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Bam Bam! asked in HealthMental Health · 9 years ago

I'm struggling with life?

I'm 20 years old, and for 5 years or so I've been feeling low. I was depressed a long time ago, and was self harming everyday and was just in emotional turmoil.

I had to stop because of my PE teacher ratting me out to my parents. But the problems didn't go away they got worst. Like in end of 2010, my aunt got cancer and then my dad walked out. And got a new girlfriend and threatening to take away the house last Christmas.

Anyways, those feelings have slowly been coming back recently. I have a stressful job and it doesn't help that I dislocated my knee a few months ago and am still trying to get over it.

I always feel like throwing myself in front of the train on my way to work just so that I can feel something. I often can't tell the difference between reality and dreaming; how do we know we're not in a dream right now? It can seem normal here, but is normal bad and the messed up things we dream are actually reality? Deep down I know this is real and this is all we have to live for but I can't stop paranoid thoughts. I have bad paranoia, it affects my life, like little things like leaving something on will plague me with thoughts, and it gets so bad at times I have panic attacks and have to calm myself down. In recent months I've been able to control these thoughts but they still worry me.

I can feel myself falling down some hole waiting for someone to pull me out, but they never do. My brothers clinically depressed and the other has learning disabilities so I feel pushed aside, always have done. My mother works long hours and is often never home. I can't worry her with my problems.

I tell my friends, but they have their issues. I tell my boyfriend but he has his problems and takes a more aggressive rather than sympathetic approach to things and tells me simply "not to worry".

When are people going to start helping me? I went to the doctors a few months ago who suggested stress therapy. I don't know if I can bring myself to talk to a stranger about my problems. I don't even understand myself how can I expect a stranger to?

Anyone got any advice to help me deal with everything? Sorry for rambling.



5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi. You're beautiful for sharing this. <3

    I know exactly how you feel. I'm terribly sorry that all the issues in your life haven't been resolved yet.

    I know how you feel with your boyfriend, my bestfriend only used to say "Don't worry, I'm here for you" whenever I ranted.

    I'm 14, clinically depressed, self harming, recovering from an eating disorder. (I'm a guy).

    I spent 22 days in a mental/psychiatric hospital, and I do believe it helped. It gave me a chance to be exposed to people with the similar problems, and knowng that you're not the only one, and that EVERYONE (patients + staff) are extremely supportive, and just amazing.

    Maybe that's what you need, I know it seems extremely dramatic, but you just need a break.

    I've been in therapy for over a year. It helps. It helps to rant to strangers, when your real friends won't listen. And most of the social workers/therapists are understanding, nice, un-judgemental, and supportive. You should really get one.

    My therapist currently has a 70-year-old patient, and she STILL suffers from depression, only because she never allowed herself to open up as a child growing up.

    You don't want to be that person. Get help before it's too late to enjoy life.

    I know how you feel with the dreams. I used to sleep a lot because my dreams were far better than reality.

    I used to think of it this way, I don't mean to go against your beliefs, but I used to believe the devil had me in his reach. And that I couldn't let him take me.

    People will only start to help you when you begin to help yourself, I know it sounds rude, but you need the therapy and clearly if you're not really getting better at this age, your strategies aren't working.

    If you're not into that kind of stuff, get recommended for medication. I use natural supplements, many of the medical medication, such as Prozac/Lexipro have side effects such as an increase in depressive/suicidal thoughts. Get natural supplements, they have no side effects and promote a healthy lifestyle.

    You're going to be okay. I swear :)

    "It's all going to be okay in the end, If it's not okay, It's not the end."


    Source(s): My life
  • Collin
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You are a individual, in all time and space there will only be one of you, that makes you special. Even if you cant see that, in all the world there are billions of people, many of us have difficulties, your not alone. To many people you would be a dream come true. Take if from an old has been.

    You are stuck in a situation you need to break free from, your job and life style are reinforcing your negative feelings. Try and do things you enjoy, find friends you can share time with. Don’t let your self dwell on the negative aspects of your life. Concentrate on the positive ones.

    Talk with your doctor, they can help. It may not mean drugs, counselling can do more without the side effects in some cases.

    This is a link for a group that will try and help, they don’t have any bias at all, it dose not matter who you are, they care about people, and it is free.

    I wish you the very best, please take care of yourself, you cant be replaced. CDR

    Source(s): Me Myself & I
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I think you should take a visit to the doctor, they'll probably be able to send you onto a therapist. I promise that they can really help you. I've been there myself to sort out mental health and they've helped my brother with depression. So I advise that you go as not many people will be able to give you the help and support they can here.

  • 9 years ago

    ok, i hope this will be helpful... my advice would be to try and clear your mind as often as possible, thats what i try and do whenever i feel stressed. like just think of a blank white piece of paper and then change your thoughts to something you like to think about. everyones got problems, but sometimes it helps to solve other ones to take your mind off your own. i would go to the stress therapy, you might find it easier than it sounds to speak to your therapist, and you can always stop if you don't like it

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  • BigK
    Lv 5
    9 years ago


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    Source(s): Problem, Strugglefags?
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