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linuleb7 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Should the West get involved in Libya to save those poor innocent libyan citizens from torture?

"Amnesty: Libyan militias torture Gadhafi loyalists, uproot rival communities"


The armed militias now ruling much of Libya are torturing detainees deemed loyal to the ousted regime of Moammar Gadhafi and driving entire neighbourhoods and towns into exile, Amnesty International said.

At least 12 detainees had died since September after torture, Amnesty said in a report released Wednesday evening. "Their bodies were covered in bruises, wounds and cuts and some had had nails pulled off," the group said.

The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders suspended its work in prisons in Misrata in late January because it said torture was so rampant that some detainees were brought for care only to make them fit for further interrogation and abuse.

Amnesty said that militias from Misrata "drove out the entire population of Tawargha, some 30,000 people, and looted and burned down their homes in revenge for crimes some Tawargha are accused of having committed during the conflict."

Or should we let the militias we supported purge the country of former Gaddafi supporters ?

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question. Please accept a star.

    Only a fool rushes to get involved with the politics of a foreign country, the more so when the country has no tradition of civil government, but one of oppression and tyranny. Unfortunately our media are keen to see world politics as a cowboy film, with the goodies and baddies clearly identifiable (and preferably wearing white and black hats to help the children distinguish).

    We are seeing the same thing with Syria now, Whether the opposition is better or worse than Assad I have no idea. All that sticks in my mind is an old saying about frying pans and fires.

  • 9 years ago

    Hmm ... didn't we already do that?

    The "Muslim Brotherhood" rules Libya now. They rule Tunisia, they have both feet in the government in Egypt, no doubt the west will assist the Muslim Brotherhood in gaining Syria then Jordan.

    We have been fools here in the west, we have been fools for three to four decades now and it is time to reap what we have sown.

    Islamic governments and Shariah Law throughout the nations of Europe. So; get involved with the poor Libyan losers? I don't think so, I think we already are to a fair extent and in the near future we will be rubbing shoulders with them.......

    Glad old age is going to take this old dog before the Muslims do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I sure hope not. I hope we've learned our lesson. We can't choose their new leaders for them, and from what Im hearing, Libya could very well be choosing Sharia law as their new leader.. out of the pot, right into the frying pan. Lets let them handle this themselves. Im ready to work on our own countries, in the west for a change. We have neglected our own countries to help others WAY too many times, and Im tired of them hating us, UNTIL they need something. Since so many wanna hate and call us bully's when we help a country, lets just stop helping them all together.. and don't everybody keep giving us hate when we don't come to the rescue, like of Syria. Look for the west to soon stop helping others, we've heard the hate loud and clear, and we're tired of it. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. We can't please everyone, so we got to please ourselves.

  • 9 years ago

    No at least America should not America can no longer be the worlds police force or the worlds conscience It is time we get our own house in order

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Everybody knew this would happen - change of reguime = change of victims, that';s all

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Some thing never change.

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