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Am I wrong to be mad at my husband for wanting to go sleep over at his cousins house on Friday night and drink?

I go once in a while to sleep at my parents house because my husband originally suggested so that I go to catch up on some sleep due to our baby who never stopped crying and had colic. Now he wants to go out and sleep over at his cousins. His cuz drinks and was into drugs and is single and lives alone. I think that I'd ur married u shouldn't act like u did before. He says he never sees his friends anymore

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    no you are not wrong.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't think you are wrong to be mad. That's how you feel and noone can tell you how you should or shouldn't feel. I also understand both sides of this story. You both need to talk about what's best for the family. He may feel like since he gave you a break from the baby that he should have a break and go spend time with his cousin. In his mind it's the same thing. Come to a compromise. Why doesn't he stay out until like 2am then come home? May not be ideal, but that's an example of meeting in the middle.

  • m
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Did you leave your baby with this anti family man? I mean a guy's night is one thing but overnight? Really? And HE originally suggested you go to your parents home...and if he's encouraging you to take the baby? And your mom is helping you?

    Guess where he has been while you've been gone.

    Yep, married people should not act like that but unfortunately for the ever rising divorce many of them do.

    Be neutral and non-emotional in your reactions (like don't freak out.) Just calmly tell him you'd love to entwine your social lives and have some friends over for dinner. (Unless they are drunks and drug addicts, that is then calmly say, Well, do you realyl want those people around our baby?

    Counseling might be a good place for you guys to learn to communicate and understand one another and will help you both sort out needs v. wants and what you can agree is important.

    Good luck.

  • 9 years ago

    sounds like you got married to young guys don't want to grow up they like hanging with there buddies. So you might as well just let him go stay with his CUX other wise he is not going to be happy and you won't have a very nice relationship anymore.

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  • 9 years ago

    Better he should sleep over after drinking, then to drive home drunk.

  • 9 years ago

    You should be sleeping together every night except for rare instances.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes your wrong. When you let them do things like this it make them love you more. Trust me, I'm all for having a tight leash on my man but I've learnt it drives him away. Let him have fun with his friend, that's all it is.

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