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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 years ago

Do mormons eat meat???????

How do mormons feel about vegetarians?

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a Mormon and I love vegetarians. Cows are vegetarians, and they are great with barbeque sauce. ;-)

  • I'm Mormon, for the most part I'm a vegetarian, though sometimes I eat fish, once in a great while.

    I know a few other Mormons like me.

    I lived on a farm for most of my childhood and spent it eating meat, but decided as an adult that I had had enough of that.

    I spent my whole army career as a vegetarian, did a lot of body-building, martial arts, and a lot of running. I never scored less than 292 on my army PT test. I've never suffered for my dietary choices.

    If you ask me, I think Mormons need to adhere to what it says in the D & C--"It pleases me that they (animals) should not be used. . ." I can't figure out why a cup of coffee is so bad and a steady diet of steak isn't. But that's just me.

    I mean, you shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose what part of the scripture you want to follow if you are saying it's ALL true, am I right?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Mormons have a set of modern commandments from Joseph Smith called the Word of Wisdom. It counsels them to eat meat, but sparingly.

    Some Mormons make it a personal choice to be vegetarian however.

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Eat meat sparingly...

    That is what it says in the Doctrine And Covenants. It also says in the Doctrine And Covenants that anyone who for religious reasons tries to forbid someone else of eating meat, does not have the spirit of God.

    Aside from the religious angle, which if you are Mormon you are forbidden from telling someone to not eat meat on that basis, I would point out that modern day meat processing is atrocious.

    They allow the meat to hang in a warehouse and to have slimy green bacteria grow all over it. Then they spray viruses on it, to kill the bacteria that is growing on the meat. Then they irradiate the meat.

    And the FDA mandates this be done. So the only way you can get any decent non-toxic meat is to raise the livestock yourself. Maybe have some goats or what have you in the back yard if you live in a country area outside of a city. That type of thing.

    And did I mention the hormones??? There are lots of hormones in meat now days. And to fatten the animals for slaughter they give them all sorts of drugs that kills the natural good bacteria in their stomach so that the animals get sick, but they also get fat too, so that way they weigh more and they get more money when the animals are slaughtered.

    Meat now is super toxic, super disease ridden, and super bad for you. If you don't get the meat by raising the animal yourself, then I wouldn't advise that you get near it with a ten foot pole.

    But that is for health reasons, not for specific religious reasons.

    Most Mormons take an exceedingly minimalist attitude toward the Word Of Wisdom revelation in the Doctrine And Covenants.

    There are a lot of things that are bad for your health now days. GMO crops that have pesticide in the food so you can't wash it off even if you wanted to,

    and so all kinds of stuff like that is happening now days to food that people are eating and it is plain wrong, and it is really really bad for you.

    You can do just about anything with a minimum standard mentality rather than a maximum standard mentality. And that includes what kinds of food that you eat.

    When it comes to health, the only person to blame is yourself, if you don't become informed. Plenty of information on the internet is easily available if that is what you want to know about.

    The same is also true when it comes to learning about THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints.

    Of course, going to the right source, is very important. Chat.

    God bless.

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  • Hally
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They are technically supposed to abstain from meat unless it's winter or there's a famine, but they eat it like crazy anyway. Take a look at this:

    D&C 89:12 -- "Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; 13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine."

    It's in their Word of Wisdom, but they don't follow it -- if you're a Mormon and you eat a hamburger in July, you're breaking the Word of Wisdom.

    Anyway...Mormons have no problem with vegetarians, and if you meet one that does, quote their own scripture back to them.

    Source(s): I'm an ex-Mormon.
  • 9 years ago

    Some do, some don't. I know of Mormons who are vegetarians. It's their personal dietary views, the Church says nothing about it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Of course they certainly eat meat. Even when their WoW advises not to--except in times of famine. It also advises no consuming "hot" drinks, even though iced coffee is not a hot drink. They sure can down the hot cocoa by the bucketful, though.... loaded with caffeine.

    As you can tell, mormonism is rife with such justifications.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes and no real opinions on vegeterians

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Some do, some don't.

    Please try doing the best things for the best reasons.

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