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linuleb7 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Is this a case of failure to assist a person in danger?

"Florida judge rules Rifqa Bary must return to Ohio"

"Yesterday, a Florida judge ordered Rifqa Bary to return to Ohio where her parents live.

According to reports, she will be placed in foster care.

Rifqa Bary is the 17-year-old who converted to Christianity and claimed that her Muslim parents would kill her. She left Ohio in July and has captured headlines every since. The Columbus Dispatch provides a timeline of what has happened so far."

There are solid reasons to believe that the girl's life is really threatened including the fact that she was deemed a "high-value target in America" by muslim extremists abroad as well as explicit threats on Facebook.

If something happens to that girl now, can the judge be charged with failing to assist a person in danger ?


Ollie: Good points. She's in danger and everybody knows it.

Jeffrey C: We agree that the judge would be an accomplice. But as a christian taxpayer, we disagree.

Mitch09: please, let us show more tolerance than they do.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Terrible terrible. The girl requests assistance form justice because she knows her life is in danger and the judge finds nothing better to do than to return her to where she is threatened most. The father says "she was brainwashed". Of course she was brainwashed ! By her very father. Being born to an integrist muslim family, she knows better than anyone what awaits her. Does anyone still need to be reminded that anyone converting from Islam is condemned to death for apostasy ? Does anyone need to be reminded that muslim men have the right to kill women for religious reasons ? If not for religious reasons then for honor reasons ? And that every year some shamelessly do so right here in western countries even if they know that will get them to jail ? My sympathy is all with that girl because even if she doesn't get killed, she's in for a rough time for sure.

    I don't know how the judge could be held accountable but I wouldn't be surprised to learn he is a muslim convert because that's exactly how would have ruled a muslim judge in a muslim country where submission to men is embedded in the law and a woman's voice in court has no weight. Poor poor girl.

  • 5 years ago

    The final blade failure that i understand of that led to a crash became in 1989, United 232. The quantity 2 engine on a DC-10 suffered a turbine failure. by way of fact the DC--10 had 3 engines, #2 became located on the backside of the vertical fin, not "hung on by ability of three bolts". The loss of the engine did not reason the crash, however the putting apart blades sliced via all 3 hydraulic administration structures. Amazingly the pilots got here on the brink of a effective touchdown controlling the plane by ability of various the ability on the two ultimate engines. That became 19 years in the past, so the respond on your question is "not often". of path, there would have been non-catastrophic failures because.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a taxpayer, I wouldn't want to be forced to support this girl. Having said that, her plight is well enough known that she should be able to get more than enough voluntary charitable support. If she's able to get by on this support without involving the taxpayers, then I see no reason why she should be forced to live with her parents.

    If the girl really gets murdered before she's 18, then yes I'd say the judge will have been complicit in the crime.

  • Ollie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is disgusting the girls life will be in danger.The judge needs

    his head examined.If they get her they will kill her.

    I have just read the comments & am sick of reading how Allah is merciful

    tell that to the girls in England who hide from there so called family.

    They know if they find them they will be butchered.

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  • 1 decade ago

    All Muslims living in North America, should be held in Concentration Camps, and then deported.

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