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Lv 6

Why do atheists here lie so much about their own position?

Most atheists seemingly cannot get a logical handle on their own position. According to them, there are two types of atheists.... intrinsic and extrinsic.

I have no problem with the "extrinsic atheist". These are those who have thought things through and have come to their own conclusion that God does not exist. These are people you can have a worthwhile debate with. They have reasons why they say they are atheist. It is a positive statement of belief ("I believe this because...") that should be able to stand to any question put to it. This is the true definition of an atheist.

However, the vast majority of so-called "atheists" here claim they are "intrinsic atheists" These argue that atheism is a "lack of belief" or that "people are born atheists". As one response said (and many agree with) "Atheism is not a conscious decision, it is a lack of belief." This is false on its face. They choose this argument so that they can claim that they are not making a "positive statement", and as a result claim they do not have to answer questions because "you cannot prove a negative". Apparently however they miss the fact that logically those who take this view cannot have ANY reasons why they are atheists. This position is obviously a false position. The reasons why the position is false is at the at the least threefold.

First of all if it were truly a "lack of belief" then they should have absolutely no opinion about whether or not God existed. At best they could say "I have no knowledge of a God." That would make them agnostic... not atheist. If as they say that all people are born with a lack of belief then they should have absolutely no opinion either way. To say that makes them atheistic, is absurd.

Secondly, I was shocked that so may agreed with the girl who said that "Atheism was not a conscious decision." That is saying that absolutely no thought has been given to the matter. That may be alright for a 2 year old child to say, but hardly something that an adult should argue or agree with. Again, totally illogical.

Thirdly, if it is as you say that your atheism is a "lack of belief" arrived at with "no conscious decision" then there should be absolutely nothing for you to argue about. Saying you have a "lack of belief" is saying that you have absolutely no opinion on the subject. Once you make an argument on any topic you can no longer say that you have no opinion of have a lack of belief on that topic. I guess you have not figured out that when you make an argument about a topic is saying that you DO have an opinion and DO have beliefs. If you make ANY argument for position that "God does not exist and here is why I believe this" that is a "positive affirmation" making you an extrinsic atheist. While people can certainly point to why they believe what they do, no one, atheist, Christian or any other belief, has to "prove" their beliefs. But being an extrinsic atheist the often claimed phony "burden of proof" would apply to you just as much. And they certainly should be able to logically answer any sensible question put before them which takes into account the reasons for their belief.

The other common lie by atheists here is the creation of a false Christianity. Comparing theistic beliefs with the existence of fairies, unicorns or Santa. None of those are part of Christian beliefs. There is the common lie of assigning the beliefs of a few, for example fundamentalists, to the whole of Christianity. And in my mind the biggest one.... the rewriting of history to try to support their false position, such as the "Jesus never existed", "Nazareth never existed", and "other gods had the same history" claims. I have to laugh at people who claim that one cannot refer to the claims of the Bible as being real, but then they claim that sites like these MUST be taken as factual, despite the real fact that hey have all been debunked. How does lying about Christianity in anyway "prove" your position?

For those atheists who do use tactics like these why the lies? Why can you not deal with Christianity honestly? Why can you not deal with your own claim to be atheistic honestly and be willing to state the real reasons why you are an atheist and have the courage to stand behind what your supposed convictions are?


Peachy.... It took over 16 responses from atheists to get a worthy one. I agree that one does not need to follow a religion to have good morals. Paul said that all that was necessary is to live by the dictates of you conscience. I am sorry what happened to you as a child..... some Baptist Churches can get very extreme. Understand that the fundamentalist point of view is held by only 10% of Christians world-wide..... it just seems as if they are all located in the US... mainly in the South.

Update 2:

Natsu: There are many people who do not believe in religion but do believe in God. That is two separate things.

Update 3:

Avana: The obvious difference is, as I explained, the if one says the "lack a belief in God" they are saying that they have no opinion. Like the girl said (and the overwhelming majority of so-called atheists here agreed with) "Atheism is NOT a conscious decision..." If you do not made a conscious decision then you have not formed an opinion about God. That makes you an agnostic, not an atheist.

Update 4:

John: I agree. "You might have to argue with each atheist, individually, because each atheist might have different reasons for being atheist." This is true not only of atheists but of those who believe in any faith. Every Christian I know has a completely different reason why they are a Christian. What I am puzzled about is why so many atheists do not understand this.

Update 5:

smkeller: your point would be true only for the extrinsic atheist. A "belief" is something which we hold as true. All beliefs are something the individual arrives at because of conditions of their education or life experiences. A position that is arrived that with no thought and no "conscious decision" is not a belief. It is nothingness. When that is concerning God that would be described as agnostic, not atheist.

Update 6:

Oregon: Your reply to the first point is not addressing the way people on these boards respond. While certainly atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive, the point which you apparently missed is the fact that when some one says that they do not have a belief concerning God, that places them in clear definition of the agnostic.

The second point refers to a question which I asked three times just to be certain I was not just getting a bad set of results. Feel free to look at these questions and responses in my questions list. YOU overlook the fact that by making this claim they are saying that the have no argument because no thought went into it. Their position was that it was "not a conscious decision".

Your third point is illogical. If someone has no opinion and has not thought things through then they have nothing to say. If they do argue a point then they cannot claim that they have a "lack of belief". You point about people interfering with you i

32 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I think they are just a bunch of people on here who are only wanting to poke at and make fun of Christians. They enjoy it. I would not try to figure out why they lie or why they say the things that they say because....really who cares? Let God be their judge, they will meet Him one day face to face and they can answer to Him why they did not believe. But if I were you, I would ignore them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your first point is false. Agnostic and atheist are not mutually exclusive positions. Gnosticism/gnosticism and theism/atheism speak to two different things, knowledge and belief.

    Your second point is just silly. Accusing others of childishness for not backing up their arguments sufficiently while doing the same thing yourself is like the pot calling the kettle black.

    Third, your argument that those who lack a belief in God therefore have no place discussing religion is rather bigoted. We all have to share this world together and if someones beliefs in any way interfere with my ability to live my life to the full (and I can point to many examples of how religious faith does exactly this around the world) then I damn well DO have a place talking about it.

    Your last, albeit unnamed point about atheists being big meanies and mockingly comparing God to santa, or bigfoot, or unicorns, or what have you... all I can say is grow up. Saying God is like the tooth fairy may be offensive to some but it simply illustrates that your deity is one of many beings that we do not believe in. In the same way that you as a Christian dont believe in Zeus, or Thor, or Horus, or the thousands of other gods that people at one time worshiped as real but no longer do.

    Source(s): Again, you like saying people are illogical without being logical yourself.
  • 9 years ago

    My atheism is not a conviction. It is a lack of the ability to believe in the reality of any of the thousands of hypothetical gods and goddesses, that believers have imagined and described, throughout history. I have no idea if (or belief about whether) any real deities exist, but the hypothetical deities that people imagine are unbelievably silly ideas, in one way or another.

    Since I am not trying to change your mind about how you feel about the hypothetical God, that you are imagining, I don't have to argue any case or defend any position.

    Remember that the only thing that atheist really means is 'not theist'.

    Theists are those who are certain (have faith in, believe) that at least one hypothetical deity, that they are imagining, is actually real. Everyone else (who is not theist) is atheist. It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference why any particular person is 'not theist'. Atheism is not about reasons, but about being 'not theist'.

    You seem to be just whining that atheists are not monolithic, so that you can argue with all of them, at the same time. You might have to argue with each atheist, individually, because each atheist might have different reasons for being atheist.



    John Popelish

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well I personally was never brought up with religion in my life, and any time I went to some sort of religion ceremony, I found myself uninterested and not understanding of why people would be into such a thing. I don't believe that you need to be brought up with religion to be a good person and have decent morals.

    Also, once when I was about 10, I went to a christian baptist church with my neighbor and her family (they asked me if I would join them and to be polite, I decided to go). I was being respectful and quiet and enjoying the sermon, but then a couple of the people from the church asked if they could talk to me off to the side. They specifically told me that if I did not come back to that church and follow the bible and the word of god, that I will go to hell for eternity. It scared me and made me cry, and I wanted to go home and never go back there. Threatening somebody into their religion definitely made me feel that it was not for me.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Being a Christian apostate, I can deal with Christianity easily: it is no less supremely bogus than any other organized religion invented by humans.

    This is my unwavering position: There is not now, nor has there ever been, one iota of empirical evidence to support the existence of all beings, places, and things supernatural. Yaweh/God/Allah is just about the most absurd deity ever imagined by primitive humans, so much so that the existence of such a supernatural being is quite literally impossible.

    I dare you to click on this and get yourself educated about the lie that is ALL organized religion:

  • 9 years ago

    "They choose this argument so that they can claim that they are not making a "positive statement""

    But I don't - I think your god-claims are bollocks.

    "Comparing theistic beliefs with the existence of fairies, unicorns or Santa. None of those are part of Christian beliefs."

    And that concludes our demonstration of "Missing The Point Entirely".

    Source(s): Tune in next time for more of Dave's mental gymnastics and meandering rants.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What part of this simple statement don't you get?

    "There is no god"

    End of story. That's an atheist. It doesn't matter HOW he arrives at this statement, or is just his negation of a completely unproven concept. The atheist doesn't have to argue with you because you can't handle a simple statement.

    See also:

    "There are no unicorns"

    "There is no Bigfoot"

    "There are no angels"

    "There is no Zeus, Thor, Marduk, Baal"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You have a problem bro?

    Kindly point out the difference.

    I dont believe in god because. . .there is no proof=atheist

    Lack of belief in god= atheist.

    Your entire arguement is. . .well. . .cute. Like a kid arguing why vegetables shouldn't be eaten.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Atheism? -- Just like islam - Atheism kills ( Surah 9:29 “ Fight against Christians and the Jews”)

    Some of the greatest evil seen has been perpetrated by those who have adopted an evolutionary approach to morality - Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot.

    Atheistic evolutionist Sir Arthur Keith acknowledged of Hitler:

    'The German Fuhrer... has consistently sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution'.

    Many millions have suffered terribly and lost their lives because of this atheistic way of thinking. Atheism kills, because without God there are no rules - anything goes!

    Atheists are at the forefront of efforts to legitimize abortion euthanasia, drug-taking prostitution pornography and promiscuity. All those things cause misery, suffering and death. Atheism is the philosophy of death.

    Now, atheists have no logical alternative but to accept that Jesus is God:

    “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic-on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg-or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse.

    You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. “

    For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,

    Col 2:9 (NIV)

  • 9 years ago

    Boy, talk about making the simple complicated. A-theism is simply NOT HAVING beliefs in God(s). How you got to that point is irrelevant.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's obvious from your diatribe that you don't have a clue what the 'atheist position' is. A bigger crock of sh!t I never read. Christians need to get over themselves and understand that atheism is not defined in relation to Christianity.

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