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My husband wants to adopt my son from a previous marriage, will this affect his child support obligations?
My ex is willing to forfeit rights in order for my husband to adopt my son. my husband has kids from a previous marriage whom he pays child support which is calculated with his percent being 100% because his ex does not work. If my husband adopts my son will the adoption affect his child support obligations?
I think I worded this wrong. I need to know if it will affect my husbands child support obligations? The adopting father..... I could care less about the biological fathers money, I know that he will be released from all financial obligations and that is FINE with me; he hasn't paid it in years anyway. I just need to know about the adopting father, if it will affect his child support?
14 Answers
- CarbonDatedLv 79 years agoFavorite Answer
Once your husband adopts the child, not only do you give up future child support obligations, but very often, you forfeit whatever was owed to you prior to the adoption. This is nearly always the contingency for the biological father to sign off.
If your husband owes child support to someone else, then he needs to apply for a modification of child support due to the additional family member. The courts no longer punish younger children by pretending that they don't exist. The support is then recalculated using the larger family. However, if his obligation substantially goes to the state to pay back welfare costs, the state may choose to not adjust this amount. This is because the states were getting matching funds from the federal government for child support - basically, they blackmail you to pay up but don't demand similar monies from the women.
- 9 years ago
Child support varies for each stste so I can't say for sure but my understanding is that adoption is not looked at as different from birth from a legal standpoint so if you had a child together and it affected the obligation then him adopting your child would also. But you would have to look into the laws in your state to be sure.
I hope this makes sense.
- 9 years ago
It depends on the state. I live in WI. My husband was going to adopt my 3 kids but then after we got married a woman he had a one night stand with right brfore we started dateing had him served with paternity papers. Now no matter if he adopts my 3 kids they are not figured into his income as dependents. But the child that the woman had before is figured into hers. So even though we have his child 50%of the time he still pays her support. I don't get support for my 3 at all.
- 5 years ago
If you are doing any of these things, you have to stop right now. Because if you're asking, "What can I do to get my ex back," all of the above mistakes will not do it, so stop doing these things immediately!
So then, what should I be doing to get my ex boyfriend back, you ask? Here are some helpful tips for you to follow that actually work
You have to stop whatever you've been doing. It obviously didn't work, and if you were making the mistakes I mentioned above, then you really need to stop and take a step back. It's time for a fresh approach. You have to break complete contact with him, at least for a while. If you really like him, I know this is going to be difficult, but you have to do it. You can't communicate with him in any way. So, no texting, no IM'ing, no anything. You have to go "cold turkey" in a sense. You can consider this "you time" where you work on yourself. You have to work on improving your life instead of focusing your attention on your failed relationship. This will be probably be a difficult time for you, and it's going to feel almost impossible to not call him, but you'll need to stay disciplined so that you don't revert back to your old ways. Just remember that what you were doing wasn't working. You're trying something new.
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- ?Lv 69 years ago
If ur ex gives up his rights than he isn't considered a father so he doesn't have father rights and he will not be responsible of anything he does not pay child support.
Do what's right for ur child if the dad doesn't want anything to do with ur child and ur ex loves him like his own than have him adopt him who cares about child support ur child is more important than money.
- 9 years ago
not as an immediate result.
Federal Child Support Enforcement Handbook for Non-Custodial Parents
To learn a father's rights, join Dads House Educational Groups. It's free to join and access all materials. You also associate with other fathers going through, and have already gone through, the same issues. We have an Educational Manual that teaches everything that needs to be known in addressing your legal issues. Mention your question here when asked why you want to join, as well as your state?
2nd Wife Club, for those brave enough to take on a man with "baggage".
For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors.
- Anonymous6 years ago
A great way to get your ex back is
They might realize they need you and come crawling back!
If you do get back together, don't let the same issues that destroyed your relationship crop up again. Have a good, long talk about how you're both going to make it right this time.
- 9 years ago
If your ex does give up his rights to the husband then you would not receive anymore child support and the husband would be responsible for this child. I hope that helps.. good luck sweetie =)
- LeahKx3Lv 49 years ago
Of course your ex wants someone else to adopt your son because HE WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY YOU SUPPORT EVER AGAIN. Don't do it!
- 9 years ago
Yes it will. It will have to be recalculated and should go down. Because he will legally be the father to your son, they will have to take the child in his home into consideration. You got a good man there! DON'T LET HIM GO!!!! GOOD LUCK/
Source(s): personal experience