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Lv 5
? asked in SportsRugby · 9 years ago

But what about the advantage!?

Firstly, what a test match! Edge of my seat start to finish, cracking performance from both teams and an all round great game of rugby.

The question is though, when England were on Wales' line on 83 minutes and had the penalty advantage, they went wide and got held up (apparently) then what happened to the advantage? Why didn't they go back over the other side of the pitch where the penalty was? Surely the ref wouldn't call advantage over just as England throw a speculative wide pass, why couldn't we go back for the penalty!?

Anyway things looking good for England and Wales, Wales to get the grand slam I reckon.


It doesn't matter that time was up for a penalty offence, refs can still go back to a penalty after 80 minutes otherwise a team could just cheat by killing the ball and end the game couldn't they?

The only possible explanations I can think of is firstly he called advantage over as England threw the ball wide, that would be ridiculous though because you could tell they only flung it wide because they had the advantage.

Either that or more likely it took the video ref so long to answer him that the ref just forgot that he was playing England advantage beforehand.

Either way it's a bit of a joke, unless someone actually has an explanation?

Update 2:

Well if that's so Pidlan then it's a very short advantage time indeed, especially considering England gained no advantage in that time...

Update 3:

Jack, referees don't normally call advantage over when the ball is flung wide like England did, when teams go for an unsuccesful dropgoal attempt they come back for the penalty so the same should have applied here. The only time England were in a better position than when the advantage was given was perhaps the split second before Strettle went over, but even then...

Well we're obviously not going to agree but for me that was definitely not an advantage over situation.

Like I said though, cracking game and I'm definitely watching it again this afternoon on the iplayer.

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    getting over the try line, a few minutes after the penalty was called was an advantage

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The ref considered that England had already had enough of an advantage - it happened to Wales earlier on in the game. Ref called advantage for penalty, but Wales almost made the line so he called advantage over.

    It's the refs call - if he thinks enough territory has been made, or they've had an advantage, he can stop it

    You can't say they had no advantage - they made the try line. There was no downward pressure on the ball, so no try. It was carefully considered by the neutral ref so what are you complaining about?????

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The advantage was over...the same thing happened to Wales a few minutes earlier....a penalty was awarded, Wales carried on during the advantage, the ball was turned over but they didn't go back for the penalty as the ref deemed 'advantage over'. Some refs give more 'advantage time' than others.

    Edit... the Welsh 'advantage' was even shorter... that's the point!!

  • 9 years ago

    I was wondering the exact same thing, you are right, they were playing advantage, there is now way the advantage could have been over with the wide pass, ref got it wrong. He was a pretty **** ref all of the game though, AWESOME GAME, HORRIBLE REF

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You are correct ref should have gone back and given England a penalty. Even if time is up a penalty should be played. Ref got it wrong,

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    advantage was over after that dissallowed try.. it was clearly enough advantage for england to score a try, they didnt take it.

  • 9 years ago

    Time was up before the try was disallowed therefore the whistle for full time was blown.

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