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  • After 9/11, who came up with the expression "Ground Zero" ?

    The Lake Megantic train disaster site looks like a war zone and media call it the "Red Zone". Up to now I believed Ground Zero was a standard expression for a major disaster site.

    4 AnswersTrivia8 years ago
  • Who has a link to the 1937 photograph that triggers a new search for Amelia Earhart’s airplane ?

    "Search resumes for Amelia Earhart’s plane"

    The resumed search was inspired by a recently discovered 1937 photograph taken near Nikumaroro Island. After "very intense photo analysis," government officials and historians speculate that the image, which appears to shows section of Earhart's plane's landing gear, is a lead worth exploring.

    Lots of sites carry the story but I found none that display the picture.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Will President Karzai apologize to Obama for the 2 US soldiers killed by an afghan soldier ?

    "US troops killed in violent Afghan protests"

    "President Barack Obama was Thursday forced to apologize over the burning of Korans at a US airbase in Afghanistan"

    If burning printed material deserves an apology, surely killing allied military warrants an apology too ?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Question for qualified telecom tech please ?

    I have the telephone and the internet services from the same provider.

    Both the computer and the telephone (with the appropriate filter) are connected to a line splitter and then into a wall jack.

    It's been 3 times in a few months the LED on the phone comes on for a few seconds while surfing even though there is no ingoing or outgoing call.

    Is it possible for some malware to activate the telephone the way the hardware is connected ?

    Or what else could cause the LED to come on when the phone is not in use ?

    I'm an IT professional myself but this is a little out of my league. Knowledgeable answers please.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Should the West get involved in Libya to save those poor innocent libyan citizens from torture?

    "Amnesty: Libyan militias torture Gadhafi loyalists, uproot rival communities"


    The armed militias now ruling much of Libya are torturing detainees deemed loyal to the ousted regime of Moammar Gadhafi and driving entire neighbourhoods and towns into exile, Amnesty International said.

    At least 12 detainees had died since September after torture, Amnesty said in a report released Wednesday evening. "Their bodies were covered in bruises, wounds and cuts and some had had nails pulled off," the group said.

    The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders suspended its work in prisons in Misrata in late January because it said torture was so rampant that some detainees were brought for care only to make them fit for further interrogation and abuse.

    Amnesty said that militias from Misrata "drove out the entire population of Tawargha, some 30,000 people, and looted and burned down their homes in revenge for crimes some Tawargha are accused of having committed during the conflict."

    Or should we let the militias we supported purge the country of former Gaddafi supporters ?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Is it possible for iranian President Ahmadinejad to be right for once ?

    "Gunmen assassinate Syrian army general in Damascus"

    "Western and Arab countries are considering forming a coalition to help Syria's opposition, though so far there is no sign they intend to give direct aid to the FSA."


    "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, one of Assad's top allies, warned Arab countries on Saturday not to give aid to the opposition. Speaking to tens of thousands of supporters in Tehran on the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Ahmadinejad said countries in the region that have never held free elections are trying to write a "prescription for freedom and elections for others" with the help of the United States."

    Or does the West really needs to get involved in Syria ?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Are you comfortable with your pet watching you have sex ?

    After closure I opened my eyes and saw my dog sitting right by the bed, staring with his ears raised.

    Would it make you uncomfortable ? Do you think a dog understands what's going on ?

    4 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Is it a new trend in muslim countries ?

    "Arab League seeks UN help in Syria"

    When the population is not satisfied withs it's leader, they seek help from western powers to kick him out ?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Lost US drone/military secrets: would this be a good idea ?

    Fit a drone with a special strong container of anthrax that could be blown open through remote-control. If the drone is shut down over enemy territory, the anthrax container is popped open and the lost drone becomes deadly for whoever approaches it.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Is it clear enough now that Iran does not uphold diplomatic immunity?

    Following the attack on the UK embassy in Iran, that's the top iranian brass telling the world that it was legitimate.

    "Top Iran cleric defensive over British embassy attack"


    The Iranian foreign ministry expressed its "regret" after the attack. But parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani justified the violence as a legitimate response to "the domineering policy" of Britain.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Qui a envie d'adopter un adorable bébé Poménarien de 8 semaines ?

    (Terrebonne, QC)

    Sinon allez toujours voir les photos, ils sont tellement mignons.

    3 AnswersAnimaux - Divers10 years ago
  • What are the UN, NATO and the US waiting to get involved in Syria ?

    "Obama tells Syria that violence must end now"

    "Obama issued a toughly worded statement on a day when Syrian security forces shot to death almost 90 protesters in the bloodiest day in a month of escalating demonstrations against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Obama condemned the violence but did not refer to any potential U.S. consequences should Assad refuse to heed his demands."

    In the case of Libya, it was urgent to protect armed civilians against Gaddafis' forces. Now syrian authorities are shooting down unarmed protesters. Isn't protecting peaceful citizens even more important than supporting armed insurgents ?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How many gigs to look for in an internet package ?

    No heavy download expected, some video viewing. What would be the minimum bandwidth required for a moderate user ?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Québec: Régie du Logement: exemples de jugement ?

    Problème de plomberie: robinet d'eau chaude du bain qui coule en permanence.

    Cà rend le chauffe-eau inutilisable car l'eau n'a pas le temps de chauffer.

    Le propriétaire fait la sourde oreille. Je projette de faire une réclamation à la Régie du Logement.

    Où donc trouver sur internet des exemples de jugement dans des causes de cet ordre ?

    2 AnswersSocieté et culture - Divers1 decade ago
  • Shocking threats of violence: how long before people wake-up?

    Moving NY mosque could fuel violence: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

    "Moving a Muslim community center and place of worship from its planned location near the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York could fuel extremist violence, the imam behind the project said late Wednesday."

    "He also urged a small Florida church to reconsider its plans to go ahead with a Koran burning ceremony to mark Saturday's ninth anniversary of 9/11, a move that has fueled growing fears it will ignite a fresh wave of anti-US sentiment and extremist violence that could endanger US troops."

    Read again these 2 paragraphs:

    "We american muslims are absolutely pacific and loving, but we will have our way because we are backed by violent extremists who will kill innocent people if we don't".

    "We muslims benefit from the freedom of religion and we can offend americans with our perfectly legal mosque, but if we are offended ourselves by freedom of expression, violent extremists will kill innocent people."

    The world knows perfectly well of the existence of muslim extremists that carry out barbarian acts around the world year after year. I am absolutely shocked that a prominent muslim living in America evokes the islamic violence to the benefit of enforcing his will. In short he says the mosque will be built as planned else... and the book-burning should not go through else...

    All muslims in the world, including the peaceful and loving muslims living among us and the imam above relate to the same Quran which states:

    Surah 9.-123. O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

    Surah 60.-4. ... we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allah alone.

    How long will it take before the people open their eyes ? Do we have to wait until we have to send the army to dislodge armed extremists willing to fight to the death and blow the neighbourhood ?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Difference between wealth and pauperism ?

    I'm not much into sexist jokes but I thought this one was cute:

    Sonny asks daddy:

    -Daddy, what's the difference between wealth and pauperism ?

    -Well... wealth is caviar, champagne, women... while pauperism is sardines, beer... and your mother.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • L'hystérique historique: amusons-nous avec la langue?

    Voyez plutôt cette collection d'énoncés qui conjuguent rimes et jeux de mots de façon insolite.

    Appréciez en particulier la profondeur et la subtilité des lignes 6, 7 et 10.

    1-L'hystérique historique raconte l'historique hystérique

    2-D'une idylle indélébile avec un édile débile.

    3-(Pendant que)

    le court Lecours court à son cours dans la cour près du court

    4-(et que)

    Légaré, dit l'Hagard, s'est égaré dans la gare,

    5-Pierre-Marie marie Marie-Pierre

    6-(alors que)

    Pierre se marre avec Marie qui s'amarre avec Pierre.

    7-(Le marié déclare)

    "Ma muse m'amuse quand elle m'abuse ma buse".

    8-(Et la mariée répond)

    "Un homme bon est dur à trouver mais un homme dur est bon à trouver".

    9-A tout prendre, son atout est qu'elle a réponse à tout.

    10-Le père, la mère sont amers alors qu'il appert que le maire la perd.

    11-En attente de sa tante matante il entre dans la tente et tente une entente pour une détente.

    12-Il s'inocule un pédicule d'un pédicule puis dû à la canicule indue il l'encule d'un tentacule.

    (Oui ! Il y avait de la pieuvre dans le buffet !)

    1 AnswerLangues1 decade ago
  • Who drives a Nissan Pathfinder ?

    I'm thinking of buying an SUV and I have a crush for the Nissan Pathfinder.

    I know consumer reviews are fairly good but I'd like to have a first-hand account from actual users.

    How does it perform for city/highway/trail ?

    Do you think it is worth $40k for the 4WD V6 LE model ?

    One question I forgot to ask is whether the rear seats can be fully folded so as to allow sleeping in it ?

    1 AnswerNissan1 decade ago
  • Is this a case of failure to assist a person in danger?

    "Florida judge rules Rifqa Bary must return to Ohio"

    "Yesterday, a Florida judge ordered Rifqa Bary to return to Ohio where her parents live.

    According to reports, she will be placed in foster care.

    Rifqa Bary is the 17-year-old who converted to Christianity and claimed that her Muslim parents would kill her. She left Ohio in July and has captured headlines every since. The Columbus Dispatch provides a timeline of what has happened so far."

    There are solid reasons to believe that the girl's life is really threatened including the fact that she was deemed a "high-value target in America" by muslim extremists abroad as well as explicit threats on Facebook.

    If something happens to that girl now, can the judge be charged with failing to assist a person in danger ?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • A miracle solution to world hunger?

    An article in today's news:

    World's hungry reach more than 1 billion in '09: U.N.

    "The Group of Eight countries in July pledged $20 billion over three years to help poor nations feed themselves, signaling a new focus on longer-term agricultural development."

    "The WFP (World Food Programme ) last year raised a record $5 billion to feed poor people as a spike in food prices in 2006-2008 sparked rioting and hoarding in some countries."

    "FAO (UN's Food and Agriculture Organization) and WFP urge a twin-track approach, saying longer-term investment in agriculture development should not come at the expense of short-term initiatives to fight acute hunger spurred by sudden food shortages."

    We remember from Morgan Spurlock's movie "Supersize me" that a main source of obesity in America was fast food.

    Wikipedia: "McDonald's restaurants are found in 119 countries and territories around the world and serve nearly 47 million customers each day"

    Lights on world !

    The miracle solution that would solve the world's hunger would be to use those billions of dollars to subsidize McDonald's to open hundreds more locations in third world countries and to foot the bill so that children under 18 can eat for free ! This would provide taxpaying jobs to lots of local people. To supply those restaurants, local cattle and vegetable growers would prosper improving those countries' economies until they become self-sufficient. That would also solve the drinking water shortage as children would drink soda pops. And even if there are some health setbacks in the long term, their life expectancy would shoot right up.

    And as a side benefit, McDonald's shareholders would make even more money.

    Isn't it truly a miracle solution ?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago