CDC list it as heart disease with just over 600,000 deaths in 2009 but the planned parenthood website reports that there are 1.2 million abortions done annually in this country.


We now live in a society that kills more people than die naturally.

19 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Abortion is murder and it is a sin what will not go unpunished.

    God Almighty hates the shedding of innocent blood. Proverbs 6:15-17

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    you think of that's undesirable maximum folk think of abortion is on a ineffective variety or basically a glob of slime, pass on youtube and watch how a prior due term abortion is achieved, and phone a wellbeing midsection everywhere interior the worldwide and notice if what you believe you studied is genuine, this is, and did you know that a girl has the main surprising to abort the youngster surprising as much as the day she has a toddler and there is not any longer something a father can do to provide up it, cos its her physique is the excuse they provide, and obama and his spouse help previous due term obortion, unhappy what this worldwide has come to

  • 9 years ago

    Did you know that there are over 2,000,000 (2 million) people in United States prisons as of 2002? In other words, we keep a major percentage of the U.S population in jail.

    Did you know that the majority of those in prison (around 86%) are there for victimless crimes? The majority of those in prison (over 50%) are there on drug charges.

    Did you know that the U.S is the only 'civilized' country where 16 year old children can receive capitol punishment?

    Did you know that it's a proven fact that children born into neglectful or even abusive homes are more likely to become criminals?

    Did you know that the majority of people seeking abortion come from poverty?

    Did you know that the GOP is seriously pushing to not only fully ban abortion, but to make it harder for anyone to get their hands on contraception?

    Did you know that the conservative party supports abstinence only? An education system that usually leads to more abortion because those who come out of such systems don't actually know how to properly prevent pregnancies or believe foolish myths that sometimes even churches perpetuate?

    Did you know that before 1820, abortion was completely legal in the U.S?

  • 9 years ago

    What do you want? To take away a womans right to CHOOSE FOR HERSELF? If a woman has an abortion it is NONE of your business. I don't understand why people think a woman should be forced to have a baby!


    @ Loxodonta - A fetus cannot survive outside of the mothers uterus! And murder means the killing of a BORN human being. It is not murder and you really think women should HAVE to have the baby? Even if the pregnancy or birth would kill her? If they were raped and it would cause them more trauma? Do YOU plan on adopting all these kids then if women couldn't have abortions?

    Oh and what about women in abusive relationships, what if they get pregnant and they have an abortion because if they had the baby with that man they would be TIED to that man for life!

    Pro life people do not think about a lot of these things though do they! A woman SHOULD have the right to choose.

    And maybe pro life people should think about the psychological damage they could be doing to women who have had abortions cause pro life people try to inflict unecessary guilt into them over making a decision which was clearly right for that particular woman!


    @ Loxodonta - Being born prematurely and being a fetus that is barely developed is an entirely different thing!

    And suggesting they are murderers when abortion isn't even murder isn't going to help them is it?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Abortion has never involved killing anyone where did you come up with that idea? Christianity is the #1 cause of death in the USA and World wide. back in 2000 Conservative churches saved up money to pay off small amount of Muslim Extremist to attack the USA because they thought it would help make people want to rejoin their church but had the opposite effect, Islam population grew in the USA and is been Accepted by vast majority of the people except the Minority conservative christian groups(Cults) homosexuality is less persicuted than it was in the 90s,80s,70s, the Atheist Population has increased from 10% up to 22% of the Population, you dont know much about the USA do you?

  • Ducky
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    @ Bert,

    Christians make up about 80% of the American population compared to atheists who make up only 1.6


    When does a woman have the Right to kill? I know a fetus is inside her body, but that doesn't give her the right to murder. Biology does not have a single reason to say a fetus is inferior to an already born human. A fetus may look different, may act different, and may require different needs than those who are already born, however the same thing is true when you compare a baby to a senior citizen.

    @Lian, Vfgghg

    50-75% of those miscarrages are caused by chemical pregnancies, aka in vitro. Not natural occuring pregnancies....


    So what if a fetus cannot survive in its mothers womb? I was born prematurely and had machines breath for me until my lungs developed.... the last time I checked, the inability to survive in a particular situation does not make you inferior to the rest of species. It just means your more vulnerbale... if anything, humans treat these vulnerable individuals with SUPERIORITY to that of other humans (its why so much tax money goes to children and the ill)

    You will not fully be tied to the abusive husband/rapist for life. Baby adoption is extremely popular in the US. Most of the time parents have to be put on waiting lists for adoption of babies.... Its why america doesn't have orphanages but foster systems...

    And what psychological damage? You do realize that 50% of women who have abortions suffer from at least some form of psychological aftermath. They are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, attempt suicide. They are also more likely to endure many physical health risks in the future, such as decrease in fertility, some ovarian health conditions, higher risks of miscarrage and stillborn, and sometimes infertility in general....

    Source(s): "US Religious Landscape Survey". Retrieved 2011-11-04 Bio Major/Pre-med
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think that if you were to look into this with a bit more brains (I know, it's hard for you), you would find that hearts stopping to beat is the No 1 cause of death WORLDWIDE

    Source(s): duh!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "We now live in a society that kills more people than die naturally."

    But that's easy, because we've worked out how to keep ourselves clean and hygenic, not like in the old days, when God let most babies and infants die 'naturally', with his filthy creation.

    No one cares if they were aborted. I wouldn't have cared.

    Call abortion murder, and you have to pin down a raped pregnant woman to force her to have it.

    That is far more criminal. No one gives a sh*t if they're aborted. Seriously.

  • 9 years ago

    I'll have an abortion and name it after you !

    I have looked this up and you are a liar... more people die per day than abortions are performed.... it sounded fishy !

    LIAR !

  • 9 years ago

    Those lives haven't started yet. So it's not killing.

    You can't compare it to someone dying of heart disease.

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