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Has Jimmy Swaggert been deceived by the Antichrist?

He stated on Feb 27, on his program that Christians will be compelled to offer up animal sacrifices in the rebuilt temple. He explains that this will be a reminder to the whole world that Christ died on the cross. Does this jibe with the teachings of the New Testament? Or is this a deception of the spirit of antichrist?


I searched the internet for other explanations of Ezekiel's Millenium and the temple worship but could find no other interpreation than that of Jimmy Swaggart. Except for Catholic thought on the subject

other Evangelicals seem to be in agreement with him. Sounds like wholesale apostacy.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    it does not jib, Christ told us to use the Eucharist had this role not blood sacrifices. This is what I would expect from a preacher who has spent his life screaming on TV instead of ministering in a church where he could offer pastoral care. Holy Communion the Lord's supper what ever you call it historicaly has been the focus of Christian worship because Christ is the final sacrifice.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Jimmy Swaggert deceives himself anytime he thinks he has a thought worth sharing with the rest of the world.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1)when people stretch their hands to receive small gray world passport, a green electronic tattoo (three sixes like on a timer) will be given by lasers on the wrist area or forehead. this is the infamous mark of the beast. police will later laser people with it. food stores will be set up to laser people with it too. those who receive this tattoo will not be forgiven.

    2)antichrist will rule from jerusalem. he has white powder on his face. also, he has red eyes. this ruler will be surrounded by demons who will appear as angels of light. this ruler will move very fast. he will also make fire come down from the sky. those who worship this red-eye ruler will not be forgiven.

    3)demons dress in fake human skin and fly in ufo ships. they will invite people to be healed in their ufo ships. whoever goes in, comes out a zombie.

  • 5 years ago

    Any Old Testament prophecy about animal sacrifices, MUST have been fulfilled while the Old Covenant still stood - because God isn t into returning to shadows

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    He's just another pulpit pimp wanting everyone to pay for his life of prosperity

  • 9 years ago

    there will not be any denomination in heavn only chrildren of God.

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