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Lv 7
Tango asked in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · 9 years ago

What's the difference between an 'LCD' and 'LED' television?

I know that it's something to do with the back lighting as the LCD is a type of fluorescent lighting and LED is different yet again but is there any difference in picture quality at all?

I am thinking of purchasing a small TV in the near future but undecided which one of the two to buy.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    LCD stands for liquid crystal display, its a quite thick TV, with good picture and will cost less. But LED has a back-light of leds, this gives off the best picture you can imagine, very bright and sharp, also the tv is super super slim, but it may cost more!

    Source(s): My head
  • 9 years ago

    And "LED" television is just an LCD television that uses LEDs for the back-light, rather than the fluorescent tubes used in conventional LCD screens.

    Some LED television are quite good, but many suffer from issues where the screen is unevenly lit.

  • Rich
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    An LED is an LCD with a different type of backlighting, making it slimmer and lighter. They both have the same specs., performance, and response time.. Only a very slight power use difference in the two.. (Don't know why many people think they are so different..?)

    Source(s): Broadcast Engineer.
  • paul m
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    As Matt says, LED = thinner, brighter, better picture, but slightly more expensive.

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