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Is the next AGW scam to tax the hydrocarbons humans eat?

CO2 is how life releases its Hydrocarbon energy.

Clearly the AGW scam is to declare CO2 a POLLUTANT so high taxation & regulation of Energy is justified.

Is the next step among Global Socialists & their pseudo scientific lackeys to declare Sugar a DANGEROUS drug?;_ylt=AgdVt...

I cannot wait for bread to become a biohazard;-)


@Dook - Seriously dude. Lose the job killing taxes, idiotic regulations, and budget busting giveaways to badly run Photocell companies... and AGW becomes just another bunch of Religious kooks preaching the coming Thermal Apocalypse.

Update 2:

@david - Actually I think the only metal that will cure Global Socialism is lead in a copper jacket.

Update 3:

@Chem ah... that's the link I provided -

You see someone IS planning to regulate non fossil hydrocarbons. JFTR the Ethanol mandates were non-fossil fuel regulation.

And I DO understand that Warmons love new biological Carbon, but freak out over old fossilized biological carbon.

You think putting it back into the air is a problem. I don't.

So I get from the stated AGW position that there's no ecological justification for taxing new biocarbon, that's why it must be declared a DRUG rather than a POLLUTANT.

Just as wheat must be eventually criminalized as an assault on biodiversity rather than classified as a drug or pollutant.

16 Answers

  • gcnp58
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No matter what happens with climate, I can look at myself in the mirror and say "at least I didn't let my reactions to reality be governed by an irrational fear of something I didn't understand."

    The weird thing is that once they legalize marijuana, if sugar is criminalized it still will be illegal to walk down the street eating a hash brownie. I think that kind of sucks.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Hey, where I live they just made free *grocery bags* illegal. If they can do that, they will regulate *anything*.

    But, here is an interesting statement from a red...uh...I a rare (and telling) moment of honesty. From an official statement from the German council on climate matters:

    “The council’s report, published last month under the title “World in Transition – Social Contract for a Great Transformation,” argues that “The transformation to a climate friendly economy… is morally as necessary as the abolition of slavery and the outlawing of child labor. The great transformation will require that “The world citizenry agree to … surrender spontaneous and persistent desires” – i.e., citizens will need to accept that their lifestyles are unsustainable and collectively accept the need for government to make decisions on their behalf, without the public having a veto over government decisions that could “impede the transition to a sustainable society.”

    You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

    Source(s): Solomon, L. (2011, May 30). Lawrence Solomon: Better red than dead: Better green than free. Financial Post.
  • 9 years ago

    Any CO2 released by the breathing of organisms came from the atmosphere in the first place (ie, was absorbed by a corn plant, turned into glucose, eaten by you, and then re-released into the atmosphere) and so has a net effect of zero in terms of putting excess carbon in the atmosphere.

    It's only when you add carbon into the atmosphere that hasn't been there for hundreds of millions of years (ie, fossil fuels) and do it too quickly for things to adjust that the global system gets unbalanced.

    Source(s): First year chemistry
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This is a typically flawed question from a dull headed troll who doesn't even understand what correlations mean. However I do like your suggestion that people who promote environmental responsibility should be shot, that makes it easier for anybody reading this to identify you as a crackpot incapable of using reason to form your opinions.

    Since you are a big fan of the strawman argument, here are some other completely unrelated pieces of research you may like to use to suggest that climate science is the product of a socialist conspiracy (try as I might, can't keep a straight face while writing that).

    Diets high in animal fat during pregnancy increases risk of gestational diabetes: K. Bowers, D. K. Tobias, E. Yeung, F. B. Hu, C. Zhang. A prospective study of prepregnancy dietary fat intake and risk of gestational diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012; 95 (2): 446

    Dogs were domesticated more than 30 thousand years ago: Nikolai D. Ovodov, Susan J. Crockford, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin, Thomas F. G. Higham, Gregory W. L. Hodgins, Johannes van der Plicht. A 33,000-Year-Old Incipient Dog from the Altai Mountains of Siberia: Evidence of the Earliest Domestication Disrupted by the Last Glacial Maximum. PLoS ONE, 2011; 6 (7): e22821

    Exercising your brain throughout life decreases risk of alzheimers (better pay close attention to this one bro): Susan M. Landau; Shawn M. Marks; Elizabeth C. Mormino; Gil D. Rabinovici; Hwamee Oh; James P. O’Neil; Robert S. Wilson; William J. Jagust. Association of Lifetime Cognitive Engagement and Low β-Amyloid Deposition. Archives of Neurology, 2012

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  • 9 years ago

    You're spot on dude, its already happening.

    The $206 billion dollars from the tobacco settlements only whetted their appetites & inspired a whole a new generation of government lawyers.

    BTW where exactly are all those billions of dollars of continuing payouts going today?

    Apparently the AGW scam turned out to be a harder sell & not as lucrative as they had hoped so their desperately searching for new easy money.

  • 9 years ago

    Raids complete with swat teams are occuring in many places due to food regulations based on the Food Safety Modernization Act 2009 which gave the FDA and other agencies tremendous powers that completely bypass the constitution. Raw Milk, organic vegetables, or anything the FDA decides is improperly labeled can result in a visit complete with armed swat team and the confiscation of the products, money, and computers with no explanation. Its very evident this will result in control of all our food and this is what it is leading to.

    Swat teams are used all over the US for all kinds of police activity 40,000 times per day.

    Its my guess that when the health care bill is fully implemented, people who don't get their flu shot may expect such visits and I'm not kidding.

    Also see what happens when Smart Growth comes to your town. This is happening all over the US also. Loss of property rights and property values.

    We have no rights anymore. I'm voting for Ron Paul. I would rather be blown up than live under this tyranny.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Liberal establishment cannot be honest about how they want to acquire more money to advance their Tax and spend Socialist agenda while they steal more of our Liberties as we sleep. Fear mongering has always been a tactic the Left always uses, while they blame us using certain products they want to tax so heavily in order to get revenue from them, that are said to be hurting us. I agree that Cigarettes are deadly in most forms, but just imagine if they didn't receive the revenue from that product. Hell Obama smokes, lets tel;l him the booze he may drink will kill him too, will that stop him from taxing it heavily more still?

    I see hypocrisy from all angles of anything that the Liberal Dummocrats want to use to extract more money from the good little Middle Class tax payer, who may like to smoke, drink and drive his SUV around for a few of life's cheaper pleasures. I am supposed to believe these people are on my side?

  • 9 years ago

    "CO2 is how life releases its Hydrocarbon energy."

    I think you have been ingesting too many hydrocarbons, probably by sniffing, and should stick to ingesting carbohydrates like normal animals life does.

  • Gadfly
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I would not be the least bit surprised, but I think they will go after pets next.

    How green is your pet?

    Dogs Vs. SUVs

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Sorry - dont feel like a game of pigeon chess today

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