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Why do people considered Bruce Lee as a "fighter" ?

Why does people considered him as a fighter despite never having to enter a single tournament to prove his skill?If he is not satisfied with the point competition in his time,why not go to Brazil to fight in Vale Tudo?

And for those who insist that Bruce Lee's fighting skill was for street fight and he would school Silva,Fedor or Overeem,than the same can be said of these MMA fighter.Many MMA fighter and boxers had also been into numerous fight street fight,it's not as if these professional fighter don't know the difference between a competition and a street fight.



I know that he entered some amatuer boxing match in high school,but in no way does that qualify him as a fighter.Many youth and youngsters in his time also have entered high school boxing tournament,but that doesn't escalate them to the status of Bruce Lee's popularity.

And have you seen Bruce punching the heavybag?After watching how he punched the heavybag,I'm left to wonder that all of his opponent must have 0 boxing skills because any good amatuer would point the obvious flaws in his technique.

Update 2:

To Linuleb7:

He never entered any competition or tournament,Joe Lewis said it.Here's the interview:

Mike Miles: I have read stories about Bruce Lee competing in international boxing while he was in high school in Hong Kong. Any truth?

Joe Lewis: I do not believe this to be true. Bruce and I loved international boxing and he never told me this. Watch the early films of him in America working the heavy bag and you will see that he is hitting using Wing Chun punches. He is not delivering like a boxer.

Mike Miles: How about the propagation of the JKD style and how they criticize other Martial Arts styles. No I want to articulate more. How do you feel about the waythe JKD pundits criticize Kickboxing?

Joe Lewis: None of the JKD guys at the time competed. I do not mean this in a negative light but none ever tested their JKD against any other styles and fighters. Not one of them had a professional fight record. They all talk theory but that is the extent of it. There is "no fu

Update 3:

continue post

Mike Miles: How about the propagation of the JKD style and how they criticize other Martial Arts styles. No I want to articulate more. How do you feel about the waythe JKD pundits criticize Kickboxing?

Joe Lewis: None of the JKD guys at the time competed. I do not mean this in a negative light but none ever tested their JKD against any other styles and fighters. Not one of them had a professional fight record. They all talk theory but that is the extent of it. There is "no functioning in the line of fire!"

Mike Miles: What about Bruce Lee and when you trained with him? Did you guys never spar?

Joe Lewis: Bruce never sparred with me or any of the other name fighters from the 1960's (Norris, etc.).

Update 4:

To Dave M:


29-31 The famous JKD “On Guard” position. This is a strong foot lead Philly Shell, which Lee likely learned from watching western boxing. The Philly Shell is without question the most difficult boxing stance to use effectively, requiring amazing footwork and reflexes. Maybe 10% of fighters can use it and in order to make it work at all you have got to have a bad *** shoulder roll. There is no mention of the shoulder roll in Tao. The Philly Shell without a shoulder roll is absolute suicide. Does anyone in MMA use the Philly Shell. I think not.

37-39 also 129-131 Show traditional TMA/Kung Fu style blocking and parrying techniques, including the use of open handed blocks against low kicks. Against full power blows this is a sure recipe for jammed and broken fingers and you leave your head wide open. Again, nobody that practices actual combat sports uses this stuff.

98 describe

Update 5:

And for those who said there are no UFC back then,Helio Gracie was fighting various kinds of fighting style like boxers,wrestlers,judoka way back in the 1930's in Brazil.It's known as "Vale Tudo" or "No Holds Barred" where people of all fighting styles can participate in it.It was essentially the first MMA match to be held in the world.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bruce Lee was a solid martial artist but Hollywood made him into a god and stupid people believe the movies are real.

    Just like some people are dumb enough to believe Chuck Norris facts.

    @Kane They had to slow down the footage in Forbidden Kingdom. Jackie Chan and Jet Li are in their fifties.

  • Dave M
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Where's the respect here? Why do you think entering a tournament proves a man can fight? That's a sport, there are rules, it's NOT a real fight. Bruce Lee's methods would see him disqualified in about 2 seconds. He'd be happy to toy with someone but if the guy was too big or fast Bruce would change gears. Punches to the face would become finger jabs to the eyes. As for the movies, well I don't need to stand in front of the guy and have my head kicked in to know what I already know. He can move with grace I've never seen before or since, speed I've never seen before or since. His form and execution of techniques is the best I've ever seen. Everyone who ever got hit hard by him said it was like being hit by a car, frankly I believe them. His fight scenes changed movie making forever.

    Technically, this guy is the forefather of all the MMA stuff you're so in love with today and all you can do is dismiss him as a non-fighter. He was the one who encouraged full contact and mixing styles. The difference between him and those MMA guys you see today is Bruce Lee actually mastered the techniques he chose to mix. I don't think the world will ever see anyone so committed to their art as Bruce Lee was. Also, I'd guess around 80-90% of all martial artists in the western world took up martial arts because at one point in the past, they saw a Bruce Lee movie. These martial art clubs only exist because he made martial arts globally popular. I can still remember a time when you were hard pressed to find a Karate or Judo club in the UK nevermind the amount of choice you have today. If Bruce Lee never lived it is very likely that wouldn't have happened.

  • 9 years ago

    "despite never having to enter a single tournament" ???

    You are very misinformed about Bruce Lee. Tough I cannot recall all the details, I remember him to win the very first karate tournament he entered in the US as an unknown. That, after a streak of hundreds of undefeated amateur matches in Hong-Kong. He also quickly squashed several challenges from prominent fighters of different styles. In his time, Bruce Lee was acknowledged as the best fighter in the world. As a long time martial artist, I find very offending someone who trashes the greatest legend of martial arts. Just go read what it says about him on Wikipedia and you will see that your question is completely off the mark.

  • 9 years ago

    You really think if he was alive when UFC first started he would not want to be apart from it

    You have to remember at the time Bruce lee was the only guy who stood up and says ' every martial art has its flaws and he try to mend and create a complete new style .

    Therefore guy was coming up to him in the streets challenging him to fight to prove karate boxing or judo was the best so he was fighting on any given day without warning !

    Bruce lee wanted to prove martial arts had to be opened to the world

    Source(s): Mma guy
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He did enter tournaments & he trained boxers in his free-style of fighting.

    Sure he is overrated in some sense, but he was one to apply skepticism to many training methods in martial arts (eg static training/brick breaking) as a means to show skill. He was also quite a good source of inspiration for bodybuilders due to his dedication to physically shaping himself

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    he was a amateur boxing champion in 1958.

    Defeated British boxer Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round in the 1958 Hong Kong amateur boxing championships. Before he met Elms in the finals he knocked out Yang Huang, Lieh Lo, Shen Yuen all in the first round.

    If this doesn't qualify him as a "Fighter" under your definition then I don't know who you can call a fighter.

    He just wasn't a professional fighter!

    Source(s): martial arts training since 1997 & bruce lee created my style.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When Bruce Lee was alive there was no UFC, and also he is very very fast. so fast that his movies had to be slowed down to show the audience.

    Source(s): Respect the legend..
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    because of the martial arts ability he had

  • 9 years ago

    because he can fight

  • 9 years ago

    Dead people can't fight

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