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linuleb7 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What are the UN, NATO and the US waiting to get involved in Syria ?

"Obama tells Syria that violence must end now"

"Obama issued a toughly worded statement on a day when Syrian security forces shot to death almost 90 protesters in the bloodiest day in a month of escalating demonstrations against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Obama condemned the violence but did not refer to any potential U.S. consequences should Assad refuse to heed his demands."

In the case of Libya, it was urgent to protect armed civilians against Gaddafis' forces. Now syrian authorities are shooting down unarmed protesters. Isn't protecting peaceful citizens even more important than supporting armed insurgents ?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Solid information on who would fill the power void. At least I would hope so; that wasn't done with either Egypt or Libya and Egypt is already in danger of sliding into the radical Islam camp - the military is trying to stop it but, at some point, they likely won't have the power like in Turkey.

    EDIT: Re: your edit: Remember who the drivers are: France and Great Britain are the main drivers and northern Africa is in their backyard - they don't care about Syria so much. The USA had no reason to intervene in the Libyan civil/tribal war but did so because of entangling alliances.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off we (US) or NATO & the UN can not go to war with the whole middle east or the Islamic nations and that is what it boils down to.

    Libya is Islam fighting Islam and Syria is about the same thing.. Iraq is about to revolt again because the US is still there. We can only get out and let them fight it out.


  • 4 years ago

    I do. that's the main actively treacherous usa in the midsection East besides Iran. Syria is a conduit for terror and violence in Lebanon and Palestine and till usa crushes the Assad regime by capacity of the appliance of our better militia stress. issues are no longer susceptible to alter for the extra effective in the midsection East on a extra or much less everlasting foundation till Assad is got rid of and his regime destroyed and replaced by capacity of a democratic government chosen freely by capacity of the Syrian human beings. Assad is a corrupt and ruthless dictator who's the enemy of the u . s .. we ought to consistently no longer accommodate Assad's regime or artwork with him in any way. ASSAD IS OUR ENEMY. financial sanctions won't artwork against a dictator like Assad whose very own secure practices forces are capturing down Syrian little ones in the streets of Dara. Assad and his regime are previous reform. purely a fool could proceed to talk of reforming a Syria headed by capacity of Assad. we ought to consistently be doing each and every thing in our capacity to do away with Assad as rapidly as attainable. ASSAD IS OUR ENEMY. A US distant places coverage in direction of Syria based upon lodging and reform is hopelessly ineffective. in actuality, this is delusional. ASSAD IS OUR ENEMY. US distant places coverage ought to concentration on removing Assad and assisting the Syrian professional-democracy stream prevail in this combat for the soul of Syria. What else do you rather would desire to understand?

  • 1 decade ago

    The axis of Lucifer simply want to control Syria and Libya because of their Water Supply.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Consider that citizen right to direct revenue services applies to syria and u.s.a. and the support of green party by syrian citizens a party which stands for peace.the party then directs money to public cooperatives . similar party exists in israel and palestine but making no digs at either.

    also syria member of united nations and as such citizens can switch from regular syrian to neutral ones.

    better less confrontational to have u.n. ones moving around crowd collecting complaints aand gennerally peace keeping.

    Source(s): green party world wide.
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