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Any good places for 18th Birthday party in Aberdeen, Scotland?

Anything from a club to a restaurant.

I'm just looking for ideas. Any places you went to and you liked?

Will appreciate any reasonable ideas :P


3 Answers

  • Mark G
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Poldinos is a great place for a birthday meal and they do a wide range of pizzas with amazing toppings. Also on the menu are pasta dishes-the salmon pasta is a standout-steaks, chicken dishes. The place has a nice atmosphere. Go earlier when it's quiet.

    7 Little Belmont Street, AB10 1JG, Tel 01224 647777

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not from Aberdeen, but I work there a lot and go to a lot of the pubs. Depends what you're looking for, but Belmont street has a wide range of pubs that would be suitable (the Vodka bar is a good one). Don't know whether you're just looking for some reserved seating (which I imagine most places would be prepared to provide), or an actual private party.

  • 4 years ago

    i'm turning 18 too. i'm a semester faraway from my B.A. degree, so i will't extremely occasion till it extremely is finished. I already be conscious of that on my birthday, this substantial affiliation scheduled a recital that I would desire to host, so there is not any longer something i will do on the DAY (that's gloomy while you evaluate it extremely is the day that i needed to circulate out). i do no longer probable have a lot of acquaintances so i'm no longer the social form, yet i'd say you need to get including perhaps all your cousins and stuff. circulate to the park, ruin up luggage and luggage and greater luggage of chips, drink sodas, take tens of millions of uneeded pictures... it extremely is each and all the relaxing one desires, no?!!

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