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Hey most beautiful people on the face of the earth, i'm shocked!!?

so i'll tell u a short story, 2-5 years ago, there was this group of young Egyptian people who were dedicated to this section 24/7 (we had more time back then), we used to rock this place, giving the most hospitable welcoming answers to polite foreigners and tourists not only to encourage tourism in Egypt, but also to fight the false image westerns gave about us, and believe me it worked like magic...

On the other hand we used to kick *** when someone tried to insult Egypt or the Egyptians in any way..

Today i logged in for the first time in two years and it breaks my heart to read those awefull sarcastic and false questions... people!! believe me its like a campaign to bring Egypt's image down.(i'm not joking and i'm not young either, so take it from me).

i can see alot of u are so cultured and wise, many top contributors (amazing) :)

all i'm asking is for u to use this.

If you havent noticed, we're in a psychological war now, yeah the term is big, but its true, as its not the "announced" type of war.

i mean for God's sake, comparing us with IRAN?!!! what the hell!! these people are either sooo ignorant (which i doubt) or beyesta3bato..

So while our brothers and sisters are being killed out there for us, we should do our part..

take a look at the comments on any article about Egypt and u'll get what i mean.

sorry i talked too much, let me hear your feedback plz

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Grow up kid.

    Do something of value instead of criticizing others for this and that.

    And what do you mean by saying: "i mean for God's sake, comparing us with IRAN?!!! what the hell!! these people are either sooo ignorant (which i doubt) or beyesta3bato.."?

    And please learn how to respect others.

  • 9 years ago

    What a coincidence! This is also the first time i have logged on to Y!A in long time, Yasmine, and it is sooo true what you are saying! we used to be like a family on this section, but now it is filled with a bunch of nut jobs who are either against Egypt, or don't know anything about it.

    Frankly, i wish i could log on more often, but i have been so busy with stuff like tests and mid-terms, but the fact that this section is no longer the same, also discourages me to come on. I really hope this section will be the same once again, after all this hatred is over...

    Source(s): sAlAm HaTeRzZzZ!
  • Passio
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I kind of remember you.

    Hope you remember me too. I've been in this section for 3 years, wow sounds like such a long time.

    I remember how it was, so many people left and this section changed a lot. Not it's as if it's another section.

    I wish all the old member come back although I doubt that happening.

    I can't stand those ignorant/brainwashed people who keep on asking very ignorant questions.

    Welcome back, you and Gamer Girl :)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i agree with everything u said..

    but don't u think that calling egyptians "the most beautiful people on the face of the earth" a bit of an exaggeration?

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    All the section sincere members migrated to facebook (we made a group there, a closed one for those who we know). They came here from time to time to revive this place and got their answers and questions reported by trolls......what should they do in your opinion.....

  • 9 years ago

    We can't control Iranian trolls filled with hatred and JEALOUSY towards Egyptians. It is not our problem.

  • 9 years ago

    Most beautiful people on the face of the earth :')

  • 9 years ago

    yasmina , no Facebook in Iran cause their stupid imam forbid it cause is cursed site hahahaha so sure u will find this site fill of Iranian fighting all world !!

  • E.P
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    wala campaign wala 7aga .. howa el section ba2et 7alto tes3ab 3al kafer ..

    Source(s): wa7ed men el by-posto awful sarcastic ....etc..
  • 9 years ago


    I really don't care what westerners think about us at all. It is pathetic to care about your image rather than your real self. When you start respecting yourself others will respect you. I am more interested in prompting our image in front of thrid world coutnries like the african union and Asian nations rather than the west world.

    That is why I am here paying back and showing the world my loyalty and support to my superiors (SCAF). Something I cherish and am too proud of it. It is important to lower the morals of 6th April individuals and convince them that rioting and burring buildings will never change anything. Never!

    Being mute is a crime now....... You won't out voice us..... You won't lie to the world and convince them that Egyptians are against the SCAF. No more. No more lies.

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