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boxmaker40 asked in HealthOptical · 9 years ago

I have narrow angle glaucoma, i was diagnosed yesterday. The levels in my right eye are under 23 the left eye?

is higher. I have terrible migrains, naseau, and major pain in my eyes at time. I want to know if I am going to completely lose my sight. Is there any medication to prevent it from getting worse or an operation that i should have. I need an honest answer. Are the meds or operations goiong to prevent further damage or is it just a matter of time until i do go blind. Thanks

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Narrow angle glaucoma is an anatomic problem solved by changing the anatomy by a simple LASER operation and it is the only treatment...if done early enough. It sounds like you may have had some early warning attacks which cause scarring and make control more difficult. You should still have the LASER iridotomy in both eyes and expect that you may also need eye drops for complete control. Do not procrastinate...a full-blown attack of angle closure can occur at any time.

    There is no reason for you to expect continuing deterioration of your vision

    Source(s): 50+ years an Ophthalmologist
  • 9 years ago

    I was diagnosed with glaucoma in my left 12 years ago. My corneas are thinner than most of the population, so even normal eye pressure can be a problem for me. My first visual field exam showed some damage to my vision in the left eye. I was put on Lumigan but I wasn't ready to settle for just hoping for the best with eye drops.

    I started drinking NingXia Red, a highly antioxidant fruit concentrate infused with essential oils and started doing Tai Chi and QiGong. NingXia Red contains nutrients specific to supporting eye health. The next visual field exam showed no further damage to my vision. The third visual field exam showed that all damage had been reversed, something my ophthamologist said was not possible. I stopped using the Lumigan, convinced that excellent nutrition and doing Tai Chi and QiGong was the reason for the reversal in eye damage. This year, my ophthamologist officially stopped prescribing the Lumigan and changed my file to read suspect glaucoma instead of the diagnosis of glaucoma. I've been near-sighted my whole life. The longer I drink NingXia Red and do Tai Chi and QiGong, the more my vision improves.

    Our health begins with excellent nutrition, so whatever your doctor tells you to do, do more for yourself. Take the NingXia Red. Learn Tai Chi and QiGong. These disciplines will energetically balance you and should help with the migraines and nausea. There is an essential oil blend called M-Grain that can also help with your migraines.

    Source(s): for the oils and NingXia Red.
  • 9 years ago

    you want honest ok ASK YOUR EYE DOCTOR!!!

    your eye dr knows YOUR eyes. we don't.

    all i can tell you is that there are medications to lower your eye pressure such as cosopt eye drops and there are operations too such as placing a tiny tube in your eye to help the fluid drain.

    whats right for one person may not be right for you though this is why you should be discussing this with your dr.

    and just cuz you have glaucoma doesn't automatically mean you will go blind.

    Source(s): i'm 25 and i've had glaucoma since i was 11. i'm not blind. i take cosopt eye drops and had the operation like i told you about.
  • 9 years ago

    standard treatment for angle closure glaucoma is a laser peripheral iridotomy (a laser eye surgery, not LASIK). you should ask your doc if they're considering scheduling you for one...

    Source(s): optometrist
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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