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Lv 7
? asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

Why has those using Yahoo Answers in the Horse section allowed the YA to become a joke?

Yahoo Answers was at one time a good place to get answers to your questions about your horse or riding, it has now become a joke by allowing ignorant people to become Top Contributors because they them selves ask so many ignorant questions and give ignorant answers.


There are a few very knowledgeable people who do answer questions and I know there are to many little kids asking how to get parents to buy them a horse that they could not take care of with the help of the parents, but those who now have TC status on here should all be barred not only from the HC but from YA and from owning a computer in general, it is no longer funny because some one is going to get hurt by following some of these stupid answers and then Yahoo will get sued for allowing it and the YA section will be gone. I know some of you think you are funny, Ignorant is what you are. This was a good section before you came along, and I intend to report every one of you who answer questions with ridiculous answers.

Update 2:

50 years of horses would indicate you are more than 10 years old.

Update 3:

Jazmyn that makes you as bad as he is.

Update 4:

I come to this site to see if I can help young riders, I have been training for 55 years since I was 10 years old for other people. I did what was natural for me to do because in 1955 there were not many horse trainers with in 500 miles of where I lived and I became good at it in a short time after having to re do a few I learned not to make those mistakes again. I have shown Pleasure Horses both western and English, Reining Horses, Cutting Horses, Roping Horses, Team Penning Horses, Trail Horses and Halter Horses. I no longer show since I am now 66 years old and have a few medical problems, but I do still break and train trail horses.

Update 5:

Albert you never had any in my eyes.

Update 6:

Donald you are the biggest idiot on the net, dumber than any one in Washington, and Yes I am old but not weak as you appear to be.

35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I couldn't have put it better. This riffraff is what I pay good money to keep away from when I am on vacation or on my estate.

    I suggest you write a strongly worded letter to Yahoo management at once complaining. Strongly worded letters are the best mode for getting your grievances across, especially if you are a lonely old man with not friends.

    I would write a letter myself but I am young and wealthy and do not muddy my hands with mundane tasks and considering most of my servants are illiterate, I cannot ask them to do it for me either so I find myself in this quandary. I have been waiting for the likes of someone good-minded as yourself. Please lead us to victory.

  • 9 years ago

    Okay, I'll be honest, I used to actually think this stuff was funny. But now it's starting to get out of hand. There are so many trolls, because we keep encouraging them. Albert and the CP can be funny at times, but there is a limit to everything.

    I also hate it when people get bashed just because they want a horse. Sure, if you have no experience or money, then you shouldn't get a horse, but when a girl who has been riding for 6 years, has worked hard, and wants a horse more than anything, there is no need to bash her and tell her that she is a beginner who will never be able to afford it. We were all beginners once. There is no need to bash someone just because they don't know much yet.

    I agree with you. There is nothing wrong with 13-15 year olds using the site, provided that they try to answer questions legitimately.

    I don't care if I get hated on for this. Sometimes it's funny, and you should always be able to take a joke, but it's getting ridiculous.

  • Erin
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I disagree with banning homework help. The world is a different place in the years since I left school - and judging by the other answers here since a lot of you left school as well. Whereas we were provided with all the textbooks to find the answers to our homework help, the kids these days are not so spoon-fed. They need to go out to libraries and search the internet for the information to help them. Answers is comparable to going to your parents, the older kid up the road, your school friend or a sibling to get help. They still need to analyse the information and determine if the information is correct or not. It is up to the education system to change the way they test the children and ensure that they can incorporate the Internet and social media sites (like Answers) with traditional pedagogy. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!

  • 9 years ago

    Probably because young users use this section wrong. By asking things we can't answer. People get tired of it. If young users Would stop posting things like how to GET my parents to buy me a horse and other immature questions that we can't help with. If you ask a good question then you won't see slot of rudeness, other then from people that are trying to be rude. Most of the time you get the best answers out of those people because they are EXPERIENCED horse people and know what they are talking about. Unlike the 9-15 year old( who are now conquering this website) that have no clue and give bad answers and ask stupid questions. My advice to Those that complain about the website should find a local equestrian management group and ask there questions there. Most of the time they are watched sites and trolls and annoying people that post the same things over and over will be booted from the site.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I agree with you. Only I think yahoo answers is more of a bully site. Yes I'm 14 yrs old. Im sorry I didn't know that I wasn't suppost to be on YA. My bad. Most people in the horse section have been cyberbulling me! It doesn't really bother me becauuse im not going to go down to there depressing level. It bothers me that i cant ask an honest question withouut getting honest answers.

    Look at Big Nasty Boomer. Literally calling me out in this question... Does anyone think that is a little mean? Immature?

    Some people have immated my questions. The stuff people say about me is so cruel.

    The thing that really makes me laugh is that the people that are answering this question right now and saying " oh the younger kids are taking over this site and its not the same, its soo annoying" are the ones that answer all the trolls questions like little kids. Stuff about a stupid donkey isn't funny its annoying. But all the bullys are answering those questions like little kids.

    Honstly if you dont like that kids are on this site THEN GET OFF. If you dont like a question someon is answering THEN DONT ANSWER IT. Im literally laughing right now. Cause you guys are saying how immature and how stupid th questions are when in reality you guys are the immature ones youuu never answer anything seriously. You take this site more of a joke then anyone.

  • Ara57
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's Y!A. Take what you hear with a grain of whatever. There are lots of teens (and older folks, too) who are not an expert, but play one anonymously on line. It's all in fun, or should be. This is not limited to the HS, either. Photography is full of the same thing, with youngsters asking silly questions and getting even sillier answers. Anyone who really needs to know something should do their own research and get advice from a known source.

    Sometimes there can be more than one "right" answer, though. I find it is not really that hard to figure out who knows what they are talking about on almost any forum here. As for Y!A getting sued....Really? I think they have a disclaimer somewhere about stuff like that.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "some one is going to get hurt by following some of these stupid answers and then Yahoo will get sued for allowing it and the YA section will be gone."

    This is an ENTERTAINMENT site. Anyone stupid enough to use information gained here without verifying that information through a reputable source not only deserves to get hurt, but would probably have done something equally stupid without our guidance.

    At this very moment, there are people who are sincerely doling out information on how great it is to mutilate infants, how safe it is to get baked and then drive and how wives should divorce their husbands over a little bit of porn on a laptop. Your favorite category is not somehow shielded from harmful information whether it comes in the form of sincere dumbassery, high satire or somewhere in between.

  • 9 years ago

    Actually I didn't think it was that bad until I came on today and every question on the first page of the HS was a troll question. It didn't used to be like that. Most trolls when I signed up had a few questions that weren't even funny but no one answered them and they usually went away. I've noticed that in the past year it seems every 12-year-old that can get their hands on a computer ask the question, "How doo i convince my parents to get me a pony!" I don't bother answering those questions. Or the "How doo i train my horse?". I don't answer that either. Who goes on Y!A to get ideas to train a horse? Get a trainer. No one on her knows how to train your horse the way a trainer who has physically seen your horse does.

    No tho there are some funny trolls. Albert is great. His questions are funny. But I find most trolls are starting to get to me. A few troll questions here or there is fine but I can't believe the whole first page was filled up with only troll questions.

  • Karen
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    That's why most past top contributors and people who did post decent answers have either since left or very rarely offer any advise now.

    You either get a barrage of TD's from a bunch of kids that think they know better or it's just not worth saying anything amongst the multitude of stupid answers.

    While yes, I do find a lot of them quite amusing.... I would hope that people have enough intelligence not to take these answers seriously... Y/A is not what ot once was.

    Source(s): One time TC and now very rarely on.
  • 9 years ago

    You can't control it or the people, just ignore the dumb ones and gain something from the good ones.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm sorry, but anyone who takes Yahoo Answers this seriously really needs to step back and question their sanity...

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