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Why are some people taking the usage of the common calendar as proof of God?

This baffles me.

Ok, so we are in AD 2012. Or 2012 CE. Why would usage of this calendar even by atheists be proof of God? That's utterly moronic.

A thought experiment.

Most computer keyboards in the world use the QWERTY standard, despite there being no compelling reason to do so anymore. This standard arose in the era of typewriters, when mechanical pieces could get entangled and stuck on fast typing. The first computers kept the standard not out of necessity, but because it was traditional, and because most typists would not need learn another standard.

The same goes for the calendar. The benefits to using an religious-based calendar are *not* because of religious reasons, but out of practical reasons.

In essence this kind of behavior is akin to the 'dollar auction' in economics, in which locally optimal moves lead to a global suboptimal solution.

So, then, why do some people insist that atheists are hypocrites, or some other nonsense?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Or perhaps the naming of our days of the week is proof of the existence of the Nordic gods.

    Christians must be hypocrites for using these names.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    dvorak for the win.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That's religious power!

    The Roman Emperor Caesar was worshiped as God, but he never interfered with anybody’s religion, as long as he was collecting TAXES from ALL his subjects.

    To establish Christianity in the Roman Empire, Jesus amended the FIRST Commandment “thou shalt have no other God.”

    He ordered to give FIRST unto CAESAR GOD what belongs to him, and any left over give it to the Jewish GOD (Mat22:21).

    Jesus granted a special grace to all the Roman TAX Collectors. He also CHANGED the Jewish dietary laws so people can eat any animal.

    Mat 21:31

    Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth*

    (*no more bull crap!)


    (*working for Caesar God)

    are entering the Kingdom of God*

    (*before Jesus had a chance to be crucified for anybody)

    ahead of you*

    (*the Jews that Jesus came to save, and be their King!)

    Mar 7:18-19

    “Are you so dull?” he* (*Jesus) asked. “Don't you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him ‘unclean’? For… it goes into his stomach, and then out of his body into the latrine.” In saying this, JESUS DECLARED ALL FOODS CLEAN.


    The religious Jews can’t eat pork and a long list of “unclean” animals.

    Saint Peter refused to socialize with non-Jews because of his Jewish eating habits.

    Gal 2:14

    When I* (*Saint Paul) saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel*

    (*that he was putting together…)

    I said unto Peter before them all… why do you force the gentiles to live as do the Jews?*

    (*Saint Paul was scrapping the traditional Jewish religion to make room for Christianity)


    The old Jewish religion still had many desirable law and order features, i.e. 10% TITHING.

    Saint Peter, the 1st Pope, got the message and, at the first chance, he assisted God the Holy Ghost killing moron Christians to firmly establish the 10% TITHING ritual in Christianity (Act5:1-11).

    Saint Paul makes full use of his Roman citizenship not to appeal to JESUS GOD, but to CAESAR GOD for undisclosed consultations (Acts 28:19).

    Hey, at least Caesar God can be reasoned with like with a human being!

    God finally approves eating PORK meat in a dream to Saint Peter… he saw Heaven open and a big sheet

    Act 10:9-16

    …wherein were ALL MANNER of 4 footed beasts of the earth, and WILD BEASTS…*

    (*all sorts of cats, dogs, lobsters, elephants, horses, pigs, etc)

    And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; KILL, AND EAT. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

    The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything IMPURE that God has made clean.”*

    (*God is conceding that all animals are now OK to eat!)

    This happened three times*

    (*in a dream, one for each member of the Holy Trinity)

    and immediately the sheet was taken back to Heaven.*

    (*with the full zoo of PORKY creatures)


    HEAVEN is full of PIGS, and all sorts of TALKING animals (Rev5:13-14); a real Paradise for ham and bacon eating Christians. No religious Jew would ever want to go there!

    The first one to hear the news about Saint Peter’s dream was a peer dreamer, THE ROMAN CENTURION CORNELIUS who betrayed his own Caesar God and country ISO spiritual advice from a Jewish slave.

    Act 10:28

    He* (*Saint Peter) said to them:*

    (*Cornelius family and Roman friends)

    "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean*

    (*but the dream was about killing and eating ANIMALS, not people. This is how Christianity got started)

    Saint Paul sternly warns mature Christians not to get caught in compromising situations with conservative Jews (1Cor8:9-10)

    Several new Christian rituals had to replace the old Jewish traditions.


    Lev 17:14

    The life of ALL FLESH*

    (*including Jesus’ flesh)

    is the blood of it: therefore I* (*God) say, YE SHALL EAT THE BLOOD OF NO MANNER OF FLESH*

    (*no matter how divine it claims to be)


    Joh 6:53

    Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you*


    Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man*

    (*only BIGOT CHRISTIANS can claim that Jesus didn’t CHANGE any Jewish law)

    and drink his BLOOD, ye have no life in you*

    (*Jesus is addressing a vampire oriented population of future Christians)

    1 Pet 1:19-20

    …with the precious BLOOD of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without SPOT*

    (*NOT TRUE! He was beaten to a pulp full of Roman soldiers’ SPIT!)

    who verily*

    (*no more BULL CRAP!)

    was FOREORDAINED before the foundation of the world…*

    (*God created this humongous universe as an accessory to nail Jesus Christ to a Holy Roman Cross, in full submission to Caesar God)


    As a ROMAN citizen, Saint Paul warns Christians to PAY TAXES, and to respect the Roman authorities, “because not in vain they carry a sword!”

    Source(s): =Rom 13:1-7 …For this cause pay ye tribute* (*taxes. FIRST to Caesar God, like Jesus said) also: for they are God's ministers attending continually upon this very thing* (*some moron Christians were fed to the lions for not getting the full message) == These changes in the Jewish religion helped to establish a new religion in the Roman Empire in a smooth transition of power from a rather liberal Caesar God to Holy Inquisition oriented Popes, ruling strictly by the Bible. Deu 17:12 The man who shows contempt for… the Priest… MUST BE PUT TO DEATH!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it is

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