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Lv 4

Can someone explain prayer to me?

I just don't understand why people pray. I have asked them why they think prayer will work for them when it does not work for most people.It has actually been proven in studies not to work. I say "If God answers prayers, why does he let babies die when their parents have prayed relentlessly for them to be saved?" They say that it's all part of God's big plan, but if that is the case, then aren't you asking God to go against his plan by praying? If God has a plan for everyone and everything, then his plan will be followed, and your prayers will not matter. Doesn't this make sense?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    prayer is a request to Gog A. kinds of 1. secret Matthew 6;6 family Acts 10;2,30 group Matthew 18;20 public 1 Corinthians 14;14-17 B. parts of Adoration Daniel 4;34,36 confession 1 John1;9 intercession James 5;15 thanksgiving Philippians 4;6 C. personal requirements of purity of heart Psalms 66;18,19 believing Matthew 21;22 in Christ's name John 14;19 according to God's will 1 John 5;14 D. general requirements Forgiving spirit Matthew 6;14 simplicity Matthew 6;5,6 humility and repentance Luke 18;10-14 unity of believers Matthew 18;19,20 tenacity Luke 18;1-8 importunity Luke 11;5-8 intensity Matthew 7;7-11 confident expectation Mark 11;24 without many words Matthew 6;7 unceasingly 1 Thessalonians 5;17 E. answers refused because of sin Psalms 66;18 selfishness James 4;3 doubt James 1;5-7 disobedience Proverbs 28;9 inhumanity Provers 21;13 pride Luke 18;11,12,14 F. posture for standing Neh. 9;5 kneeling Ezra9;5 sitting 1 Chronicles 17;16-27 bowing Exodus 34;8 hands uplifted 1 Timothy 2;8 prayers that are not heard are of those who live their life like they want to never got to know God suddenly want his help God does not hear the prayers of sinful people have you heard about king david's prayer for his unborn child 2 Samuel chapters 11,12 no when we pray it is to let God know our desire but if it is not God's will what we want it won't happen have you thought of this maybe this happened to make these people stronger or for people to show compassion to them for loss prayers do matter what about the preaching of Jonah to nineveh the prayed and repented was it the will of God to destroy them yes but they repented so he spared them prayer works you just may not get the answer you wanted

    Source(s): King James Bible Strongs Concordance
  • 9 years ago

    I thought this way too and for the most part still do. Its comforting to talk to someone who you believe knows everything about you sometimes. Just thinking someone is listening is nice. And it isnt so much that we can change Gods plan but it shows God that we have faith and faith is needed to live with God and it is a commandment to pray and keep a prayer in our hearts so does it really do anything maybe not but does it really hurt anything no. So I think if someone wants to pray to an all powerful being more power to them but do I think an allpowerful being will do what he wants yea. Saying God I'll stop smoking if you save my child is kind of dumb because as soon as the child is saved we will look to science and thank the doctors and such and forget our promise. The prayers matter for the faith that is all and God sometimes throws us a bone

    Source(s): God
  • 9 years ago

    As practicing Christians we don't stand in front of our bed ~ make the sign of the cross then jump into bed and fall asleep.

    Additionally, we should never lay on our back in bed and look at the ceiling and pray; within 3 minutes you will be asleep and never complete your prayers.

    How do you think the Lord would view the above type of lazy practices?

    When we pray we go into a room and close the door behind, we kneel down with our hands in the praying position:

    - Start with the sign of the cross.

    - Pray The "Our Father" as Jesus instructed us in the Bible!

    - Speak with the Lord, offer up prayers to friends that are spiritually, mentally and/or physically ill.

    - Pray for the wisdom, knowledge and insight in reference to the Word.

    - Thank the Lord for allowing you another day on Earth.

    - Pray for spiritual and physical protection during the day.

    Particular beliefs pray specific prayers as provided by the church they attend which is also excellent.

    Conclude your prayers with the sign of the cross; Amen.

    Afterward you can get up from the formal prayer position.

    Remember, perpetual prayers have great merit since they focus on a specific virtue/meaning.

    Jesus, prayed the same prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane three times to show us this favorable way; (Luke 22:39-46).

    God bless'

  • 9 years ago

    prayer is talking to God. It is a time when we praise him, make supplication for ourselves or others, place our petitions for self and others and it is a conversation with God.

    If someone is without God and they pray, why should he hear someone who hates, mocks and reviles him? like I said earlier, that is same as having bad credit, yet expecting the bank to give you a loan.

    You have some things here sadly wrong. If you are not being pleasing to God and meeting his conditions to be blessed, you won't be. When men do evil, go to them about it, don't blame god, this stupendous little rant spewed by atheist is what has and will cause many a person to lose their souls, time to think and read the bible for yourself, before it is too late. Call on the name of Jesus and be saved.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God wants to fix your problems. He knows You have them. But He's waiting for you to come to Him with them. And God's will will be done, and He knows when you're going to pray for what. He's just simply waiting for you to come to Him. Prayer can be a confusing thing if you try and pick it apart. All I know is, I don't how it all works, but it does, because God always answers my prayers. Even the ones that seem to be impossible.

    God bless

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Praying is brings you to God. I do believe however he does listen but like the parents say its part of Gods plan, maybe they became closer with him because of this experience. Everything is for an eternal purpose.

  • 9 years ago

    You are confusing two things. Prayer is a conversation with God. It may be a request, even a fervent one such as your example for intercession for a sick child. But just as you are suggesting, just because one asks, one may not be answered in the positive. (If you care to do more research, you will find many examples of answered prayers.)

    But people also say prayers of thanks, to ask forgiveness, to be a better person, and in the case of of an elderly neighbor I used to have, to find her keys. You might think of these as conversations with ones self as well. For people of faith, they are told that God expects them to also help themselves. Therefore, one should take action in accordance with the prayers. So if asking for help with a sick child, one also takes the child to a doctor. A prayer for forgiveness, might also be followed with an apology to the aggrieved person, and a prayer to be a better person might be followed by making a list of traits one wishes to gain, such as tolerance, patience, and generosity, plus an action plan for learning these qualities.

    If you are not a person of faith, you can do all the things above, you just skip the prayer. This is simply something that many people do for comfort and guidance. We can't fault them for that.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    God is energy, Compare to electricity. If you have messed with it at all, you know that if you approach it wrong ,or touch a wrong wire or switch. You can get shocked bad. Same with our Creator God, we must be humble, bow down, repenting of sins. Someone with an attitude, tries to seek God's presence, or one who criticizes Him, they are not received at that moment. When your ready to get real, and sincere. Then its you seeking your Creator, reach out...God I need you! Please hear my prayer, I Believe in You Jesus and I accept what you did for me on the cross. I'm sorry about doing these sins (list them, explain your side of it, then let them go.) Just talk to Him in a private conversation. Hopes, dreams,problems, help, love ones whatever is on your mind, get it out; spill you guts. Then wait for your answer. Do your part and God will meet you more than half way. (In no way, will He reject you) .

    Source(s): Personal input & experience
  • 9 years ago

    Even though God has a plan that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to him. Following God means having an intimate relationship with him- which is impossible without communication

  • 9 years ago

    babies are saved with him in paradise. no your not going against his plan, thats why he only answeres or does the prayers asked when it is the right time. your prayers matter. itslike asking your parents something, he will only give i to you if its useful in his plan for you to succede.

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