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When was the last time a Pagan person rang your door bell to promote their views on religion?

And did they tell you, if you do not believe in our Deity, you will burn in the fiery pits?

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Never! They can say whatever they like - if they can find my home and, if I open the door. Although, that does not mean I have to listen or agree. Nobody comes here, not even trick-or-treaters on Halloween. :D

    Peace and Blessings


  • 9 years ago

    Other than JWs and Mormons, I don't know of any other religion that goes house to house. And a JW will not tell you that if you don't believe in Jehovah that you'll burn in the fiery pits because that isn't what we believe.

    The reason we go door to door is because that's what Jesus told his followers to do. He set the example and if you're a Christian, you're supposed to follow that example. The message we have isn't that you're going to burn in hell. Our message is that there actually is an end in sight for the violent, crime filled, hateful world we live in. As in Noah's day when the world was filled with violence and considered by God to be ruined, the same things are going on now that were going on then (minus the hybrid angel/human giants that roamed the earth back then). He brought that world to an end by the deluge. He plans to bring destruction again, but as he did back then, he never takes action without giving a warning (Noah preached for quite a long time and no one listened to him either, but it didn't prevent him and his family from following God's instructions in building the ark, nor did it prevent them from preaching that God was going to bring the deluge) and providing instructions for people who want to continue to live to do so. That's why we go house to house - to let people know what's coming and what they need to do if they want to survive it.

    As for pagans, I guess they don't promote their view house to house because their leader(s) didn't instruct them to do so.

  • 9 years ago

    The Day After Tomorrow

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't believe they promote deities or threaten others with fiery pits. I think they're better know for their solstice celebrations that include lots of food, alcohol, and group sex.

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  • Zexion
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I believe that was last Saturday, when we sacrificed the Jehovah's Witnesses that came earlier to all the deities of Asgard.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, I had some baptists knock a few weeks ago. I consider them pagans as they follow Paul rather than Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The gods genetically engineered us to look like them, but be less. As disposable gods, they can treat us as they wouldn't treat each other. We were and to some extent still are, their slaves, prostitutes and entertainment.

    Source(s): Deist
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Never, obviously.

    Only faith in Jesus will save you from Hell, and I think a lot of Pagans are aware of that by now.

  • 9 years ago

    Only people who think they have to convert a certain number of people in order to go to heaven do that.

  • .
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


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